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It's time for blanket silences in pvp


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LOS? Where, Huttball? Voidstar? lol - Alderaan is about the only one you can do it. Sort of.

Maybe if you're off dickin around level 10's, but if you're actaully doing the games objectives there really isn't anywhere to LOS




Hutball has more LoS than Voidstar or Alderaan combined.


Walk under a platform, around a corner, duck behind the ball stand, run up the base of a platform if theyre on top of it, hug a wall.


I play a sniper, and i spend half my time moving, trying to find a place where it will take my target more than 3 seconds to LoS me so i can actually get a shot off.


Alderaan, on the other hand? There's hardly any LoS to speak of, which i love. It's like a damn turkey shoot. ABout the best someone can do is run around the very base of a platform.


Voidstar has.. just about the right level of LoS. Each door area has a few pillars that provide some LoS opportunities without it being a stripper-fest of people poledancing, that can be used by both sides.

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They actually run out fairly quickly. They just don't live long enough to do so most of the time.


Uh, there is actually a return on force lightning, you regen more then you spend over the cast time. This gets buffed in the madness tree to be even better. I used to spam heals to 0 force then spam lightning to regen.

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Knockbacks are fine if you position yourself properly. The real issue with them is they only give 1/4 of a resolve bar. I'd much rather they give half.

If there's numerous classes with knockbacks around you it's like being a pinball for a few seconds.


I'd rather resolve being revamped entirely into two different classifications:


1) move impairing/forcing


2) hard CC


Right now, with knockarounds considered Hard CC, theyre largely useless for the classes that needs them. By the time a melee gets into my Sniper's face.. his resolve bar is already full because everyone just spams their CC. Cover Pulse is.. so fantastically unreliable that lately i dont even bother to use it - i just Entrench and shoot their face in. It's more reliable.


Conversely, with snares and roots not affecting resolve/being affected by resolve AT ALL, it makes them too powerful, IMO, because they can be endlessly applied. (which REALLY adversely affects snipers/slingers because if you've got a root or snare on you, you cant take cover at all - effectively CCing you)




Two resolve bars - the white one for hard CC, and a (red?) one for movement altering (knockarounds, snares, roots).

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I'd prefer that as well, but I highly doubt they'd go that route.

If it were up to me all stuns would give a full resolve with bar A, all knockbacks/roots would give half resolve with bar B. Both bars giving 15 seconds of immunity to that school of cc.

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Snares should never be on diminishing returns. It would make the game even more ridiculous. Roots absolutely should though.


It's pretty hilarious. I got yanked into the acid, stunned in the acid, stunned again in the acid, full resolve bar, stun ended, rooted, rooted again. Must've been unable to move for 15+ seconds. My healer was hysterically laughing in vent.

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