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Hood On/Off Toggle?


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Just watched the 1.3 teaser video and he made no mention of a hood toggle as one of the features, instead focused on more lame legacy abilities and said the most asked for feature was a friend finder. feh.


id love to play my knight i really would. because she got full battle lords and looks awesome, except for the hood..or the geordi style helmet..

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With the legacy update in 1.2, I made an awesome-looking Chiss Jedi......


Unfortunately, I'm the only the only one who knows he's Chiss


I still can't believe they didn't make a single piece of heavy armor with a hood down, even when they plainly show it in gameplay preview videos.


it doesn't need to wait for a big patch like 1.3 or 1.4, I'd be fine if they released it as a mini-weekly patch thing.....hell, we all pay $15/month, just throw it out whenever

Edited by Primarch_PWnD
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especially since the feature was available in beta...the armor is game, the models are in game. im not disputing the coding side might be a bit tricky but dayum, its been how long since launch? this could have been done by now.
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especially since the feature was available in beta...the armor is game, the models are in game. im not disputing the coding side might be a bit tricky but dayum, its been how long since launch? this could have been done by now.


Side note on 1.3? No content that they've spoken of so maybe we can get these cosmetic things fixed. After all this seems to be a mostly cosmetics/tool update.

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I finally found out how to see properly your character's face throughout the game while wearing a hooded jedi armor. The solution is to wear a protective crown without hiding it in the options. (It still erases the hood though).


Here is an example with my character wearing a heavy jedi armor (my favorite):






You can find a crown pretty much anywhere. I think it looks great on a real heavy armor. I wish I knew that trick from the beginning. I have done the entire game up to lvl 50 without knowing it. Most of you guys may already know but some may still not.

Edited by Tahaat
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I finally found out how to see properly your character's face throughout the game while wearing a hooded jedi armor. The solution is to wear a protective crown without hiding it in the options. (It still erases the hood though).


Here is an example with my character wearing a heavy jedi armor (my favorite):






You can find a crown pretty much anywhere. I think it looks great on a real heavy armor. I wish I knew that trick from the beginning. I have done the entire game up to lvl 50 without knowing it. Most of you guys may already know but some may still not.


Good looking guy, your Jedi. I use the same trick on Corso when playing my smuggler. Prefer to be able to see the face of my character and their comps. The only one who really doesn't fit in it is poor Aric.

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Side note on 1.3? No content that they've spoken of so maybe we can get these cosmetic things fixed. After all this seems to be a mostly cosmetics/tool update.


God I hope so. I haven't touched the game for a while. A hood toggle for my final 10 levels of my Jedi would be just what I need to get back in. I hope the Devs at least give us a better hint than "we want to put it in soon."

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@SilentKitty: thanks. I am quite satisfied with the trick, especially with cap armors. The hood down is not necessary while wearing an armor with a cap (the trick erases the hood). The total absence of a hood can be weird while wearing an armor with a coat, though.


Anyway, SWTOR's characters are definitely good looking, and it would be great to appreciate that.

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So still no signs of hood down/hood up toggle in 1.3? :confused:


Not a twinkle :( I even asked them on Twitter about the video in my sig as a hint.


I really am tired of all the hood up robes for jedi :(


The best solution is the valor 70 trooper armor or Matrix chest with the X-Men Visor atm

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I finally found out how to see properly your character's face throughout the game while wearing a hooded jedi armor. The solution is to wear a protective crown without hiding it in the options. (It still erases the hood though).


Here is an example with my character wearing a heavy jedi armor (my favorite):






You can find a crown pretty much anywhere. I think it looks great on a real heavy armor. I wish I knew that trick from the beginning. I have done the entire game up to lvl 50 without knowing it. Most of you guys may already know but some may still not.

Is that for any crown? (What's the lowest level crown for heavy armor?)

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Is that for any crown? (What's the lowest level crown for heavy armor?)


No crowns in the auction house. Anyone know where/when they drop? Looks like hood toggle won't be in till after 1.3. Despite the fact that they market hood down armors on every single piece of marketing art and video to this day since launch, including 3 of the screenshots that rotate at the top of the front page of this very website. :(

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We were told we would get a hood toggle on the next update after 1.2. I HATE playing my Knight with the hood up. Love the character, but there is nothing iconic about an entire monastic order of sword slinging mystics who use a whole cup of starch just on their hood. Guess I'll just be switching to trooper armor again. I did, after all, actually pick hair in the character creation screen and I'd like to be able to see it.
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No crowns in the auction house. Anyone know where/when they drop? Looks like hood toggle won't be in till after 1.3. Despite the fact that they market hood down armors on every single piece of marketing art and video to this day since launch, including 3 of the screenshots that rotate at the top of the front page of this very website. :(


I know with my sentinel I had a crown by Taris, I guess from questing.

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We were told we would get a hood toggle on the next update after 1.2. I HATE playing my Knight with the hood up. Love the character, but there is nothing iconic about an entire monastic order of sword slinging mystics who use a whole cup of starch just on their hood. Guess I'll just be switching to trooper armor again. I did, after all, actually pick hair in the character creation screen and I'd like to be able to see it.


After they told us that, the next time they talked about it they said they didn't know when it would come and since then there has been silence. We need to get an answer about this. People have wanted it since beta and I think it should take precedence over further Legacy system expansions. I don't even want to start the Legacy system if I have to get to 50 staring at a hood in every cutscene.

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Also, despite this thread being active since launch, and they have sais they're aware pf our issue, they still haven't explained why they chose to actually remove hoodless armor entirely for the jedi. After thinking about every time i log my jedi knight, it still boggles my mind that there isn't a single piece of jedi knight armor with a hood down. Also, i still get upset when i log onto this webpage ans see jefi knights wearing hoodless armor that is simply not in the game.


It may be a very good reason, or it could be the same reason that produced the aweful 1.2 armor appearances.


Seeing as we don't have any answers from Bioware on either, its probably not a good one.


Remember after the outrage over the 1.2 appearances, they made some comment about "hearing the community" and now they know that the players want more star warsy appearances. Of course my first thought was " why should they have to be told that people playing a star wars game want to look star warsy?". It made me wonder if there is any oversight of the art department.


So, the real question to bioware: why did you actively choose to withold (remove) hoodless armor appearances from the jedi knight?

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Also, despite this thread being active since launch, and they have sais they're aware pf our issue, they still haven't explained why they chose to actually remove hoodless armor entirely for the jedi. After thinking about every time i log my jedi knight, it still boggles my mind that there isn't a single piece of jedi knight armor with a hood down. Also, i still get upset when i log onto this webpage ans see jefi knights wearing hoodless armor that is simply not in the game.


It may be a very good reason, or it could be the same reason that produced the aweful 1.2 armor appearances.


Seeing as we don't have any answers from Bioware on either, its probably not a good one.


Remember after the outrage over the 1.2 appearances, they made some comment about "hearing the community" and now they know that the players want more star warsy appearances. Of course my first thought was " why should they have to be told that people playing a star wars game want to look star warsy?". It made me wonder if there is any oversight of the art department.


So, the real question to bioware: why did you actively choose to withold (remove) hoodless armor appearances from the jedi knight?


It is literally insane. If they actually thought the hood up versions looked better, why do they continue to show the hood down versions in all of their marketing videos and screenshots, and the frigging game box????!!! It is ludicrous that the central image of the Jedi, which is the central character of Star Wars, is shown as someone in robes with the hood down (Which every Jedi in all six movies has their hood down in 90 percent of their scenes, maybe 98) and yet this look is almost unachievable in the game. And if you buy the game, the man staring at you on the box cover with no hood on, is completely impossible for you to look like in the game. This makes no sense. None.


What if you bought a Spider Man game, with a perfectly reasonable photo of Spider Man, the way you've seen him in countless movies and comics and toys and lunch boxes, on the cover, but when you actually played the game, Spider Man had to wear a winter coat with a hood up and galoshes? It is the height of Dumb. Devs, if the hood toggle is too difficult to implement right now, which I fully understand may be the case, not being a programmer, then just add in hood down versions of the armors that are in the game. I know they exist, because you show them to us every week on this very website, so just put them in. Now. In 1.3. It is long overdue and you know it.

Edited by JohnRoy
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I'm so tired of waiting for it that I have reverted to wearing moddable BM armor.


It's a real shame that to get the only hood down model we have wear lvl 15 Aspiring Knights Vests.


I suggested in crew skills to add hood down model varients but the thread was locked :rolleyes:

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Two more hood down Guardians in the E3 video today, and if I am not mistaken, the Jedi in the "New Class Abilities" section is wearing armor that currently only be found with the hood up. Still hood down armors are featured in the marketing. Still they are impossible to achieve, and no announcement is made on whether that is changing. The optimist in me wants to believe this is a hint that it will, but I have seen this video clip before.


An announcement would be welcome.

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I finally found out how to see properly your character's face throughout the game while wearing a hooded jedi armor. The solution is to wear a protective crown without hiding it in the options. (It still erases the hood though).


Here is an example with my character wearing a heavy jedi armor (my favorite):






You can find a crown pretty much anywhere. I think it looks great on a real heavy armor. I wish I knew that trick from the beginning. I have done the entire game up to lvl 50 without knowing it. Most of you guys may already know but some may still not.


Does this still work? I'm asking because I've tried a couple of headband-type pieces, and none of them so far has removed my hood -- and I don't want to waste time trying to track down a specific kind of headband if it ain't gonna work.


There is, as far as I can tell, no heavy armor that carries the word "crown" in its name; perhaps there's a bit of a language disconnect here, because the above-quoted poster appears to be playing the game in French. (His English is excellent, though; I'm not criticizing him.)

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Does this still work? I'm asking because I've tried a couple of headband-type pieces, and none of them so far has removed my hood -- and I don't want to waste time trying to track down a specific kind of headband if it ain't gonna work.


There is, as far as I can tell, no heavy armor that carries the word "crown" in its name; perhaps there's a bit of a language disconnect here, because the above-quoted poster appears to be playing the game in French. (His English is excellent, though; I'm not criticizing him.)


Crown does mean headband. I think it's a specific headband (like the specific glasses that used to take off the hood and make you balled, but without the bald part).

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Crown does mean headband. I think it's a specific headband (like the specific glasses that used to take off the hood and make you balled, but without the bald part).


Yes, the word "crown" does imply a headband-style item. What I'm wondering is whether there's a specific sub-type of headband that the poster might have translated as "crown" from the French, but that isn't explicitly named a crown in the English version of the game.


Anyway, if someone knows of a specific headband item that removes Guardian hoods, i'd be grateful to hear about it.

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Playing 1.3 PTS, deosn't seem like there's a hood toggle in this, either.

They add all this new stuff, but not a simple hood toggle.


Or the even simpler option of just putting in the hood down armor appearances that they keep showing us in the videos they release. No new stats. Just about 15 new appearances that are already completed. Now that they have missed the 1.3 release, can we please get an eta on when you are planning on fixing this. Patience is wearing really thin.

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