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Was it not possible for the story cutscenes...


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to be a little more...how should I put this, KOTOR-ish. I dunno if its just me being over critical but I would love it if SWTOR's cutscenes included more actual action in them rather than just talking. In KOTOR during the cutscenes there were big set pieces, explosions, light saber fights as well as talking. In SWTOR I havnt seen much of that yet. A few times you get the choice to force shock someone but thats about it.


Granted I am only level 20 but still.

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Granted I am only level 20 but still.


This sounds like you've been playing just one character. I've played 8, all classes, with 7 of them having finished the 2nd planet. I've seen plenty of cutscenes with action. No huge explosions but plenty of confrontations and fights. When you have a rival in the storyline it's sort of a tossup whether you fight him to a conclusion or best him in a cutscene.

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This sounds like you've been playing just one character. I've played 8, all classes, with 7 of them having finished the 2nd planet. I've seen plenty of cutscenes with action. No huge explosions but plenty of confrontations and fights. When you have a rival in the storyline it's sort of a tossup whether you fight him to a conclusion or best him in a cutscene.



This is very true...I know several of the non-class storylines even have explosions in them.


OP, may I ask what class you are playing...then people could give you more info on whether you will get to see what you are looking for and when.

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