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Questions on gearing Combat Medic - lvl 50


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So I've been playing Combat Medic @ Lvl 50 for a few weeks now.


I have just shy of 14k HP, about 13.9k. So I'm decently geared, not a 'fresh 50', but not 'geared' completely either.


Anyway, I'm not exactly sure what stats I should be focusing on, as a Combat Medic.


I've been doing some Alacrity, as well as Crit/Surge, and just wondering if I'm doing it right.


My MP is 1.8 sec cast, down from 2, and when I get first responder (which is often, considering my crit is 33% unbuffed), it goes down to like 1.66seconds.


Am I building right? Basically I have 33% crit /71% surge, with like 140 Alacrity.


Is Power better? Should I get more Alacrity and get rid of some of my crit/surge?


Thanks in advance.


PS I've healed Warzones with like 300k+ healing quite often, and just finished hardmode Taral V this morning so it seems to be doing okay.

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You don't really want to break 100 surge because it hits large DR around 80. You want as much alacrity as you can squeeze out without suffering too large a loss on crit or power. 15% to your crit heals makes you want to favour crit a little more than power.
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You don't really want to break 100 surge because it hits large DR around 80. You want as much alacrity as you can squeeze out without suffering too large a loss on crit or power. 15% to your crit heals makes you want to favour crit a little more than power.


Interesting. So what should I change? Usually mods have power/alac, not crit/alac. Not sure what I should be doing, in that case.


For example, I have a choice of implant between one that gives me a net outcome of +28 aim over the second choice, or a second one that gives +40 crit +40 alac over the first choice. That is to say is 28 aim > 40 crit + 40 alac? (The other stats on the implant are the same)


Don't know what to do . Thanks in advance.

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It depends, really. PvP and PvE usually call for different prioritizations. For PvP, I'd take the +40 crit/alacrity over the aim piece.


How I prioritize my stats for PvP are as follows:









I do it this way because I try to squeeze as much survivability as I can out of a slot before I start focusing on what I can do to better keep others up. I know I'll be a priority target most of the time. From there, crit/alac help to counter burst and pushback. Aim compliments your healing power and other aspects better than just raw Power. Power benefits damage dealing more than healing. Surge is great, but as the poster above said, it caps out quickly, paired with the fact you naturally get "surge" through talents already anyway.


I can agree with what other threads have said about stats in this game -- too much is never good. It pays to be well rounded, but you have the wiggle room to be more focused on certain stats. If you find a piece that has endurance, surge and crit on it but can't find one that has alacrity instead of surge, oh well. It's not a huge deal in the end.


Hope this helps :)

Edited by ZekeMinus
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Trying to keep a guide up on the first page here to help answer these questions.


Using the equations in there, you can find that you would gain:


28 Aim yields 0.23% crit change and 3.92 bonus healing.

40 crit yields 1.75% crit chance 0 bonus healing.


Now, add these to your current values and multiply the bonus healing by 1+Surge%/100 and multiply that by your crit chance (as 0.33 for example) to see what your average expected gains from the crit are.


Of course, you should use the equations in that thread and your own values, as the values I have here are without diminishing returns from your other gear.


It should be noted, that the crit from Aim has diminishing returns, but the bonus healing from Aim and Power do not.


Also, I argue strongly against alacrity as a general rule. Only two of our spells benefit from it at all, and then only really when the SCC buff is up, because we are otherwise constrained by the cooldown on Adv. Probe. Our heals really come on a 9 second and 21 second cycle. Since the cooldowns force them to be slow, make sure they land hard.


I'd suggest Aim > Crit >= Power > Surge > Alacrity. Use the equations to check if you are approaching DR though. I'm travelling right now, I'll try and run those equations and put the DR inflection points in the theory crafting section when I have a chance, unless someone already knows them and wants to share.

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