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How best to fix the same sex romance.


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OK we know its comming


We also know that from several npc interactions it was MEANT to be in at launch.


But how would be best to place it into the game, I see several options.


First and easiest


Add more companions you can gain that have these options, Its simple straight forward BUT the big downside, Those that are the same sex as the companion and have basically GROWN with them can't pursue them any further, while those that picked the "correct" sex already have romanced said companion and are onto another.


Second and HARDEST


Re-writing half the story for those that have romancing options and some how working it so everybody can have the same run through. Not likely to happen as it would be INSANELY hard and allot work.


Third option


Keep everything as it currently is, Accept add a quest trigger at 50 (level cap) that triggers a smiler romancing scenario for same sex char/companion combo as the straight combo's get with the same companions. This one I think would work best as then it would mean players don't need to hold back on there story or progression and there not shunned, It also adds an element of shyness (for lack of a better term). Your companion Might be a little bashful so to speak at first. Or have it come out in class/story arc specific quests.


Something like - Some hotshot sith you've been chasing for months manages to capture your pad-wan/friend/crew member (depending on class) You go to rescue them, Before you fight the sith, the sith tells you in a **** arrogant sort of way that the companion they captured cares dearly/loves/is in love with you, your response would effect how the relationship develops.


sommin like (using my chars for reference here Adia is my chars name)



-Sith- "Oh before I kill you Jedi, I know something you don't, Your Pad-wan's feeling's betray her.


-Adia- "Oh and how's that then"


-Sith- <Looks at you then your pad-wan and back again> "Oh you don't know, Oh this is fantastic, Not only do I get to kill you, But I also get to destroy your pad-wan emotionally and see her break before I kill her, Then again maybe I won't kill her, Seeing her suffer would be so much more rewarding".


-Adia- "What are you babbling about"


-Kira- "Adia I.....


-Sith- "Silence,


Adia and the sith then proceed to fight to the death in witch the sith does beat Adia, leaving her batterd and half dead.


-Sith- "Bah was that it", <Sith gives adia a kick to the stomach knocking the wind out of her and walks over to Kira>


-Sith- "I know you can still hear me Adia, Now let me tell you what you obviously cannot see, Kira YOUR pad-wan is in love.


-Adia- <narrowing her eyes on the sith and then focusing on Kira> "w w who" she gasps.


-Kira- <On her knees cradling her face> I'm sorry, I thought I could control it, I never ment for this.


-Sith- "Oh this is almost to much, Kira is in love with YOU Jedi"


-Kira- <looking away from Adia, not able to meet her eyes> I'm sorry


-Adia- <a little bewildered> "H how, when, why didn't you say something Kira.


-Sith- "Not that any of this matters"<The sith leers at Kira> Because now your MASTER is going to watch you die, <The sith brings his light saber up to Kira neck mere millimeters from her skin>.


-Kira- <draws in a deep pant> "Get it over with you soulless bastard" <and closes her eyes> "I'm sorry"


-Sith- "As you wish my dear" <The sith draws back his sabre to take the strike>


-Adia- "NOOOoo" <With that the sith was sent flying backwards into the wall as if hit by an invisible wreaking ball>


-Sith- "ooof" <The sith fell to the floor on one knee and stared at Adia,"This is not POSSIBLE" he shouted through his teeth.


-Kira- <with fast shallow breaths opened her eyes and looked at her master, her eyes gleamed and as a tear rolled down her cheek> "W-what" <she stared as she saw Adia was kneeling in her mediation stance a brilliant gold arua surrounding her>


-Sith- "No matter, you Pad-wan will still die, You just get to see it better. <With that the sith leaps forwards weapons drawn aiming for the defenseless Kira.


Before the sith can land a blow Adia springs across the room summoning her light sabers from opposite sides of the room and placing herself between Kira and the pouncing sith blocking his path and his attack in a dead stop the siths face inch's from hers.


-Adia- "Its OVERTIME" <With that she force pushes the back and begins the assault>


After a dazzling display of light and aerobatics, The sith lets forth a blood curdling scream as he raises his hand to his opposite shoulder and looks down at his arm on the floor.


Adia walks over to where Kira is held and releases her.


-Adia- "Its ok its over"


-Kira- "I-I don't know what to say"


-Adia-"Don't say anything, <raising her hand to cradle Kira's cheek> we will talk about this later, But first" <Turning to the sith>


-Sith- <laughing> "You won't win, when I tell the emperor this he will have a way of drawing you out when ever he chooses, and the Jedi council what would they say"<Laughs manically>


-Kira- "His right, I've ruined everything"



Option 1 - I can handle the Jedi Council <Turns the sith over to the Jedi Council> (light points, small negative loss with Kira.


Option 2 - Not if he doesnt tell anyone about this. <kills him on the spot> (Dark side points, Massive gain with Kara.


You can fill in the rest.




Not perfect but done in 20min.


Well you get the idea, (may have got carried away a bit:P)


Witch option would prefer. ?

Edited by elexier
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I like the third option best. Honestly, if I could have it my way I'd have the current companions romancable and new ones too.


I'm slightly concerned about how it would work with the voice actors... do they need to record new content? what if one or a few of the VA's are against that kind of thing for whatever reason and refuse even though they're on contract? :/


Maybe they can just use the current voice content and just ommit any reference to gender.


Also, I read around some of the companion quest dialogue and the game seems to pair some companions together if you've not ensued a relationship with the companion you're supposed to...



Bounty Hunters only get one romance option and it seems that if you don't make a move on Mako, by the time you get Torian, the quests seem to pair them together. This isn't fair if you want to pair a male char with Torian or a female char with Mako. :confused: if this is true then how does that work, will Torian spend the whole of my game chasing Mako until the patch comes, then suddenly be all like 'OH WAIT, I'm gay, will you marry me?' lol


Edited by AelixVII
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The third option is cool and all, but I'd prefer it if I could flirt and what have you as I level up my character.


I doubt they'll add same sex romance options for the current companions though, which is pretty sad. Right now you can just google a companion list and think "Hmm, I want to play this and this class and they have these romance options", but you never know what kind of terrible bi-sexual? companions your favorite class will get in the future.


I'd love to romance Mako with my female BH. If I had known about the quote from whoever-it-was about same sex romances, I would have rolled a male, despite wanting to play a female character (female chars are more fun to RP as :p).


EDIT: Nice story btw!

Edited by Ankan
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What they should do is what they should have done from the start and have the options available with the existing companions. I'm already not playing the characters I want to play since I don't want to ruin the story and experience if they ever do add it in.


Adding new companions is a "just okay" idea, more companions is always good, but they'll just be tacked on without any impact to your personal/class story and will feel like "second hand" companions. Not to mention a lot more work.


The last option you gave was my least favorite. A simple little quest at the end of everything? No thanks. Talk about calling it in.....


The companions and their stories already exist as they were designed, and I think originally intended to support s/s romances. I'd even bet any additional VO work was probably already done as well (even if it wasn't all that needs recorded is additional VO for the player) and just not implemented when BW made the decision to exclude those sections of their player base from the content. All they would need to do in that case is set the flag to let them "flirt" with s/s PC's. Why this wasn't done from the start? I dunno, pretty dumb actually.

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What they should do is what they should have done from the start and have the options available with the existing companions. I'm already not playing the characters I want to play since I don't want to ruin the story and experience if they ever do add it in.
Same here. I've got a Jedi that's going to be doing nothing but Flashpoints at the fleet until this is resolved.


The easiest way to do this would be to simply eliminate the gender recognition check on a few characters. Retroactively make a dozen or so companions bi-curious. Re-record any lines that aren't gender neutral.


For players that have already passed those parts of the dialogue, there could be some in-game way to either reset them or bring them up to speed.




I have a feeling the first wave of new companions will probably be bi as well.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Im kind of worried about this myself, a couple of characters I have I have just avoided talking to the companion I am interested in all together, one I actually plan on remaking (unfortunatelly) once it is implimented. I dunno I like the idea of being able to reset some of the romance conversations atleast to get the companion on the right track.. the level 50 quest would be a good hotfix but it still lacks its "genuine-ness" the new companion idea would be nice but it seems like it would have to be done for something like a major content addition or even an expansion to actually give them enough content to feel like an actual companion (thats not to say they should wait to impliment SSR's!)


Im mainly just hoping they add them soon, it feels like theres something missing

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Hello everyone!


We appreciate that folks have taken the time to give well-written feedback regarding the implementation of same-gender romances, however, we do have a very active thread for this discussion currently. While we are closing this thread, we encourage anyone who wishes to discuss same-gender romances and their implementation to do so, here: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=189316


As a special request to everyone, as this is a sensitive topic, please review the Rules of Conduct before posting in the other thread. Please remember that when voicing your opinions, never be rude or insulting to other community members, derogatory towards any groups, keep religion and politics out of posts and please be respectful of one another!


Thank you very much and enjoy the discussion!

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