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SI story was disappointing (minor spoilers)


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Do people generally agree with this?


  • Act 1 turns out to be a waste of time
  • Act 3 is basically just fixing a problem that Act 2 lead to
  • Never get to see or interact with the Emperor
  • Yeah, you become a Dark Council member, but you never really feel important throughout your story or like anybody cares about your character
  • You never feel like either Palpatine or Maul
  • The thing with Ashara could have been done much better and should have felt more like Palpatine corrupting Anakin over the years.
  • Companions weren't that great
  • Why was Zash my master? She didn't even teach me anything. You should at least get some of your abilities from your master.


So, I haven't played through any of the other stories yet so I cannot really compare, but I've started the SW story and so far it seems better and I haven't even left DK yet. Anyone actually like the SI story.

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I was so pumped to hear I would convert a jedi, but it was such a let down. The Act 1 was truly disappointing. I felt that the whole immortality/body transfer was too common, so I was completely surprised to learn that that was all Tulak's artifacts were for.


I feel like the SI got too little done in the story. I was also put off with my first lightsaber just being a hand me down tossed by Zash.


Also with the Sith storylines in general, I never felt like an apprentice. I killed my way through Korriban just to become your errand boy? You have got to be kidding. I felt like an apprentice to my trainers rather than my Master.

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Everytime I read a post like this, I get very confused.


So far, I feel like I'm the only one who like the SI story. I'm at lvl 27 on my BH and I get kind of bored with it most of the time. Every time I explain what I'm doing to my BH friend, he seems to get kind of jealous at what my story is like. Then again, I like more 'out there' types of stories, they keep me pretty interested.


Eh well, I must be in the minority.

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I agree; it was somewhat disappointing. I never felt like I was truly as powerful as it wanted me to be. It also seemed like there was a lot of build-up towards the end of Act I only to completely lose momentum in the beginning of Act II and stay that way.


I don't know about the very end though; just got to Corellia.

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Do people generally agree with this?

Honestly, I'm still in Act I, but I have to agree with you thus far.


[*]Act 1 turns out to be a waste of time

I completely hate the story so far. The Sage was so much more fun because there was an actual plot and suspense.


[*]Act 3 is basically just fixing a problem that Act 2 lead to

I wouldn't be surprised given the story thus far.


[*]Never get to see or interact with the Emperor


That is majorly disappointing. I seriously thought I'd see him at some point and there'd be all this "behind the scenes" story, but it really hasn't presented itself.


[*]Yeah, you become a Dark Council member, but you never really feel important throughout your story or like anybody cares about your character


Well, in Act I, I do end up sleeping with a Darth who happens to be the new governor of Balmorra and I seem to be appreciated for my efforts as soon as I meet Zash. I especially loved the sleeping with a Darth as an apprentice though :p I also agree that there is no sinister plot that I can go down and the options for speech are incredibly limited; I can either shoot my mouth off, kill someone or suck up to the Empire. Really? What happened to the darker plans of setting up people down the road, more torture and the option to even ruin more quest-givers.


[*]You never feel like either Palpatine or Maul


I feel like Maul through combat and a little through the story since I'm an apprentice and doing Zash's bidding. Mostly it is through combat though that I feel almost covert, powerful and acrobatic. I'd especially love it if our jump would allow us to maybe do a flip if we did it at a certainly angle e.g.


[*]The thing with Ashara could have been done much better and should have felt more like Palpatine corrupting Anakin over the years.


I'm assuming this is some apprentice we get down the road so I can't really comment on that.


[*]Companions weren't that great


I absolutely love Khem Val and what story I've received from him thus far though I wish he were just a bit stouter in combat.


[*]Why was Zash my master? She didn't even teach me anything. You should at least get some of your abilities from your master.


I take it as much like Palpatine or any other Lord as they take on a new apprentice: a tool to better themselves. Honestly doesn't feel like most of the Sith are intent on actually teaching you anything since you're better off as a mindless brute for their bidding. If you were all that powerful and had a mind of your own, you would be capable of killing them off and I don't think they would enjoy that :D


So, I haven't played through any of the other stories yet so I cannot really compare, but I've started the SW story and so far it seems better and I haven't even left DK yet. Anyone actually like the SI story.


I love the Sage storyline much more as I feel more important, respected and have a purpose. The SI feels more like I'm just another SW and where is the fun in that?

Edited by Phaelus
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I just finished the story yesterday and I have to agree. When I was first on Korriban I could understand how everyone would kind of toss me aside. I was a slave and I played an "alien" race, so that made sense, but I figured that as soon as I became an apprentice that would stop from the majority of NPCs. I also figured the never ending parade of "get X from Y" would stop and I would see myself starting to build a power base by manipulating people or situations. I also felt like everything was way too on rails. I called the whole Zash thread as soon as I continued with the "get this, I'll explain later." You'd think a sith that is as powerful as your suppose to be would spot foul play from a mile away? Why was I always forced into doing the obvious "Ok master..." type action.


When I think of a class that is modeled in part after Palpatine I think of something that is a master manipulator. I didn't get that sense from the SI story line. I never saw myself setting things into motion on some grand scale. There was A LITTLE bit of it here and there, but it was always for something small. I was honestly looking for that feeling that you get at the end of Momento when you realize the whole movie was presented to you in reverse, that "ooooh" moment.


It never came. Still enjoyed playing but I found myself treating the class quests as nothing more than just another quest. Hope my BH is more engaging.

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Minor spoilers, rrright.


Unless you have a cabbage for a brain most of bioware's writting is so transparant you could tell zash was going to betray you in someway the instant you set foot on drommund kass.


The ONLY remotely entertaining story in the entirety of SWTOR was sith warrior. Bounty hunter is almost as predictable as SI and is a huge disappointment the entire way. Sith warrior you are his instrument and aspire to raise higher. Maybe that simplicity is why its good. But when ever bioware tries to pull a switch-a-roo with the story its horrificly predictable and embarassing to read.

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Spoiler is a spoiler, and there are few ones which involve the last part of the game.


Anyway, when you watch any modern movie its always the same, the good guys win, the poor guy gets the girl and the rich is a jerk etc.etc. But it doesnt mean you cant enjoy the movie. Same here. I was lightside Sith inquisitor/assassin and enjoyed it because it was new and somewhat ridiculous. You could've done the same. I also enjoyed IA story, even though I expected most of it because I'm a fan of cyberpunk genre.


Choosing the right dialogue choice (even if it has no effect on the game), listening to the different answers, getting in character and wasting time on other minor stuff is fun! Complaining about what you expected to complain about is just useless. And, really, compare it to medal of modern duty. Its not Deus Ex, not Planescape or Baldurs Gate, but its not bad, and by not bad I mean good ^^

Edited by Vesperr
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Spoiler is a spoiler, and there are few ones which involve the last part of the game.


Anyway, when you watch any modern movie its always the same, the good guys win, the poor guy gets the girl and the rich is a jerk etc.etc. But it doesnt mean you cant enjoy the movie. Same here. I was lightside Sith inquisitor/assassin and enjoyed it because it was new and somewhat ridiculous. You could've done the same. I also enjoyed IA story, even though I expected most of it because I'm a fan of cyberpunk genre.


Choosing the right dialogue choice (even if it has no effect on the game), listening to the different answers, getting in character and wasting time on other minor stuff is fun! Complaining about what you expected to complain about is just useless. And, really, compare it to medal of modern duty. Its not Deus Ex, not Planescape or Baldurs Gate, but its not bad, and by not bad I mean good ^^


What they said, I'm enjoying the SI plot, I absolutly knew Zash would try something, I felt powerful through it all, if you don't like your char, you won't like the story... all my answers I picked were picked to depict how I felt my char would respond to things.

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Everytime I read a post like this, I get very confused.


So far, I feel like I'm the only one who like the SI story. I'm at lvl 27 on my BH and I get kind of bored with it most of the time. Every time I explain what I'm doing to my BH friend, he seems to get kind of jealous at what my story is like. Then again, I like more 'out there' types of stories, they keep me pretty interested.


Eh well, I must be in the minority.


Don't worry. He'll get to tell you how awesome Chapter 3 is on BH.

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Spoiler is a spoiler, and there are few ones which involve the last part of the game.


Anyway, when you watch any modern movie its always the same, the good guys win, the poor guy gets the girl and the rich is a jerk etc.etc. But it doesnt mean you cant enjoy the movie. Same here. I was lightside Sith inquisitor/assassin and enjoyed it because it was new and somewhat ridiculous. You could've done the same. I also enjoyed IA story, even though I expected most of it because I'm a fan of cyberpunk genre.


Choosing the right dialogue choice (even if it has no effect on the game), listening to the different answers, getting in character and wasting time on other minor stuff is fun! Complaining about what you expected to complain about is just useless. And, really, compare it to medal of modern duty. Its not Deus Ex, not Planescape or Baldurs Gate, but its not bad, and by not bad I mean good ^^


The story [isn't new. It's boring and rehashed and certainly doesn't make you feel like a powerful Sith? Just because you liked it doesn't make it good. You're also implying that people spacebar'd through the dialogue sequences or weren't thoughtful with their responses if they didn't enjoy the story. That's a lot of assumptions.

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I was excited to play an SI what with their story's whole theme being climbing the rungs of the ladder of the sith hierarchy through deception, guile, and power. I played through Act I patiently; I understood that a truly great "rise to power" story required substantial background building, so I was content to collect trinkets for my master before inevitably overthrowing her. The problem was that I never really felt that my character advanced beyond this "collect things for Zash" phase. Even with Zash technically under my command, she was the one calling all the shots and determining where I should be heading towards next in my quest.


The Thanaton story never really gripped me, because I never fully understood his motives. The reason given for why he wanted to destroy me was weak, and it could have been flushed out significantly more than it was. They did made Thanaton a sufficiently intimidating bad guy (and I was right pissed when he has my apprentices killed, probably the part of the story where I felt most in tune with my character), but in doing this they also made another error. In order to overcome a foe as powerful as Thanaton you're forced to subdue 4 separate ghosts in order to augment your own power, which makes your own character seem horribly weak in comparison. The whole forcewalking aspect of the story made me feel as though none of my power was my own and I was using a cheap trick to beat my betters.


Upon finishing the story I felt as if I hadn't truly deserved my seat on the dark council. Sure, I had beaten a council member in fair combat, but my list of sith-y things I've done for the benefit of the Empire was almost nonexistent considering that any class can do the baseline planet quests. My entire quest thus far was for personal gain and not really worthy of becoming one of the 12 most powerful sith in the empire, in my mind.


None of this really bothered me too much until I started playing my agent and found myself immediately drawn into the story. As an agent I find myself performing tasks which are pertinent to the entire galaxy rather than feuding with other sith for trivial personal gains. This discrepancy in the importance of the tasks I was completing has left a bad taste in my mouth for my SI.


I suppose the silver lining to this is that this is only the first part of a developing story and I imagine as an SI you will be partaking in much more significant duties as a member of the dark council once the next story patch arrives. I'm sure the story will gain strength now that the foundation has been laid, but it's just sad that you accomplish so little as an SI compared to other classes in this first chunk of the story.

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I thought it was fairly solid for what it was. The storylines are so diffused over time and given in small bursts of unique class content, it's hard to say.


Me and my enemy having a philosophical debate at the end...errr...did we have philosophical differences? Does my character stand for anything? Say, could I ask my character about his time in slavery, how his hatred built up over the years? Could I interrogate him? That might have helped shed some light on this Darth Nox.


The end of act 1 is the only twisty, wicked, cool part of the story that reminded me of the story-depth of KOTOR 1 and 2, sadly. Making my character a blank RPG slate of sorts doesn't necessarily suit this kind of tale.


Having companions default to not unlocking conversations and quests unless you give them gifts is an awful design decision--I missed most every dialogue except for a few of Khem's, this really diminished my attachment to my companions (especially since I assume they flesh out some aspects of your story in the unique class content.)


Overall I thought it was good, though, as a class story, independent of other issues with the game.

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Honestly, I'm still in Act I, but I have to agree with you thus far.


If youre in act I, you shouldnt be reading these threads. :eek: Also the thread title should be changed to "major spoilers".


Anyway, I have posted on numerous similar threads and here we go again. I do agree with the OT. I recently started playing sith warrior, and while my progress is slow due to doing daily stuff on my lvl 50 inquisitor, I havent had anything in there that I have disliked.


**Spoilers from sith warrior and inquisitor storylines**



Comparing the two 'masters' from SI and SW stories, in the very first dialog I had with Baras after becoming Sith, he teaches me something. The Sith code. And the player character admits that he/she hasnt read about it much. In the next encounter with Baras, the master tells the player where does he/she fit in in his organisation. Personal enforcer etc. This is how I expected the master-apprentice relationship to develop. This is laying foundation to what follows afterwards. I hope SW story continues on a high note like this.


Comparing to this, Zash didn't teach anything. "Ok now that youre out of Korriban, you can go fetch this artifact for me". Even that artifact fetching wouldnt have been as bad if there was something else in the story. Its like comparing the bold and the beautiful to a real movie. Repetition was bad enough, even if the story had lot of nice stuff in it.


The thing that I have tried to figure out long after the story, is why exactly did Thanaton have to kill the player again? The reason eludes me. It was some sort of weird tradition which btw feels like completely made up. Im not aware of any such traditions after doing some research on Sith, and I have no idea what exactly Zash did to incur Thanatons wrath? Whatever it is, it wasn't shown in SI story. The whole thing feels like pulled out of thin air just so you can have a big lvl 50 dark council member threatening the player (and doing awful job at it considering Thanaton is basically missing for most of the chapters he is in)


Oh sigh. The story wasnt complete trainwreck since I still got to do lot of evil things, and such computergames are extremely rare in todays world, its just that it didnt go anything like I expected.


Not enough Sith-y stuff, not enough mentally manipulating others (ashara the only real example), not enough turning people darkside (exactly zero), not enough master-apprentice (can fix that in later expansions btw with for example player+Xalek), betrayal: yeah I guess player backstabbed minor characters in the story, not enough being in dark council once its done (I have found exactly one dialog afterwards where player character announces that, on Ilum), and so on..


They did made Thanaton a sufficiently intimidating bad guy (and I was right pissed when he has my apprentices killed, probably the part of the story where I felt most in tune with my character), but in doing this they also made another error. In order to overcome a foe as powerful as Thanaton you're forced to subdue 4 separate ghosts in order to augment your own power, which makes your own character seem horribly weak in comparison. The whole forcewalking aspect of the story made me feel as though none of my power was my own and I was using a cheap trick to beat my betters.


I wasnt pissed at my apprentices dying, after all they showed themselves up as my apprentices on their own. I had no opinion on the matter. Another case of: "Here, have these apprentices so Thanaton can kill them". No real deep relationship develops with anybody in the SI story, because everybody are shoved down your throat and you dont have any choice on the matter. Its not like Thanaton threatened anybody important with whom you might actually have emotional attachment (like companions).


Also, I agree on your assessment that 'player character seems really weak in comparison'. Its not explained at all why exactly Thanaton was so powerful that you needed to pick up all those ghosts. I specifically remember Zash explaining the issue like this: "you need this ancient ritual to have a chance at beating Thanaton". Huh.

Edited by Karkais
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  • 2 weeks later...

I agree about Baras being more in line with what you think a Sith master should be.


You never get a real Master / Apprentice relationship with Vash.


Also Its the Sith warrior, oddly enough, who gets the chance to be sithy and manipulate people to a greater extent then the SI does.

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I agree about Baras being more in line with what you think a Sith master should be.


You never get a real Master / Apprentice relationship with Vash.


Also Its the Sith warrior, oddly enough, who gets the chance to be sithy and manipulate people to a greater extent then the SI does.


Contains major spoilers for SI, SW and JK stories:


SI was actually a pretty well written story... just not what most people expected. You were a slave who was brought to the academy to train, you are not an inquisitor yet, you have no knowledge of anything really, Zash orders you around, like it or not, you don't really have any options. Later after things with her.. "end"... all you do is basically trying to stay alive while you learn and adapt to the complicated world of Sith "politics".


It is actually a pretty good story if you don't consider the story to end where it ends currently.. it will go on, there's more to come an the whole thing about forcewalking etc was pretty interesting. I've played a warrior before and yeah, you get to turn 1 person either LS or DS depending on your alignment, but that's it. The whole thing with killing your master just takes longer, for the most part you are his pawn, then try to get to him (doing what as an SI you did with Thanaton basically).


On a sidenote; Nobody gets to meet the empreror in person as he is currently absent, the closest thing you get to the empreror is freeing the voice and as a Jedi, killing the voice.

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I thought the story line was good for a Sorc. Running around getting artifacts, absorbing ghosts for their power, etc, etc. I'd give it a solid B- for that AC.


Unfortunately my guy is an assassin and not once did I feel that the story line had any connection to the AC I picked. They could of at least made an attempt to give some story lines to both ACs. I was hoping I would learn more about the Sith assassin what they are used for, their place in the sith empire, etc. The assassin story should of been a cross between the Sith Warrior and IA stories, IMO.


Maybe when the expansion comes out and they expand the story lines we'll get something that's better for both ACs or better yet a story line for each AC.



Maybe it's my fault since I played an IA first. Their story really makes you feel like 007.

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ok I have to say I enjoyed the SI storyline, yes it did not have too many plot turning elements but it was very well done and tbh some of the criticism you guys give is not at all logical concerning the story itself.

Mainly when you say "Zash did not teach me anything I felt like an errand boy". Firstly a master student relationship often involves the student to do minor jobs for the master after all the student is very low in the social hierarchy compared to the master. Secondly why on earth would Zash teach someone somethign whom she views as a vessel to be filled by her spirit, thus gaining all her knowledge. Seems like a waste of time to me...

Besides Act 1 maintained a very nice balance of the when will Zash betray me (you know Khem Val says this and then there is the Sith Code and Kallig (Kallig beinig another epic moment in the sotry: we're actually descendant from this really powerful Sith lord cool!)) and how will I get the power she promises and WHY does she give it to me and not herself. The wow-effect of Act 1 ending was also not supposed to be the "oh Zash betrays you herp derp" if it was why give us so many clues? The wow-effect was Zash was actually OLD (another reference to Palpatine through Darth Plagueis)! And the fact that Khem Val who I disliked got a girly voice and Zash inside of him made me giggle for many an hour.

I agree thought that you should be able to turn Ashara to the Darkside but the whole story how you gain Xalek is just soo ironical that it evens it out for me at least.

Now to the argument "I feel like I cheated by binding the ghosts to me" that ritual as the codex and quest explain is really rare and can be only done by the really strong force users. So already by mastering it you prove your something special and very strong in the force (Palpatine again). Besides Thanaton while being a Dark Council member not through strenght but by cunning (see web comic) is beyong a doubt a worthy foe because as you can read in the webcomic he defeated the Emperors own aprrentice (with a bit of luck) and his values are shown there and in the codex as well, so his motive to kill you is not too hard to understand (and its trumpeted in your head like 10 times in the story). By all this I mean you should by any means loose against Thanaton in any fight you're a bloody masterless Lord of the Sith without any teaching while he is the embodiment of t he strongest sith alive! So yeah you should feel underpowered against him. The whole force ritual having a catch was also easy to foresee but come on the catch was nice you going mad and having to cure yourself all the while growing more powerful in the force (Voss) its not only a very good way off making the plot get thicker by making time play against you. Killing the apprentices onmly adds up to that.

And btw you can disagree with Zash you don't have to do as she says you can even give her a very good beating if you agree with Khem most of the time.

The only thing that disappointed me was that the Darth Thanaton fight was sooo easy. Other than that yeah me getting a seat on the dark council expected since Thanaton declares alll out war on me. Which leads me to my final point. You do actually do things like build a power base and manipulate people, or what do you call taking over a cult, building a superweapon, converting Thanaton's apprentice to betray him (Corellia) using old friends from Balmorra (Corellia)? And at the side we learn a lot of Sith lore everything BW said we'd do.

To those who say I was too much minding my own business not being loyal enough to the empire. Open your eyes that what sith do they care squat about the empire if you want to be a patriot as an Imp play an Agent those are the ones who need the Empire for the Dark Council its onmly a tool you'll understand this at the end of the Illum quest line.

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(sorry bd grammar...i have some problem right now)

Hi, I'm at the beginning of Corellia, so didn't finished my SI story (first char)


I want to say just a few things.

Yeah, for some things, the SI story wasn't much like I would aspected. The most "disappointing" part were , IHMO, :


-Taking Ashara like mine apprentist

"Oh..you killed my master, i can't go back to the other Jedi, so i'll come with you ...but don't make me go against my teaching"


Which even was a bad beginnin...i like it how it evolved, whend her affection was almost 10000 she said "I feel like a Jedi, but with the freedom of the Sith". And since I'm a Light side Sith, i appreciate this.

Also, the fact of being light side, makes more right the fact that Tanathon oppose you.


Second thing is

-You search for ghost (2 planets) than....you must search for a way to heal your self...(other 2 planets)



But Hey....I don't think that you should minimize the importans of becoming a member of the Dark Counsil (np, i figured it out before spolering it to me). Because the Empire is totally differen from what we saw in the movies. So comparision with Maul or Palpatine aren't quite right (still IMHO)


The Sith Empire has is own particullary rule: If you are a Sith, you can be Ruler.

But how you become ruler? by taking power, so some of your action are to become more powerfull, phisically and military so you have:


-An Armed cult devoted to you (all Nar Shaddar quests)

-Ancient Artifact of your Grand pa + More power in the Force

-3 Battlecruiser equiped with a new Cannon which obliterates entire Reppublic Fleets....not bad uh?



Finally and most important, I found the SI storyline really FULL of lore of anykind , especially force. which i liked.

I mean...in the latest planets you can find:


-The last Living Rakata.....I mean...with bone and flesh! Not hologram and mind trap devices...

-The Mother of all races!

-New rituals about Dream walking and such


I have a friend who's playng a Sith Warrion, and according to what he says, his Storyline is primary military.

The SI focus is the study of the Force and it's many aspect.


Or at least....this is what i saw ...IHMO.

Edited by Zaganna
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