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Your Endgame Is Buggy As Hell!


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and I can't wait to see what bugs the new FP has and the 4 new bosses. Track record says it wasn't tested at all and it will be a bug filled messed. End game rating has been about a 3/10 thus far, for me. Just way too many bugs not to mention broken rakata weapons /facepalm.
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And you've most definitely submitted a bug report for every single one of these as they occur to you, instead of thinking something silly like that forum whining is an effective method of communicating the issue to the people most well equipped to deal with these issues.
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Lol, you didn't even mention what happens on HH in KP:


Your party clicks on the door, your party doesn't all zone in at the same time, your party has encountered a boss already in progress, your party wipes.


This fight has so many problems with the zone in it isn't even funny.

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This post was extremely well written.


I really dig the game, but a handful of the bugs listed I've experienced personally and have generally encouraged me to just roll an alt as opposed to, you know, actually dealing with game stopping bugs.


On a somewhat related note, I will punch a kitten in the face if they don't fix the WZ daily bug.

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I don't care for endgame yet, seeing I'm going slow not in a hurry for it...


But dear god people annoy me with comments like "it's fine", "It's just out", "is this your first mmo?"


I played games for 22 years now and by god, you people have shown to be the worst thing there is for gaming, yes even worse than the extreme haters out there.


No bugs are never fine, no a released product doesn't have an excuse to be halfbaked, and complacency because of poor treatment for years is so stupid beyond any level!


So please get your act together or just leave instead of messing up this game that I enjoy even in it's flawed nature.


I want it to get better... you should want it too...

Edited by Tofkeh
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And you've most definitely submitted a bug report for every single one of these as they occur to you, instead of thinking something silly like that forum whining is an effective method of communicating the issue to the people most well equipped to deal with these issues.


Should I?


Sir, I was a beta tester and I submitted many bug reports - only to have Ohlen and Zoeller both say that we weren't really bug finding - we were simply metric farmers.


They didn't want to hear about this stuff, they don't want to know our opinions, even though they said they did. They just kept saying about how our build was far, far behind their's.


Furthermore, I am NOT a beta tester now, this isn't a beta. This is live and I am a customer. My only responsibility now is to pay for a product, it's their job to fix it.


In business you don't go "Well at this stage of the game in our competitor's product cycle, they were extremely buggy too."


You also can't expect people to continue to support such a product for very long.

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  • 1 month later...
I don't care for endgame yet, seeing I'm going slow not in a hurry for it...


But dear god people annoy me with comments like "it's fine", "It's just out", "is this your first mmo?"


I played games for 22 years now and by god, you people have shown to be the worst thing there is for gaming, yes even worse than the extreme haters out there.


No bugs are never fine, no a released product doesn't have an excuse to be halfbaked, and complacency because of poor treatment for years is so stupid beyond any level!


So please get your act together or just leave instead of messing up this game that I enjoy even in it's flawed nature.


I want it to get better... you should want it too...


Thank you. I'm so tired of hearing "cry more" from other players when I'm a paying customer.


The Interrogator encounter in Directive 7 is so bugged that an entire class is being excluded from running it... after how many months? That's an entire flashpoint that a large percentage of end-game PvE-ers won't touch with a ten-foot pole.


These bugs wouldn't bother me as much if I didn't see major patches come out with new content and no substantial fixes.

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