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Combat Medic, am I missing something?


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So after starting over a couple times and changing servers, I ended up with a Commando as my main. I like having the added utility of switching to DPS if I want, but what I really enjoy (usually) is healing. Except, I don't seem to enjoy it at all on this guy. Don't get me wrong, the character is actually a lot of fun to play, I have a rule when playing any game, you have to have buttons you WANT to push, and I have those....all on the DPS side. My heals feel slow, out of place and in something like PVP, utterly useless, I can top the heal chart on my team, but I think that is me healing myself more than healing anyone else. When I stick to a guy and try to save him, it seems like a lost cause. PVE isn't too bad, having one instant heal makes me sad in the pants and supercharge cells seem like a non-factor most of the time. Oh a whole 10% extra healing? My Kolto bomb can heal for 300 AND reduce damage by 10%? I can SPAM my fastest casting heal until I am out of energy?! AWESOME! Just give me my 2 energy and get out of my way already supercharge cells.


No real point to this thread, just had a realllllllllllly bad time in some battlegrounds, feeling utterly useless....contemplating trying DPS, but I feel like what with sorcs shielding things while operatives crit everyone for 6k and knock them to the ground, I'll be wishing for my heals again.

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You shouldn't be using supercharged cells to spam Advanced Medical Probe. You should be using it to spam your Advanced + Medical combo. You might find yourself with a lot more healing power changing what you're doing. Supercharged cells is actually pretty amazing when used properly.
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Did you notice that when supercharge is active, the ammo cost of Medical Probe is reduced by 2 after using Advanced Medical Probe?


Spamming AMP+MP with supercharge active is the highest, most efficient single target healing that exists.


Take a minute and actually read your tooltips, pay attention to what things do, and stop just spamming one button and thinking you are going to get the most out of your class that way.


Otherwise, you are probably best off rolling a Sage healer. At their core they have a much more standard "little heal, big heal, aoe heal, or shield" setup with no real thought involved.

Edited by lueckjathom
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Since we dont get our big heal till high level, in pvp you feel weak and ineffectual.

Spamming hammer shot till getting a charge up is getting repetitive and boring and the benefit is weak. It's hard to target a friendly player when they are in group getting pounded, by the time I can get 1 heal off they are dead.

Cant keep up to operatives damage, and they kill me in 3 seconds while I'm stun-locked.


Combat Medic is WEAK and INEFFECTUAL in PVP. We have one ablity which is useful, the knockback. One trick does not a well rounded character make.

At first when I pvpd at low level I was impressed by the high heals I could do, now I'm 42 and I realize how weak we are.

There is no time for spamming hammer shot in pvp and its boring. There is no noticable effect in damage reduction/healing for supercharged kolto bomb or advanced medical probe, even if they are actually doing something, no one notices or cares. (Even with the new bubble effects)

Damage reduction should be parsed with our healing.

Edited by Dast
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Switch unit frames to operation frames, they really help for healing.


Get your rotations straight, and try to get your alacrity up.


Then gear up to the max, you should have maxed out mods all slots orange if sub 50, and have stims if you need to turn it up a notch.


Right now without pvp brackets, expect to explode if sub 50

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Did you notice that when supercharge is active, the ammo cost of Medical Probe is reduced by 2 after using Advanced Medical Probe?


Spamming AMP+MP with supercharge active is the highest, most efficient single target healing that exists.


Take a minute and actually read your tooltips, pay attention to what things do, and stop just spamming one button and thinking you are going to get the most out of your class that way.


Otherwise, you are probably best off rolling a Sage healer. At their core they have a much more standard "little heal, big heal, aoe heal, or shield" setup with no real thought involved.


Post in frustration, and a bunch of wieners respond "Stops doing that!" For the record, the cost of MP is reduced by a AMP cast, because of a talent (Field Triage, try reading your talent tree). It has nothing to do with Supercharge, the most anti-climatic "special" ability in the game. Is supercharge a bad thing? No....can you forget it exist and do 90% of the same healing. Yes. I was pointing out that reducing the cool down to 0 while supercharge is active for AMP seems like....why? Yeah great, I get a couple more of my AWESOME L33T 2 Second + 1.5 Second (minus Alacrity...blah blah it's still roughly 3 seconds + the time it takes to pull a lightsaber out of my rear) cast combos off.


SORRY! Let me spell it out for you. No I didn't spam one key, yes I read my tooltips (and my talent tree apparently). Does that make Commando healing feel any less blah sometimes? Nope. I like the "Go roll a sage, it requires no thought or setup" comment. Call a class with more utility "no thought required", then stand in a corner spamming AMP +MP until you get supercharge cells, then claim your 2 energy and drop those 2 l33t heals like they are hot.


Post still serves no point. I could talk about how it's be nice if AMP affected combat support cell count, or how maybe Kolto bomb ought to shield targets with an absorb shield when under the effect of supercharge cells. (Hey I can dream of getting some of those Eleventybillion medal rounds I watch sages pull) Something, anything to make me not feel like I ought to be like all the other commandos running around spamming Grav round.


In the end, the class has decent Armor (nm all the classes that reduce armor by a flat % which is mathematically more significant against a heavy armor wearer), decent survivability, some big bomber single target heals if you get them off, and the ability to do decent damage even in medic spec, allowing you to help in instances and PVP. It's a good class. I am allowed to show up here, be frustrated and voice my view that despite it's upside, other than for the sake of variety, there isn't any real reason to be a Commando Healer in PVP.



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If you don't like it don't play it. But for me at 50 as a Combat Medic I find PvP to be great fun and really easy to heal. Most rounds I have maybe 5 deaths and place in the top of the healing on either side. It's just getting used to what to use and when to use it.


I am not in full PvP gear yet but I am seeing improvement with each piece. And if you are not using your defensive shield at all times that you can you are doing it wrong. Talented that shield makes you immune to pushback and interrupts. Which makes stopping our heals pretty damn hard. Most times I can keep on healing with 3 people on me. More if I am guarded, so really there is plenty of fun to combat medic you just need to get used to all our tools not just a couple.

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The fact that SCC eliminates the CD on AMP means that can spam a few AMP + MP combos, which give you high burst with minimal ammo consumption. It also means that you can spread the AMP buff and HoT to several people. If you don't see the value of that, we can't help you.


You also get a damage reduction shield, a perma healing increase if you drop Kolto regularly, a small, but ammo-free HoT (Trauma Probe), and an ammo-free instant (Bacta).


We are very good at single-target healing and very resource-efficient, as well as pretty durable. In exchange, we aren't super mobile.


In terms of non-healing utility, we also get a CC and the frozen grenade.


Getting interrupted is a given, so you have to juke when you can afford it.


If you were looking for a highly mobile healer, you should have rolled Sawbones.

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