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If you don't like the game


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Then quit... As some seem to think that if they come onto the forum and post its boring and will quickly die a death, then they might be considered geniuses in the world...


News flash, new game not even 4 weeks old, more to come…

News flash, this is what an mmo is… anyone expecting some sort of holy grail just has no clue of what an mmo is and always will be…

News flash, wow was the best now it’s tired and dated…

News flash, be an adult if you don’t like it then just quit and let us who do get on with the game… and no they are not constructive posts they are self-serving, the game is crap, and it should die, rants.


Only an idiot wastes his time on what he dislikes in optional entertainment.

Edited by PatrickFF
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Then quit... As some seem to think that if they come onto the forum and post its boring and will quickly die a death, then they might be considered geniuses in the world...

News flash, new game not even 4 weeks old, more to come…


News flash, this is what an mmo is… anyone expecting some sort of holy grail just has no clue of what an mmo is and always will be…

News flash, wow was the best now it’s tired and dated…

News flash, be an adult if you don’t like it then just quit and let us who do get on with the game… and no they are not constructive posts they are self-serving, the game is crap, and it should die, rants.


Only an idiot wastes his time on what he dislikes in optional entertainment.


News flash , people expected new content in the year 2012.


News flash , EA forced bioware to rush the game for Christmas sales.


News flash , how does it feel to play a dated engine from 2005.

Edited by Valperion
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The funniest thing is, no game, even the worst (FFXIV, AoC, WAR) actually died or went F2P before a couple of years. This game will be massive and many haters just can't cope with that fact. They spend their sleepless nights in their cot foaming at the mouth because all those games are not dying


sad tools

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They wont quit, because then they wouldn't be able to troll these forums..


Honestly I wish half the trolls around here would try just a little bit harder it's kinda sad how bad they are at it. :)


I agree the game is only going to get better from here, and I'm excited about the future with this game.

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The Titan project is going to crush the spirit of every non-WoW fanboy in the world, while showing everyone what a MMORPG launch should really look like.




how much you wanna bet Titan comes out with fully voiced quests and cutscenes ;) ?

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They wont quit, because then they wouldn't be able to troll these forums..


Honestly I wish half the trolls around here would try just a little bit harder it's kinda sad how bad they are at it. :)


I agree the game is only going to get better from here, and I'm excited about the future with this game.


yeah, it's disappointing, I almost stopped coming to the forums seeing how terrible they were. it's like a broken record and they have nothing serious or real to say, the yjust repete like a mantra the same thing over and over but without any substance or basis. sad indeed

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The funniest thing is, no game, even the worst (FFXIV, AoC, WAR) actually died or went F2P before a couple of years. This game will be massive and many haters just can't cope with that fact. They spend their sleepless nights in their cot foaming at the mouth because all those games are not dying


sad tools


You are wrong. Many of those haters would love to like the game, but are just disappointed. I for myself had no big expectations cause I wasn't following this game till release. Im a Star Wars fan and MMO gamer but i cant stand this game. Its not hatress its just disappointment of the poor game technics. And again, i would really love to play this game in another state of developement.

Edited by Rykzon
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The funniest thing is, no game, even the worst (FFXIV, AoC, WAR) actually died or went F2P before a couple of years. This game will be massive and many haters just can't cope with that fact. They spend their sleepless nights in their cot foaming at the mouth because all those games are not dying


sad tools


All points Bulletin lived like 3 months as P2P before it was shut down and reopened as F2P :p


Also +1 to OP.

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Relax, their free month is about up.

This is the week. :D


Thats what they said last time, and the time before that! These people will never go away, they will pay bioware good money just to be -really- bad trolls.


Though Panda is pretty amusing, if not a little tired, needs new material.

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Unlike SW:TOR, it won't be the only thing that it has going for it. ;)


oh c'mon, wow was a cheap copy of other games and has been copying everything that came out after it (like LOTRO for example) and has never been a real MMO, it's a diablo clone with slightly better graphics. oh wait, wait, you one of those that really believe that wow is good because there is 8 million chinese gold farmers playing it? OOOOOH


now I get it, thanks mate, for a while I thought you were an informed commenter LOL

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They wont quit, because then they wouldn't be able to troll these forums..


Honestly I wish half the trolls around here would try just a little bit harder it's kinda sad how bad they are at it. :)


I agree the game is only going to get better from here, and I'm excited about the future with this game.


u can still access forums after subscription is over.

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You are wrong. Many of those haters would love to like the game, but are just disappointed. I for myself had no big expectations cause I wasn't following this game till release. Im a Star Wars fan and MMO gamer but i cant stand this game. Its not hatress its just disappointment of the poor game technics. And again, i would really love to play this game in another state of developement.


Yes but you don't post every day how you hate the game, how you hope it dies or goes F2P in 6 months, how everything is terrible and peopel are just leaving by the millions


see the difference?

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The Titan project is going to crush the spirit of every non-WoW/non-Blizzard fanboy in the world, while showing everyone what a MMORPG launch should really look like.


Hum wow launch was terrible... bc launch was terrible, every week u were sure that servs to crush... Wotlk launch was a disaster... Cata launch sucked...


so what made u believe titan, if it ever comes, will be perfect launch?


not to mention.. been years, not even what is titan? blizz not even saying whats it.. so i doubt it will ever exist...

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i find it terribly amusing that all the blizzard fanboys are citing project titan as if there were any information about this game other then a name of a project. you dont even know the name of the game. Think about it. Blizzard announced the diablo 3 project years ago... take your titan and shove it because even if it did affect this game, tor will be 4 years old by then.
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Yes but you don't post every day how you hate the game, how you hope it dies or goes F2P in 6 months, how everything is terrible and peopel are just leaving by the millions


see the difference?


I dont do this, i did it once cause i was really angry about my 60$ going out the window.

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All points Bulletin lived like 3 months as P2P before it was shut down and reopened as F2P :p


Also +1 to OP.


yeah I was talking about so called "AAA" games (the ones that seem to attract this kind of trolls), otherwise I could have quoted Auto Assault (sigh)

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Thats what they said last time, and the time before that! These people will never go away, they will pay bioware good money just to be -really- bad trolls.


Though Panda is pretty amusing, if not a little tired, needs new material.


Some of them were in beta saying teh exact same things and they ended up buying the game to keep on posting. Now if that's not the definition of sociopath...

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