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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Lethality is horrible in PVP


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You do realize that a majority of POPULAR specs have dispel for poison and bleeds? No matter how good lethality hypothetically is, its major damage source is removed with the click of a button.


theorycraft at its finest. while fighting i'm (and others) certainly not wasting any GCDs on removing buffs unless i plenty of time left.

same goes for concelment. counter CC the initial stun and most opertives have a problem since they are stull busy working through theier rotation.

Edited by Achmed
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Hi, I am Ntrigue, and I am a Lethality Specced Operative. I know, I know, I could respec to conceal and kill people before they get up. Then if they complain, i can just camp them at their starting location. But, I find that play style not for me.


I have been Lethality since lvl 28 and I am addicted to it. I am now level 50 and Valor level 54. Most WZs I enter, I normally die once and average about 30 kills. I have yet to top 300k damage, but I do manage to average about 225k.


About my play style... I find healers or stranglers and destroy them. Level or gear does not matter, I destroy them. I rarely find a fight I cannot win, and lately even 2 on 1 has not been an issue...


I have a channel on youtube where I post my videos. Currently. I have no level 50 videos ont here, but I will after this weekend. The ones I have on there show how viable lethality is in PVP. Look up mrntrigue.

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It's how the lethality style plays. Cull lvl 45 crits for non-twinked gear is still only going to show around 1800ish top damage in pvp. The poison bonus jumps out seperately. (pve, I've managed a single burst at around 4.5k. Should peak at 4.8k, until I manage to RE some better gear.)
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So how do you kill a healer as Lethality? Just curious. I tried the spec and was having some difficulty with them seeing as how we only really have one consistent dot (the grenade has quite a cooldown, comparatively) and a hot can more or less counteract the effects.


Maybe when my respec cost drops down again, I'll give it another try.

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How do I kill a healer as lethality?


Its actually fairly easy... You set them up. HS, BS, Shiv, CG, CD, WB, Cull, Cull, Shiv, Cull... For me, I see Cull hitting for 5k (the three attacks combined) and that is on geared players. We are not damage right out the gun, we set-up our opponents...


Now, if the healer removes their poisons, we are pretty much screwed. I am hoping to see some adjustments in the way the poisons can be removed later.

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Healers = land your big damage hit moves ASAP and hope this adds up to more damage than there heals can cope with, also if you see them going to cast a mega heal/disspell DISRUPT the blighter (we got a disrupt for a reason).
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Healers = land your big damage hit moves ASAP and hope this adds up to more damage than there heals can cope with, also if you see them going to cast a mega heal/disspell DISRUPT the blighter (we got a disrupt for a reason).


Basically. Stay in their face and interrupt their heals as much as you can; flashbang, disrupt, debilitate. Keep them dotted and saves Cull for when you have 2 TA and can get 2 off in a row, and right after you interrupt a heal.

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I respec'ed from Concealment to Lethality last weekend. After a few days of playing as a mid-30s Operative, I'm now consistently ranking top 3 in the match in dmg. Much better than I was as Concealment. I can now compete with Mercs for the highest DPS output in a PVP match. I will say I didn't have Acid Blades as Concealment, but I also don't have Weakening Blast as Lethality.


There is a definite difference in play style though. And it's because of this that you will see people on the other side say Lethality is not good in PVP.


Basically: You WILL lose 1v1s if you get yourself into that situation. The burst dmg simply isn't there like Concealment. So everyone who is QQ'ing about it, they are trying to do a playstyle that will get them wrecked.


Instead, stick to the edges and higher vantage points. Throw your corrosive grenade and frag grenade whenever off cooldown. DOT up with the dart whoever doesn't have it yet. And then, oddly enough, your simple blaster riffle shot does a lot more damage than we realize and good range. When you get close, Shiv + Cull + Overload Shot for killing blows.


As a mid-30s Concealment, I was winning all my 1v1s and feeling good about myself, but I would average around 18,000 dmg. As Lethality, I'm now doing closer to 26,000 dmg at the same level and have more overall kills and can control the map a lot more. But now I obviously can't get myself into 1v1 situations.

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