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No patch on 1/17/2011


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Look on the bright side:


TERA's Release Date Announced: May 1, 2012!




I'm currently in closed beta...boy are you ever going to be disappointing...well maybe not forced grouping Raid or die mentality and grind grind grind...don't take my word for it listen to anyone who is playing beta.



Edited by Jett-Rinn
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Biggest QQ on the forum used to be: I can't believe they released xyz feature in the state it was in, why not wait and get it right! They rushed it and I can't believe it!


Newest QQ: I can't believe they are delaying the patch, just release it already and fix it later!


lolol... sigh... would be ever funnier if it weren't so sad


You really cant see difference between new content patch and the one that fixes old bugs? Noone is asking to release an underdeveloped content. We just want current content fixed.

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Everyone needs to relaxe, its a video game. Is it really that big a deal for a few day delay? Just pretend the release date was suppose to be the 23rd and when it comes earlier now youll be surprised. Did everyone really expect this game to come out flawlessly, if you played any other MMO you know the drill. It takes time to fix things. Also Is there not some real life issue or goal that we can work on instead of flaming about this patch delay or some annoying stuff about the game? Learn an instrument , play sports, workout or play outside with the fire ball in the sky we dont recognize any more. Im not trying to be insulting cause i like this game alot and i play for a decent amount of time, but when you have other hobbies and can step back and do them this **** just doesnt seem that important.
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Especially any Korean MMO they try to bring to the states.


If it's Korean that's worse as I'm sure 50% of it will be badly done voice over english to a korean character.


I would have liked to have seen Bioware specifically state "This is what was wrong with the current state of the 1.1 patch" and not a generic spiel. But again I'm sure they are only "allowed" to say a specific pre-determined statement.

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If it's Korean that's worse as I'm sure 50% of it will be badly done voice over english to a korean character.


I would have liked to have seen Bioware specifically state "This is what was wrong with the current state of the 1.1 patch" and not a generic spiel. But again I'm sure they are only "allowed" to say a specific pre-determined statement.


Korean, but also they have shut down almost all of the Korean servers already :( So sad.

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Runnin' out of days bioware. If this patch isn't out and useful before the end of the "free" month expect to lose a large chunk of players.


So? let them leave. we dont need people like that in our game anyways. if you can't even bring up that little bit of patience to wait what a game like this (or any mmo) will grow in to, that's your problem. dont forget to close the door on your way out.

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You are making this very easy thank you.


I'm sorry you felt insulted that I called you a communist. I have been informed that this was insulting to you. It was not meant as an insult as much as a recognition of your social ideals. But, I understand your feelings were hurt. So, please accept my deepest apology.

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Everyone needs to relaxe, its a video game. Is it really that big a deal for a few day delay? Just pretend the release date was suppose to be the 23rd and when it comes earlier now youll be surprised. Did everyone really expect this game to come out flawlessly, if you played any other MMO you know the drill. It takes time to fix things. Also Is there not some real life issue or goal that we can work on instead of flaming about this patch delay or some annoying stuff about the game? Learn an instrument , play sports, workout or play outside with the fire ball in the sky we dont recognize any more. Im not trying to be insulting cause i like this game alot and i play for a decent amount of time, but when you have other hobbies and can step back and do them this **** just doesnt seem that important.


I'm sorry, why is it that there is this ... disdainful current in people who like the game to simply blindly dismiss those who are having problems with it?


I'll be blunt. I'm paying money for this. I didn't expect it to come out flawlessly. However, bundling simple fixes rather than hotfixing them is incompetence. Suggesting I go learn to play the oboe IS insulting, and everyone of you who are laughing it up, suggesting this is no big deal, are missing the point.


Star Trek online. HUGE fanbase. HUGE expectations. Fanboys in their FIFTIES with thousands of dollars spent on memorbila. Game launch was a nightmare, bugs everywhere, no content for the end game, PvP was a joke. Patience was counseled. People complained, threatened to unsub.


The fanboys laughed them off and told them to go back to WoW. Game bled subs so fast that for a long time you could go days and see maybe 10 people. Problems were ever so slowly brought in line, but it still wasn't what was promised. Finally, the game went F2P and is now turning into a pay2win POS.


I'm sure some of you, who are blessed with the ability to see the future, think this whole delay thing is pretty minor. I know six people who are unsubbing. That's a thousand dollars gone. No big deal, right?


But it's a thousand dollars gone simply because BW couldn't be bothered to break this mess into hotfixes instead of getting fancy and trying to do everything at once, and now one minor glitch is causing flame wars.

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Gotta be honest I would rather have a good game patch then a buggy one. No reason to put out a patch right now as majority of players are still leveling up. Sure the hardcore raiders may find themselves short of things to do but for a lot of payers a solid gameplay > rushed content.
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So? let them leave. we dont need people like that in our game anyways. if you can't even bring up that little bit of patience to wait what a game like this (or any mmo) will grow in to, that's your problem. dont forget to close the door on your way out.


I love this attitude, I find it funny when players only think about themselves and not the "game population" as a whole.


Players leaving at any time is bad, especially in high numbers. When you have a game that relies on high population numbers to thrive, it becomes a whole new level.


Before you tell people to leave, ask your self do you really want to play on an empty server?

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So? let them leave. we dont need people like that in our game anyways. if you can't even bring up that little bit of patience to wait what a game like this (or any mmo) will grow in to, that's your problem. dont forget to close the door on your way out.


I'm not overly sure but based on my views of these forums, the ones who rage call anybody fanboi's if others how any other opinion different then thiers.


All I can say is it is unfortunate they postponed the patch.

Most people will say it's some conspiracy theroy saying EA just wants money.


People will either stay and wait or just leave.


Sadly EA is EA. If They hadn't bought out bioware it's likley things would have been 10 times different

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I'm sorry, why is it that there is this ... disdainful current in people who like the game to simply blindly dismiss those who are having problems with it?


I'll be blunt. I'm paying money for this. I didn't expect it to come out flawlessly. However, bundling simple fixes rather than hotfixing them is incompetence. Suggesting I go learn to play the oboe IS insulting, and everyone of you who are laughing it up, suggesting this is no big deal, are missing the point.


Star Trek online. HUGE fanbase. HUGE expectations. Fanboys in their FIFTIES with thousands of dollars spent on memorbila. Game launch was a nightmare, bugs everywhere, no content for the end game, PvP was a joke. Patience was counseled. People complained, threatened to unsub.


The fanboys laughed them off and told them to go back to WoW. Game bled subs so fast that for a long time you could go days and see maybe 10 people. Problems were ever so slowly brought in line, but it still wasn't what was promised. Finally, the game went F2P and is now turning into a pay2win POS.


I'm sure some of you, who are blessed with the ability to see the future, think this whole delay thing is pretty minor. I know six people who are unsubbing. That's a thousand dollars gone. No big deal, right?


But it's a thousand dollars gone simply because BW couldn't be bothered to break this mess into hotfixes instead of getting fancy and trying to do everything at once, and now one minor glitch is causing flame wars.


I know 4 people not including myself that quit, 2 who bought the CE, also about another 4 I told not to bother buying the game until maybe 6 months ot a year down the road if it's still going.

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Yeah, if they found a game breaking bug they had no choice but to postpone it. What worries me is that they did not realize they had to postpone it until six hours before the servers were going to go down. I am not sure if that is how close they came to releasing a game breaking bug, but either way its not very amusing as a customer.
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Gotta be honest I would rather have a good game patch then a buggy one. No reason to put out a patch right now as majority of players are still leveling up. Sure the hardcore raiders may find themselves short of things to do but for a lot of payers a solid gameplay > rushed content.





The game itself was rushed out several months before it should have been released and the gameplay is poor!

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So? let them leave. we dont need people like that in our game anyways. if you can't even bring up that little bit of patience to wait what a game like this (or any mmo) will grow in to, that's your problem. dont forget to close the door on your way out.


The "them" you refer to, are the people in this world who make **** happen. We don't lay down and let people shove BS down our throats. Truth is, you want us and need us, because if unmotivated to fix anything, Bioware is, disappointed you will be.

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Yeah, if they found a game breaking bug they had no choice but to postpone it. What worries me is that they did not realize they had to postpone it until six hours before the servers were going to go down. I am not sure if that is how close they came to releasing a game breaking bug, but either way its not very amusing as a customer.


What is more alarming and upsetting is that instead of hotfxing issues as they went along (which would have pacified more people) they tried to bundle everything together to get rid of a bunch of bugs at once (in theory) to wow people right before the free game time ran out.


Backfire. Way to go. Now you have people who, instead of having a week of fixes to point to, are listening to the tin-foil hat crowd suggest this is a scam.

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What is more alarming and upsetting is that instead of hotfxing issues as they went along (which would have pacified more people) they tried to bundle everything together to get rid of a bunch of bugs at once (in theory) to wow people right before the free game time ran out.


Backfire. Way to go. Now you have people who, instead of having a week of fixes to point to, are listening to the tin-foil hat crowd suggest this is a scam.


As leader of the tin foil hat crowd, I am insulted by this post.

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There are 187 pages of people crying about the Kira bug.

Probababy equal number Crying about the PvP brackets.

Majority of the people crying about the PvP brackets are end-gamers.


They should have released the patches seperately.


Kira patch to placate those affected.

Seperate PvP bracket patch which would have probably let the people crying over end-game at LEAST play PvP until they release the new rakghoul endgame FP.

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This reminds me of SoE & SWG personally, Lack of communication, Crappy customer services, Throwing new content in instead of fixing the CORE game bugs etc.


The first thing Bioware should have been doing is fixing the bugs that have been in the game to start with, not adding more content for people who rush to end game, which in turn adds even more bugs, then we are in a endless cycle of bugs that should have been fixed not being fixed.


The first 2 months should have been purely fixing the CORE game.


But meh.

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I see a lot of words, but it seems to translate into:


"Want to try our patch with more content and some fixes? Give us $15 for another month"


:rolleyes: decisions decisions


Bingo. I was shocked they were going to release it before the renewal period, but then again, I wouldn't be surprised if this was planned.


Rift did the same thing. Content patch after a pay cycle...nothing new here. Greedy MMO companies with buggy *** games sc****** for every last nickle.

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