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Jedi Sentinel items missing from loot tables?


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It's almost a month from official release now, and for a lot of it I have been devoutly checking the Auction House for some particular Sentinel specific pieces that would have helped end-game progression greatly, rather than relying on PVP gear. Some of it I have just not been able to find or craft, and know of no other Sentinel to have done so. I myself am more or less beyond needing these pieces, but if these do not exist then it will hinder the progression of upcoming Sentinels, at least compared to other classes.


To my knowledge, we seem to be missing:

  • Orange slot belt
  • Orange slot bracers
  • Purple slot strength based earpiece (level 50)


The belts and bracers I have been able to find are, if medium, then class restricted to smuggler, while those restricted to Jedi Knight are heavy armour only. This may be an oversight, seeing as we are the only AC to use a different armour type to the alternative.


As for the Earpiece, I am not a cybertech myself so I can't confirm, but my guild's crafter says that he has made several hundred of the blue forms and has not managed to proc' a purple from reverse engineering. With their complete absence on the Auction House, I've come to assume that they just cannot be RE'd.


So, has anyone else noticed this or am I (and my crafters) just amazingly unlucky?

Edited by ThirdFaction
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I've also noticed, it's kind of ridiculous, considering I've picked up a smuggler and commando slottable belt, even looked for a light armor belt to mod up and no luck. Are you saying there is a pvp belt that's slottable? if so I need to pvp lol!
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Tier tokens are rarer in flashpoints, at least in my experience and those people I talk with on my server. Possible that's just a small sample size, but that's quite a few people and quite a lot of hardmode flashpoint runs.


There are no orange medium-armour belts and bracers that are equip-able as a Sentinel (only smugglers). Just stop looking. They were all removed as near as we can tell.

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I've noticed that throughout leveling Sentinels seem to get the short end of the stick on items and mods. Not only is there the apparent lack of Orange Belts, Bracers, and Purple Ear items- which are all end-game types of items- but the Might type of mods seems to be the most rare.


During most, if not all, of leveling my Sentinel, I noticed that the Mod Commendation vendors would either have only one level of Might mods (Armoring, Hilts, etc, not just Mod mods) or none at all. And while the latter seemed to happen for other specs/ACs (IE no 'Resolve' types, only Force Wielder) Might was the only one where I noticed the former. A vendor would, for example, have Commando Armoring 6 and 7, but only Might Armoring 6.


Also I don't know if it's actually true- I certainly don't have the numbers- but the drop tables seem to be slanted towards Rifles and Assault Cannons (Troopers) for weapons and +Cunning items for Armor and mods (Smugglers). Or at least that has been my experience. I've looted I believe a grand total of zero lightsabers outside of Flashpoints-having gotten most through mission rewards or special vendors- and maybe a handful of "Force User" (Jedi) armor.


It almost seems as if the devs don't like Sentinels. I mean a bit of lean towards non-force-users I can understand as a counterbalance for the "OMG JEDI" effect, but why single out Sents?

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im also searching for orange bracers / belt but i cant find any... i dont wanna unlearn bio to syntweave and get my items that way. so i guess i gimp my dps till they fix it, yay!


considering the hilt topic... while leveling i never took the might hilt, cause the guardian hilts had more dps and just ~2strength less

Edited by flowqz
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