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BioWare jusst can't win...


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So.. in the future once the game is supposed to run, well like a game.. Will there be waves to be able to login, or how will they control the flow of customers that want to play?


I can see it: "You a scheduled for access to login in 3 days again. Sorry for any inconvenience. Have a nice day."


If you really have to ask that question then you really probably should have someone else handle your purchases for your own protection.

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If you really have to ask that question then you really probably should have someone else handle your purchases for your own protection.



No, thats a legitimate question, how can we know that they wont handle releases of new items, expansions, downloads like this. Do we all have to scramble to buy that item the second it is out, so we dont have to be put on a waiting list. Thank you for your purchase of ingame time, it is pending, please wait "up to 6 days"

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They did the stress test and gathered data about server.. Now, do you have the data they gathered from the stress test? NO! Then don't assume you know their servers better then they do.


The only sensible complain I read in those 7 pages is the guy saying they could at least announce witch date they just invited... The other ones, just get on your day as usual and check your e-mail here and there... Or try to get that damn last items you need to golden god the binding of isaac....

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I love how people assume that the hardware they should have won't be able to handle the load, This is the only mmo in history to do a staggered launch, the excuse "to help server stability" only shows they have either little knowledge with the hardware they are working with, or have zero faith in it to handle the product.


Either or is a terrible sign hence why this launch already left such a bad taste in a lot of people mouth.


This will go down as one of the worst MMO launches to date.


Even if they had a dam cray supercomputer the servers would still crash/lag if 1mil + people tried logging in and playing in the same starting zone.


Staggered launch guarantees that population is spread among all servers and that the starting zones aren't filled with 500+ people.

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Lets answer your second question, no blizzard does not give free game time as compensation, the last time they did that was 4 years ago, they have not done it since. Also, i never said it revolves around me, it revolves around the millions of players that play this game. Also, you cannot ask someone to Read the ToS and understand it 100%, they make it sound extreamly sneaky. They make you give up all your rights, that is unacceptable. You payed 59.99, if they wanted they can launch the game on the 20th, and 30 days later shut the game down take everyones money and say screw you. Thats your rights that you give up.


Most games you buy now a days you do not even own, they give you a license to play the game. That is how sneaky these companies are, for example all your games on steam, your hundreds of dollars of games, at anytime one day steam could shut down, and your screwed out of your games because you never "owned them".


My point is gaming companies get away with what ever they want, we shrug it off because we enjoy playing the game. They know this. Bioware needs to change some major thing or this is gonna be the Next Rift, warhammer,aion, ect. Dust in the wind.


Here's my recent free time from Blizzard:

2/6/10 N/A One Day Credit

8/3/09 N/A One Day Credit

5/1/09 N/A One Day Credit

1/30/09 N/A One Day Credit

1/27/09 N/A Three Day Credit

6/24/08 N/A One Day Credit

1/10/07 N/A One Day Credit

10/6/06 N/A One Day Credit


So I got 2 business weeks of free time over the course of 5 years. Other people got more time too, depending on the nature of the credit (if a specific server was down, only people on that server would be credited time). I would caution you from fabricating things that you know absolutely nothing about in the future, it makes you look like a moron.


You act like the world revolves around you. You use 0 facts, 0 evidence, absolutely nothing to back you up and you say BY GOLLY, I THINK THE SERVERS SHOULD BE OPENED BECAUSE I SAY SO, JOLLY GOOD ARGUMENT CHAP and think it means anything. THAT shows that you think the world revolves around you.


The ToS is not sneaky. It's incredibly clear and explicit. Your lack of understanding makes you think it's sneaky, but that's your fault and your failing, not the ToS. It clearly states everything you need to know and just because you don't want to take the time to read it and understand it is no one's fault but your own.


Game companies don't do whatever they want. They do things according to a very rigid and structured set of rules. "We" don't shrug it off because we want to play. I accept the ToS because I understand it and the rationale behind it. Idiot players accept it because they can't be bothered to read what kind of LEGAL CONTRACT they're entering before they sign it.

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They did the stress test and gathered data about server.. Now, do you have the data they gathered from the stress test? NO! Then don't assume you know their servers better then they do.


The only sensible complain I read in those 7 pages is the guy saying they could at least announce witch date they just invited... The other ones, just get on your day as usual and check your e-mail here and there... Or try to get that damn last items you need to golden god the binding of isaac....


Well i agree, the LEAST they could do is annouce the dates, give us a timetable, but they do not give a damn, they can do what ever they feel like, and i do not like that.


Its not reasonable to check your email over and over, hoping you got in like rats.


Now many of my friends and "enemies" will be ahead of me, having a head start. How is that fair what soever. Also, it doesn't matter how much data they collect, its not going to change the fact that on the 20th, there will be a **** load of people logging in, way more then this early access. So there is no point in staggering this for early access people, then making people have to level through competition fighting for npcs. Everyone should have to fight for quests, not just people who decided to blindly buy a game without knowing much about it.

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Even if they had a dam cray supercomputer the servers would still crash/lag if 1mil + people tried logging in and playing in the same starting zone.


Staggered launch guarantees that population is spread among all servers and that the starting zones aren't filled with 500+ people.


You do know, that servers have log in limits, i rather be in que, then being able to play 4 days later, and be in que anyway.

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Agreeing with original poster.


We're already being allowed in earlier than told, and people still whine and complain. 300 people camping the same mob without trying to group and get it done faster has been my experience with numerous pervious MMORPGs.


If those entitled whiners quit before release, my game experience will only improve.

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No, I think it's pretty clear that I didn't say that at all.


On the launch day on the 20th, how many people are going to log in all at once? Not many, because they're going to have to go out and buy their games and then download and/or install their games. Plus they'll be rolling on servers that already have a medium load from pre-orders. That is COMPLETELY different than everyone and their mother in the pre-order, who already have the game pre-loaded, all logging in at essentially the exact same time to completely fresh servers.


Hmm some people have there hard copies and all digital orders will be on almost right away.... so again??


Will put this disclaimer.. i have not and will not cry about waiting to get in.


But I will say this has been handled by the PR dept horribly. Now it might not be PR dept fault.. sales and marketing are kings of over promising and then having techs and PR smooth out there idiot ideas... if there is something stupid happening its either because of lawyers.. or marketing and sales... always...


The elephant in the room is the fact they are worried about pre orders crashing servers... but magically those worries go away on the 20 when the game goes live? Sorry doesnt make sense to anyone who is looking at this logically and not as a fanboi or as a rabid QQ type.

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Lets answer your second question, no blizzard does not give free game time as compensation, the last time they did that was 4 years ago, they have not done it since. Also, i never said it revolves around me, it revolves around the millions of players that play this game. Also, you cannot ask someone to Read the ToS and understand it 100%, they make it sound extreamly sneaky. They make you give up all your rights, that is unacceptable. You payed 59.99, if they wanted they can launch the game on the 20th, and 30 days later shut the game down take everyones money and say screw you. Thats your rights that you give up.


Most games you buy now a days you do not even own, they give you a license to play the game. That is how sneaky these companies are, for example all your games on steam, your hundreds of dollars of games, at anytime one day steam could shut down, and your screwed out of your games because you never "owned them".


My point is gaming companies get away with what ever they want, we shrug it off because we enjoy playing the game. They know this. Bioware needs to change some major thing or this is gonna be the Next Rift, warhammer,aion, ect. Dust in the wind.


You make no sense at all. Why does it bother you that steam and Bioware could shut their service down? It isn't likely to happen anyways since both of them are *SUPRISE* making good profit. How can your point after saying the above stuff be that "Bioware needs to change some major thing or this game is gonna be the next Rift,warhammer,aion" ?


If you didn't know, every game that have multiplayer does this and if you don't like it then for gods sake DONT PLAY IT. You said it yourself that "we shrug it off" if you dont tolerate it dont "shrug it off" ;)

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Even if they had a dam cray supercomputer the servers would still crash/lag if 1mil + people tried logging in and playing in the same starting zone.


Staggered launch guarantees that population is spread among all servers and that the starting zones aren't filled with 500+ people.


Each zone is instanced. After a certain number of people are in one, it creates a new one. 500+ people in the starting zones means nothing because of this.

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Quick question here.


Are you saying on the 20th the game will crash, because if preorders can't be handled how are they going to handle the 2nd Launch day?


If they can't handle it now when people are at work and school, the game will be just like WoW at launch when everyone who gets a copy logs in on the same day especially since they will be dumped out of the servers on the 19th some time. The rash of people getting back in equals crash by your logic.


Ive only been saying the same thing all week

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Here's my recent free time from Blizzard:

2/6/10 N/A One Day Credit

8/3/09 N/A One Day Credit

5/1/09 N/A One Day Credit

1/30/09 N/A One Day Credit

1/27/09 N/A Three Day Credit

6/24/08 N/A One Day Credit

1/10/07 N/A One Day Credit

10/6/06 N/A One Day Credit


So I got 2 business weeks of free time over the course of 5 years. Other people got more time too, depending on the nature of the credit (if a specific server was down, only people on that server would be credited time). I would caution you from fabricating things that you know absolutely nothing about in the future, it makes you look like a moron.


You act like the world revolves around you. You use 0 facts, 0 evidence, absolutely nothing to back you up and you say BY GOLLY, I THINK THE SERVERS SHOULD BE OPENED BECAUSE I SAY SO, JOLLY GOOD ARGUMENT CHAP and think it means anything. THAT shows that you think the world revolves around you.


The ToS is not sneaky. It's incredibly clear and explicit. Your lack of understanding makes you think it's sneaky, but that's your fault and your failing, not the ToS. It clearly states everything you need to know and just because you don't want to take the time to read it and understand it is no one's fault but your own.


Game companies don't do whatever they want. They do things according to a very rigid and structured set of rules. "We" don't shrug it off because we want to play. I accept the ToS because I understand it and the rationale behind it. Idiot players accept it because they can't be bothered to read what kind of LEGAL CONTRACT they're entering before they sign it.



Well you must be special then, because i have multiple characters on servers that have over 24 hours down time, i do not know how you got day credits, when me and hundreds of people i know never get it, so i could be wrong.


Also, Yes the ToS is Sneaky, not because i do not understand it, but because they make you give up all your rights. They make it so they do as they please. That millions of customers do not have any say other then there game subscription that they can cancel at anytime.

By the way, you seem to think highly of your self, you defend them to the very end. The thing is, YOU have 0 facts 0 evidence, nothing to base your statements on. The simple fact that you keep responding to me makes me think your a little angry, you made a statement, so did i, so must we now turn this into a war.


So, we must now enter legal contracts, that in no way benefit us, or protect us, only protecting EAs, and Biowares Hides. We agree to give them money and not get anything in return. They choose to continue support for there game. World of Warcraft could shut down completely the next day that Mist of Pandaria comes out, and we cannot do anything about it, no refund for the 59.99 we just paid, nothing. Why? Because your ToS that you expect everyone to understand makes you give up any right you had to do anything. You seem to forget that many of the people playing these games are not Adults.


You expect children to know everything an adult would. Do you think a parent buying a game for their child would understand the statement, Get up to 5 days early access. I would think buying a game on the first week it was available would get me in the first day, not the second or "at least 1 day minimum".

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Agreeing with original poster.


We're already being allowed in earlier than told, and people still whine and complain. 300 people camping the same mob without trying to group and get it done faster has been my experience with numerous pervious MMORPGs.


If those entitled whiners quit before release, my game experience will only improve.




We were originally told that we would get to play as early as 12/16. I think they should identify every account that's whining and throwing a fit because they don't get to play as early as other people and lock them out until the 16th. Then everyone else gets waved in much sooner. Win-win!


Also, I played last night for a bit and it was crowded, even up to 1 AM PST and beyond, but it was bearable. I don't want 500% more people in my game.

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Each zone is instanced. After a certain number of people are in one, it creates a new one. 500+ people in the starting zones means nothing because of this.


And, yeah, servers can create an infinite amount of instances, right? No limit on CPU, bandwidth, memory or DB query speed... *cough*

Edited by Abfalter
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What about being able to play within the next few days OR being locked out for a week because the servers have crashed?



You still dont understand, how can the servers crash if they stop people from logging in past a limit they set. This staggering launch is going to do nothing, All these is doing is delaying the fact that thousands will still be logging in once everyone has access.


How can a cup overflow if you restrict it to only being able to be filled to the top. No more water can get it, so how can it leak, or "crash"


If the sever only lets in 2000 people, then they make a que timer for people that log off, they lose there spot, someone takes it. Thats whats going to happen on launch day anyway.


It wont crash, the only way i could crash is if they were stupid enough to put no limit on the amount of characters on a server.

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You make no sense at all. Why does it bother you that steam and Bioware could shut their service down? It isn't likely to happen anyways since both of them are *SUPRISE* making good profit. How can your point after saying the above stuff be that "Bioware needs to change some major thing or this game is gonna be the next Rift,warhammer,aion" ?


If you didn't know, every game that have multiplayer does this and if you don't like it then for gods sake DONT PLAY IT. You said it yourself that "we shrug it off" if you dont tolerate it dont "shrug it off" ;)



The simple fact is that they CAN do that, its not like they ever would. Its the fact that we as customers give up the right to play a game we enjoy.


Also, give me ONE example of a Multiplayer game that had a staggered launch like this. Because i could give to 100 that dont.

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The simple fact is that they CAN do that, its not like they ever would. Its the fact that we as customers give up the right to play a game we enjoy.


Also, give me ONE example of a Multiplayer game that had a staggered launch like this. Because i could give to 100 that dont.


I'll bet you that you will see more of this as other MMOs copy the idea.

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