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My First PvP Experience...


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I'm not new to playing MMO's as I played DAoC for several years and I played another MMO for a few years but I won't bother mentioning the name of that one.


Since I hate lowbies ruining PvP I decided to level up to 38 and then I started running some PvP matches to get the level 40 gear for me and my companions and this is what I experienced...



Stuns Have No Immunity Timers


In one of the matches there was a premade of 5 Sith Assassins that apparently worked their rotations so that they could constantly keep anyone they attacked perma stunned until they died. I got stunned by one, it wore off and I was instantly stunned again and I was stunned again right as I was about to die. I couldn't even trigger my Emergency Medpac and it is a INSTANT cast ability (I was running lag free at 13ms and didn't see any issues with Frame Rate so I can't blame it on lag or my computer).


Normally developers place IMMUNITY TIMERS so you can't be chain stunned by the same ability over and over but I have been stunned by Sith Assassins over and over and over and I have been stunned by Sith Sorcer's over and over and over and over and over again to the point that I can't even cast my instant cast abilities.



Critical Damage Doesn't Appear To Scale


At level 41 I switched to DPS and I was frequently landing 2.5/3k crits with Shoot First and I was frequently doing 1.4k crits with my Quick Shot. Although the damage was decent it wasn't enough to 1/2 shot ANYONE but I did get hit by a level 39 Imperial Assassin for 4.6k while they were running straight at me which makes me assume they were using something similar to my Quick Shot ability. How they could pull off a 4.6k crit on the same ability that was giving me 1.4k is obviously a really big problem.



50's Are The Only Problem


Everyone complains about lowbies and 50's in PvP but I don't see a problem with players under level 50.


When I am healing and I go unseen I can heal a level 10 player well enough for them to kill a level 40 player but I can not heal a level 10 player long enough for them to kill a level 50 because the level 50 player's stats go far beyond what we get from "bolster" and that makes anyone under level 50 fodder...


As a healer I can stand there and let a level 40 player attack me nonstop and I won't drop below 50% health as long as I keep healing myself but when a level 50 player hits me I am dead before I can even cast 1 healing spell.


I actually had a level 15 Imperial Assassin attack me for 10 consecutive minutes during a Hutball match and all I had to do was cast my Slow Release Medpac and it could out-heal all of the damage he was doing to me (next time something that funny happens I am going to create a video).



Some Abilities Are NOT Working...


I have heard a lot of people complaining about different abilities not working but I can VERIFY that VANISH is broken 95% of the time.


If I see an enemy coming and I pop Vanish before they hit me it normally works but if I pop vanish after they have started to launch an attack at me they still successfully attack me after I have become stealthed.


DoT damage constantly breaks stealth! A lot of abilities cause bleeding damage and even something as little as 1 point of bleeding damage will break stealth (even if you use Vanish).




My overall experience is that PvP is playable but it is NOT enjoyable and BioWare/EA is not going to be able to fix the problems.


BioWare and EA both did Warhammer Online and Warhammer was very PvP oriented. I figured these companies would use their previous experiences to release faster updates/build a game free of the problems that the other game had but the PvP in SWTOR is billions of times worse then any of the balancing issues we had when we played Warhammer Online.


Warhammer came set up with PvP brackets and SWTOR didn't.


Warhammer had immunity timers and SWTOR doesn't.


I had hoped these companies would learn something from Warhammer to help make SWTOR more successful but it's obvious that these companies learned nothing from their multi-million dollar failure and now they're going to turn it into a multi-billion dollar failure because they don't learn anything from the mistakes they make.

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The only major problem I have is the level 50's being in the same WZs as lowbies, but that's going to change this week with the addition of brackets in the 1.1 content update. I think I'll be very happy with that, and there will be a lot less complaints. Also, being able to choose which WZ to queue for will be nice, because honestly... Huttball pisses me off sometimes, since everything is so random.


And DOTs are supposed to break stealth, otherwise it would just make it too easy for most classes to get away. I'm a Gunslinger. I can't stealth at all, so when I'm getting close to dying, I'm pretty much screwed.

Edited by TheErebUs
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I will attempt to address some of your points.

Stuns Have No Immunity Timers


Stuns do have immunity timers. You have a resolve bar. Most of the time this only takes two stuns before your resolve bar is full and triggers full stun immunity. This does not affect snares/immobilizing effects.

It takes about 10~ seconds for your resolve bar to drop back down to 0 after it reaches 100%, and during that time you have immunity. After it wears off you can be stunned again. There is no diminishing returns.


Critical Damage Doesn't Appear To Scale


Most of the higher damage numbers you see are due to gear/stims. Someone in level 50 champion gear is going to tear up someone who is not 50 and has questing gear. I'm not certain on this, this is only a guess, but the bolster only brings people up in terms of base stats, not gear stats.

Which brings us to...


50's Are The Only Problem



50s aren't the problem, it's level 50 gear and consumables that are the problem.

This will be resolved in Tuesday's patch when 50s have their own bracket.



Some Abilities Are NOT Working...

This can possibly be chalked up to the ability delay bug that affects everyone.

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I really enjoy pvping as a sorcerer, One thing I cant understand is why is everyone constantly saying that they cant even drop a lvl 50? I can solo 50s if they arent attacking me. Either u guys dont know ur rotation for proper dmg or just blatantly horrid. I can 1vs1 any class below 50. The only thing thats gonna be good is that they get a 50 bracket. Then everyone will finally stop crying about pvp.
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I really enjoy pvping as a sorcerer, One thing I cant understand is why is everyone constantly saying that they cant even drop a lvl 50? I can solo 50s if they arent attacking me. Either u guys dont know ur rotation for proper dmg or just blatantly horrid. I can 1vs1 any class below 50. The only thing thats gonna be good is that they get a 50 bracket. Then everyone will finally stop crying about pvp.


I call lies on that... Unless those 50's you're killing have absolutely no PvP gear, you're pretty much screwed. PvP gear gives 50s the biggest advantage over any lower level player.

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I'm not new to playing MMO's as I played DAoC for several years and I played another MMO for a few years but I won't bother mentioning the name of that one.


Since I hate lowbies ruining PvP I decided to level up to 38 and then I started running some PvP matches to get the level 40 gear for me and my companions and this is what I experienced...



Stuns Have No Immunity Timers


In one of the matches there was a premade of 5 Sith Assassins that apparently worked their rotations so that they could constantly keep anyone they attacked perma stunned until they died. I got stunned by one, it wore off and I was instantly stunned again and I was stunned again right as I was about to die. I couldn't even trigger my Emergency Medpac and it is a INSTANT cast ability (I was running lag free at 13ms and didn't see any issues with Frame Rate so I can't blame it on lag or my computer).


Normally developers place IMMUNITY TIMERS so you can't be chain stunned by the same ability over and over but I have been stunned by Sith Assassins over and over and over and I have been stunned by Sith Sorcer's over and over and over and over and over again to the point that I can't even cast my instant cast abilities.



Critical Damage Doesn't Appear To Scale


At level 41 I switched to DPS and I was frequently landing 2.5/3k crits with Shoot First and I was frequently doing 1.4k crits with my Quick Shot. Although the damage was decent it wasn't enough to 1/2 shot ANYONE but I did get hit by a level 39 Imperial Assassin for 4.6k while they were running straight at me which makes me assume they were using something similar to my Quick Shot ability. How they could pull off a 4.6k crit on the same ability that was giving me 1.4k is obviously a really big problem.



50's Are The Only Problem


Everyone complains about lowbies and 50's in PvP but I don't see a problem with players under level 50.


When I am healing and I go unseen I can heal a level 10 player well enough for them to kill a level 40 player but I can not heal a level 10 player long enough for them to kill a level 50 because the level 50 player's stats go far beyond what we get from "bolster" and that makes anyone under level 50 fodder...


As a healer I can stand there and let a level 40 player attack me nonstop and I won't drop below 50% health as long as I keep healing myself but when a level 50 player hits me I am dead before I can even cast 1 healing spell.


I actually had a level 15 Imperial Assassin attack me for 10 consecutive minutes during a Hutball match and all I had to do was cast my Slow Release Medpac and it could out-heal all of the damage he was doing to me (next time something that funny happens I am going to create a video).



Some Abilities Are NOT Working...


I have heard a lot of people complaining about different abilities not working but I can VERIFY that VANISH is broken 95% of the time.


If I see an enemy coming and I pop Vanish before they hit me it normally works but if I pop vanish after they have started to launch an attack at me they still successfully attack me after I have become stealthed.


DoT damage constantly breaks stealth! A lot of abilities cause bleeding damage and even something as little as 1 point of bleeding damage will break stealth (even if you use Vanish).




My overall experience is that PvP is playable but it is NOT enjoyable and BioWare/EA is not going to be able to fix the problems.


BioWare and EA both did Warhammer Online and Warhammer was very PvP oriented. I figured these companies would use their previous experiences to release faster updates/build a game free of the problems that the other game had but the PvP in SWTOR is billions of times worse then any of the balancing issues we had when we played Warhammer Online.


Warhammer came set up with PvP brackets and SWTOR didn't.


Warhammer had immunity timers and SWTOR doesn't.


I had hoped these companies would learn something from Warhammer to help make SWTOR more successful but it's obvious that these companies learned nothing from their multi-million dollar failure and now they're going to turn it into a multi-billion dollar failure because they don't learn anything from the mistakes they make.


You have immunity timer, you even have a cc spell breaker.


Brackets are coming next patch, which will be in a few days (maybe someone other knows when exactly)


Vanish works that way. It's still good.


When that Assasin were running at you, where you at below 30% health?

Because then you got hit by some other ability which makes actual really big damage.

But to crit for 4,6K you must exeragating that hit! The Assassin for doing that damage wasn't either 40 or highly buffed. I hit for that and i'am a bit geared and 50 with that shot, without buffs and a bit luck and obviously not against geared people.

I can believe 3,5K. Maybe you had some sort of Armor debuff and he had buffs.

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Well I came to SWTOR from Lineage2 where you have only open pvp, you have guilds castle sieges , you have epic raid bosses witch you have to fight for..and pvp was very interesting.


SWTOR - new mmo game...witch was creating for few years...and we have what..?:


War Zones - worstest thing I ever seen for pvp.Running with damn ball in 90% of wz.

Open pvp - dont exist.If there will be like 20 people fighting in opvp you will get huge slide shows.(In L2 you had slide shows when 300-400 people where fighting on same spot)--SWTOR ->20!!!!! ***

END Game - when you have 50 there is nothing to do.Oh yeah you can farm valor and items...but for what? for war zones? geez

Faction balance --just n/c



So yeah I will agree with that



BioWare and EA both did Warhammer Online and Warhammer was very PvP oriented. I figured these companies would use their previous experiences to release faster updates/build a game free of the problems that the other game had but the PvP in SWTOR is billions of times worse then any of the balancing issues we had when we played Warhammer Online.


Warhammer came set up with PvP brackets and SWTOR didn't.


Warhammer had immunity timers and SWTOR doesn't.


I had hoped these companies would learn something from Warhammer to help make SWTOR more successful but it's obvious that these companies learned nothing from their multi-million dollar failure and now they're going to turn it into a multi-billion dollar failure because they don't learn anything from the mistakes they make.

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I've pretty much skipped attempting warzones for the most part.Attempting to stratagize w/ a group of random people is next to impossible. Pvp zones in a PvE server.Found a zone in tattooine earlier today & strolled right through w/o anyone there. Edited by CaliJoe
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And DOTs are supposed to break stealth, otherwise it would just make it too easy for most classes to get away. I'm a Gunslinger. I can't stealth at all, so when I'm getting close to dying, I'm pretty much screwed.


VANISH is the only truly useful ability a stealther gets. While I agree that DoT's should maybe break stealth NOTHING should break VANISH considering it has a 2/3 minute cooldown and it is the bread and butter of a stealth class.


Getting hit with a DoT should PREVENT someone from being able to stealth but it should not break special abilities such as VANISH.


If Vanish is intended to be that easy to break it should be removed as an ability because it is essentially the same thing as pushing the stealth button.

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When that Assasin were running at you, where you at below 30% health?

Because then you got hit by some other ability which makes actual really big damage.

But to crit for 4,6K you must exeragating that hit! The Assassin for doing that damage wasn't either 40 or highly buffed. I hit for that and i'am a bit geared and 50 with that shot, without buffs and a bit luck and obviously not against geared people.

I can believe 3,5K. Maybe you had some sort of Armor debuff and he had buffs.


No, I'm being 100% honest.


I played against him for about 6 hours today in tons of PvP matches and he was popping me for 3k with some abilities and some others at over 4k. The strange thing was that he hit me for a little over 3k while he was Crouched down in cover but one of the abilities he was using while running around was hitting me for even more damage.


I played a Gunslinger for awhile before I settled on my Scoundrel so I know they do higher DPS but it was a major difference in damage.

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You stated your answer to the question regarding the Imperial Agent in your question. If you're specced to heal (even partyly) and he's specced for range DPS he's likely to get higher damage off you at range.


One thing you didn't consider is gear and how it's modded. He could have Artifact mods whereas you might only have green/blue mods (I'm not sure what the ration is but I think artifact mods work out as about 1 or 2 lvl brackets up)

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VANISH is the only truly useful ability a stealther gets. While I agree that DoT's should maybe break stealth NOTHING should break VANISH considering it has a 2/3 minute cooldown and it is the bread and butter of a stealth class.


Getting hit with a DoT should PREVENT someone from being able to stealth but it should not break special abilities such as VANISH.


If Vanish is intended to be that easy to break it should be removed as an ability because it is essentially the same thing as pushing the stealth button.


You have a cooldown called "Dodge" which applies very well to the situation where you vanish with dots on you. It cleanses all negative effects (roots/snares/dots/debuffs) and can be used while in stealth without breaking it.

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You stated your answer to the question regarding the Imperial Agent in your question. If you're specced to heal (even partyly) and he's specced for range DPS he's likely to get higher damage off you at range.


One thing you didn't consider is gear and how it's modded. He could have Artifact mods whereas you might only have green/blue mods (I'm not sure what the ration is but I think artifact mods work out as about 1 or 2 lvl brackets up)


Stats are just brought up as if you were lvl 50 using same quality gear you are wearing. So say if you are lvl 20 in full blues for level 20 you have stats as someone who is level 50 in full blues for level 50(minus the possible stat talents that lvl 50 might have).


Main thing that breaks this is fact that for example champion gear is actually "level 56" gear which you can see from the mods inside. But 50s vs low levels should no longer be discussed really because bracket is coming tomorrow.

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I will attempt to address some of your points.



Stuns do have immunity timers. You have a resolve bar. Most of the time this only takes two stuns before your resolve bar is full and triggers full stun immunity. This does not affect snares/immobilizing effects.


2 stuns is plenty of time for 2 of any class to kill you.

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