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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Proof People are Leaving...


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Ya I definitely see Rift doing what WoW did back in the day... but not as big of course. WoW lost a LOT of subs in its first 6 months but by the end of the first year they had regained their launch pop and grew positively. That's what going on in Rift right now. Our guild there is an RP/raid guild and very average. Still, we've been steadily growing over the past 2 months at a rate of about 15 members per month.... we're now over 200 active raiders strong :) The biggest guild on our Rift server has over 3000 members. We're doing just fine over there.
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Rift is still a good example, however, of the typical MMO population curve that the fans here somehow think TOR is going to avoid. As good and as highly praised as Rift is, it still dropped from 1 million-ish members to half that within about 3 months, and now is down to around 300 to 350K after 10 months.


Difference is, that's phenomenal success for a game like Rift, created by a previously unknown developer, on a $50 million budget. For TOR, that would be abject failure.


Rift is not the same situation though.


First, thematically Rift is such a similar game to WoW that people not actually burned out on sword and sorcery games had a much greater chance at returning to another such game (namely back to WoW). I'd bet that SWTOR has a much higher percentage of MMO players burnt out on traditional fantasy themes than Rift did.


Second, SWTOR has likely attracted a much larger percentage of it's players than Rift from non-MMO backgrounds because of the IP and because of the developer. This means that there is likely to be less immediate burnout factor since the MMO genre is newer to these players.


Third, players may not have had faith in an unknown IP like Rift from an unknown publisher like Trion and assumed that since the game wasn't THAT great at launch, it would only be a temporary diversion at best. So they were not as willing to wait it out and invest longer term. Bioware with a Star Wars IP will not probably have that problem to the same degree.


BTW, I like Rift, and I like SWTOR. It's a shame that people gave up so fast on Rift because over the course of the year it turned into a pretty good game.

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nothing new all new mmo's have an exodus at the 30 day mark, the game will live on way past the 30 mark, don't need millions of players to be a hit, seems like most have forgot Ea said 500k subs is VERY !! profitable, so that means they have some wiggle room, between US/EU and other parts of the world this game is still growing and not fully released, some folks have no idea how large the Star Wars IP really is, it's huge, and the intrest in this game even though it is cooling off is still larger than most, just do a little research..:)
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