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Your Endgame Is Buggy As Hell!


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I've already had one member quit in disgust at this, and many more of us are on every night in vent literally marveling at some of the new bugs and glitches we find in your end game content.


This is what passes for quality assurance nowadays?


Before you flame, yes - I've read the patch notes. It still doesn't come close to anywhere near fixing the vast assortment of bugs in this MMO's higher end content. Also, before you begin bashing me or my people talking about our raiding skills - if you've run this game's end tier content you would recognize these bugs and know I'm not lying. At times it is difficult to know where the bugs end and the bosses' mechanics start.



Bugs like:


- Trio boss (Theta, Zeta, Beta) on Directive 7 being bugged and having one boss literally become immune to all forms of damage.


- Revan becoming damn nigh unkillable and 1 insta-gibbing players for 40k, far from an enrage timer at 40% left on Foundry. This isn't Hardmode, it's overtuned.


- Defend the shipment Ilum daily is bugged and has been for the past month.


- WZ daily has been bugged for the past month. A guildie once went 6 wins without any counting.


- 3 Weeks ago on our first ever night of pulling Soa, after several wipes, we got him down to 207 hp - less than 1% health, party members still up and not in mindtraps - and he resets.


- Several times the next night caused us to spend ~1.5 hours wiping because a couple stairs did not spawn on the 2nd phase, which made the 2nd phase platform incomplete - which then made the stair phase which intros into the 3rd phase completely and utterly useless.


- Puddles on the 1st phase of Soa being invisible - even on HIGH *cough*Medium*cough* settings! On a farm run through last night they pooled underneath and took out one of our best healers. She has tons of raiding experience and lots of situational awareness - and I know for a fact she wasn't lying because when I looked at her corpse *I* could see the pool, but then instantly I died because an invisible pool spawned underneath me and killed me.


Additionally, several of our members run the game on LOW settings for extra fps and apparently this makes the pool invisible as well. This speaks to poor optimization and QA if on low settings raid mechanics are invisible.


- Soa apparently spawns invisible lightning balls on 16 man. I thought a guildie was making an excuse last night for why he died during the 3rd phase when, derp, an invisible lightning ball exploded right next to me.


- Speeder boss OP. There is a chance that taking the speeder in EV will kill you when you land. A part of this is tied to falling/dying in the lava - then it's assured you will die to the Speeder boss, but at times after finishing a raid night and taking the speeder back to the Imp Fleet we've died on our landing there.

- Killing Soa with a person or two still in mind traps on the last phase apparently bugs them the hell out - and you can not free them even after killing the mind traps. They get brought out, but cannot see anyone or interact with anything, nor move. They will keep rubberbanding back in place to where they were trapped.


This SUCKS especially as we had one member relog and then take the speeder and then jog back and then fall down and then be revived to see if he could loot the boss. He was able to.


By time I did the same thing - Soa's body disappeared, along with my assigned Columi Master Force chestpiece -_- (CS said they couldn't give me the item as I never looted it from the boss. Thanks BW!)


- False Emperor HM has the Mandalorian Boss bugging out like crazy. One run will be perfect and the next two will be buggy as hell. The turrets don't turn and fire on the ship causing the ship's missiles to enrage to 400% and wipe the party.


- False Emperor HM HK-47 is ALSO bugged. With a boss that goes stealth it stands to reason that players would DOT him to force him out of stealth. Apparently if your dots kill him while he is stealthed there is a chance that he will not unstealth and not spawn loot.

- HM Boarding Party is still bugged and after killing one of the harder final bosses in any of the HMs, still doesn't open the loot chest.



Where is the QA here guys? Where was the beta testing?


Oh that's right. You released much of this endgame content on Nov 27th, and then included a high level server full of LEVEL 42's!!!! Then pulled that after about a week and then stopped testing on Dec 7th and expect to this stuff to magically be "Bioware quality"?


Bug. Ridden. Joke.

Edited by Darth_Eclipses
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The only thing ruining this very constructive post is the occasionally harsh language :p I don't really care myself and am in no way trying to be PC but it could lead to OP being unjustly flamed as a troll when in fact he seems to have put a lot of effort in cataloging all those issues.
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I doubt you did but one of the FP/Ops you listed.


Then you're wrong. Very very wrong.


Just finished 16 KP last night tyvm.


The only thing ruining this very constructive post is the occasionally harsh language :p I don't really care myself and am in no way trying to be PC but it could lead to OP being unjustly flamed as a troll when in fact he seems to have put a lot of effort in cataloging all those issues.


Yes, sorry. But after weeks of dealing with this amatuerish crap...it gets to someone.

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I'd say not a bad start for Bioware after all, eh?


I dunno how often that happens but ive cleared dragon soul every week since it came out almost and never saw a bug through the whole instance. But a bug that happens like 1/1000 times on one boss is clearly equivalent to the tens of bugs people experience in operarions every time they run them amirite?

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Geeze, is this your first MMO or something? All this stuff gets ironed out, trust me.


People like you should wait a year or so before buying a new MMO to play.


Generally end-game content isn't released completely untested though. The way end-game content was released in beta was in such a way that it wasn't even realistic that anyone would be able to level fast enough to even test the content.


A lot of the bugs (some are just really awful design decisions) I've run across in game just seem to show that the developers didn't even bother to create any credible use-case scenarios.

Edited by ironix
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I'd say not a bad start for Bioware after all, eh?


Did you miss where I said that one of the bosses on D7 literally become immune to all damage?


Geeze, is this your first MMO or something? All this stuff gets ironed out, trust me.


People like you should wait a year or so before buying a new MMO to play.



It's not just the bugs, it's the fact that some of this stuff is just common sense.


So you create a raid around trapping some members of the party inside a pocket instance. Fine. Ok. But you don't test to see what happens to those members when the boss dies and they're still inside?


Well it bugs them out. So...why release it like that? Why not address/fix it? BTW it's still not fixed on the patch notes.

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Instead of actually agreeing with you so the game will get better lets run down all the fanboi retorts:



1. "The game just came out. Relax. Give it time. Have Fun!"


2. "WoW didnt have that at launch"


3. "I dont have that problem at all it must be your bad PC. My game runs perfectly and I never see bugs its you."


I think that covers it.

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Instead of actually agreeing with you so the game will get better lets run down all the fanboi retorts:



1. "The game just came out. Relax. Give it time. Have Fun!"


2. "WoW didnt have that at launch"


3. "I dont have that problem at all it must be your bad PC. My game runs perfectly and I never see bugs its you."


I think that covers it.


Pretty much. 1 and 2 have already been said in this thread and it's only 2 pages.

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The other night we did hard mode Directive-7 and we killed last boss but I died at the end. I got locked out of instance and could not zone back in to loot the crystal even though someone rezzed me. Guildie ended up getting both of them and we didnt even want to bother putting in a ticket because BW CS sucks.
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I totally agree with op. I've been sitting on my thumbs for about 3 days now trying to figure out what I'm doing to do with my sub. It's one thing if the bugs were nominal and cute, (like your armor clipping through your rear-end) But some of the bugs in end game are atrocious.


Even that, end game has no imagination. The only fights in EV that was actually enjoyable was soa, when we weren't wiping to mass load of bugs.

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1. "The game just came out. Relax. Give it time. Have Fun!"


Which is actually a very relaxed and legitimate comment considering it's just a GAME and people shouldn't be raging so hard as if their lives depend on it. As long as the issues the game has are acknowledged, that is.


Not aimed at OP BTW, just commenting on said post.

Edited by archifikoss
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