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Tomorrow will be a blowout day for pvp


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When you get home from work/school pvp will be like it was during pre-release. I think I'm going to switch sides, and play my Sith Sorcerer. Maybe even level him to 50. Keep up the nerf threads. It's good for business.


Yeah, they will have so ruined PvP that there will be no point in ever playing it again.

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When you get home from work/school pvp will be like it was during pre-release. I think I'm going to switch sides, and play my Sith Sorcerer. Maybe even level him to 50. Keep up the nerf threads. It's good for business.


I disagree. If you refer to ilum it'll be the same. People missed the part in the patch notes where it said you have to capture the objectives kill players and/OR collect armaments in the middle of the map.


This translates too. Base flipping and armament sharing.

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This translates too. Base flipping and armament sharing.


And this is why PvPers in this game should be ignored. They say they want fights, but collaborate with the people they're supposed to kill, then whine at Bioware that there's no PvP.


SWTOR PvPers are just as carebear as the players on the PVE servers.

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