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Why don't people use the built in LFG?


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It's not hard.



Press O > Who > Set LFG.


now set LFG xxxx



So when people hit who, they can easily see if you require that same flashpoint as them, it's as simple as that.


I see people coming here complaining they can't find groups or that they want an auto LFG (which is beyond lazy)


Put some effort in, and you'll get groups easy.

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I know on my server alot of people have been making a custom LFG channel and speak there since its server wide. (Went from belsavis to the fleet to help someone with Colicoid war games) but before that i did use the system but so few people used it because they were either spamming general chat or spamming the forums wanting LFD tools.
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Because they don't look or put in the effort, it's really sad.



They have the time to complain, but not the time to take 15 seconds and set a LFG note, so anyone else looking for the same thing can easily form up.






I bet half the people don't even know it exists.

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I do use it. Guess what? I haven't found a single group because of it. You know why? Because it's a terrible system. You know why people don't use it? Because it's a terrible system. I don't even have enough room to type in a comment for what I'm looking for.
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It's not hard.



Press O > Who > Set LFG.


now set LFG xxxx



So when people hit who, they can easily see if you require that same flashpoint as them, it's as simple as that.


I see people coming here complaining they can't find groups or that they want an auto LFG (which is beyond lazy)


Put some effort in, and you'll get groups easy.


It's a flawed premis. It requires people to do some research to determine if someone else is looking for a group. Most people are not interested in making a research project out of it. They want the system to do it for them. After all, this game IS running on a computer, so why is it not working for me?


Also, people don't have any confidence in the system. And if the people that use it don't believe it works, they won't use it, which makes it less likely to work, and begins the downward spiral.


This is the sort of thing that needs to be a LFG tool that does the work for you or else it is doomed to failure.

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It's not hard.



Press O > Who > Set LFG.


now set LFG xxxx



So when people hit who, they can easily see if you require that same flashpoint as them, it's as simple as that.


I see people coming here complaining they can't find groups or that they want an auto LFG (which is beyond lazy)


Put some effort in, and you'll get groups easy.


I think the problem is a bit deeper than people not using the LFG, which is another problem in itself.


Faction populations, varying playtimes, needing specific roles to fill out party.


Now you have to deal with all the people who aren't visiting this forum post and who don't understand the current LFG tool, or simply don't use it because they'd rather spam fleet chat. Or as you say don't even know it exists.

Edited by HoneyBoy
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I can't figure out why they don't use it either.


The LFG flag works server-wide and it's simple to search for "LFG" in the who list and see everyone on the server who's looking to group.


But every time I see 8-10 people in General all spamming for the same FP, and I ask them why they don't just group together, I get yelled at and called a troll.. *shrug*

Edited by Fuzzytoad
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It's a terrible system because people are too lazy to use it?



This is what the new generation of MMO players are like, it's pretty sad.



It's simple to use, and easier than coming to the forums and complaining.


Again, I use it, and it doesn't work. It doesn't work because it's bad. Like I said already that you seemed to ignore, any comment thats longer than a word is cut off, and the amount of information I can put in is extremely limited.

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I can't figure out why they don't use it either.


The LFG flag works server-wide and it's simple to search for "LFG" in the who list and see everyone on the server who's looking to group.


But every time I see 8-10 people in General all spamming for the same FP, and I ask them why they don't just group together, I get yelled at and called a troll.. *shrug*





It's insane and disgusting how lazy people are these days, it's such a simple feature, and takes less effort than coming here to complain OR spamming general.

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it is only useless because people dont use it. if everyone used it, it would be a good enough tool to find groups. but people just want to do their thing and get teleported to the right place when a group is assembled. but i agree on that the comment field is very bad, that need improvement.
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It's insane and disgusting how lazy people are these days, it's such a simple feature, and takes less effort than coming here to complain OR spamming general.


Don't have an aneurysm over people asking for enhanced and more intuitive LFG tool(s) please!

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it is only useless because people dont use it. if everyone used it, it would be a good enough tool to find groups. but people just want to do their thing and get teleported to the right place when a group is assembled. but i agree on that the comment field is very bad, that need improvement.


Since all the FPs kick off from about the same spot, near a giant shuttle bay, and they have subterranean shuttles that can also get me from inside buildings -- an instant teleport doesn't sound so crazy.

Edited by MeronLucentile
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Since all the FPs kick off from about the same spot, nearly a giant shuttle bay, and they have subterranean shuttles that can also get me from inside buildings -- an instant teleport doesn't sound so crazy.


Just knowing you're on a different server than me being instantly teleported to the flashpoint instead of manually walking there really irks me and destroys my immersion of this game.




Edit: It'll also destroy the community, when it was implemented on WoW my server community was destroyed and I experienced a 800% increase of jerks, so did all my friends.

Edited by HoneyBoy
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Just knowing you're on a different server than me being instantly teleported to the flashpoint instead of manually walking there really irks me and destroys my immersion of this game.




To further kill people's immersion, sometimes, I clip through them with my light saber and shout "Now you're dead!"

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Mostly because they're idiots.


At first it was because they didn't know about it. But now that it's common knowledge, they refuse to use it because they instead want to whine that they don't have the LFD finder from WoW. It's called "throwing a temper-tantrum".

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Mostly because they're idiots.


At first it was because they didn't know about it. But now that it's common knowledge, they refuse to use it because they instead want to whine that they don't have the LFD finder from WoW. It's called "throwing a temper-tantrum".


I don't think it's a good reflection on you to call the game community at large that you choose to associate with as "idiots".


Thank you though for stating that it's common knowledge now, I'm sure all players now know about it.

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It's insane and disgusting how lazy people are these days, it's such a simple feature, and takes less effort than coming here to complain OR spamming general.


To be fair, it is rather lacking.


Here's my main reason why: If everyone were to use it, I would have zero options to sort through everyone's LFG note in order to help me select a good group for a mission. It's just a big mess with no real filters that I've seen.


If I'm wrong on this, I'd love to be corrected.

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Back on the OP; I use the LFG tool. I have never had someone ask me to join up from the tool, solely in response to spamming /1, No one who I've asked to join up with who is using the LFG tool has ever responded.


So, I think it is a mixture of reasons people aren't using it. I use it, but I think it is broken sometimes, and other people seem to fire and forget it.

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