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All I see is "I will never again be useful, I shall always be a leech"


Thats kinda the point, its no point if tanks are useful so i might as well take it easy and be a leach . This thread is to find ways to make tanking in pvp more viable and appreciated

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Thats kinda the point, its no point if tanks are useful so i might as well take it easy and be a leach . This thread is to find ways to make tanking in pvp more viable and appreciated


Want to matter? Do as any serious PvP:er does, get a guild/group of friends to play with. Then you actually have someone who openly appreciates your taunts/guard, and you will directly benefit from their heals/survival.


When will people learn that PvP isn't a solo sport.

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Thats kinda the point, its no point if tanks are useful so i might as well take it easy and be a leach . This thread is to find ways to make tanking in pvp more viable and appreciated


Step 1.) Be nice to your healers...


Step 2.) Understand the broke reward/medal system is broke, and some of us are quite pissy about that.


Step 3.) Actually be a proactive tank, and peel baddies off said healer.


Step 4.) Thank your healer for the 300K+ heals they did for you and your team, vice the 70K protection (that we also healed you through).


Step 5.) Celebrate National healer day. Cards, and small gifts via in game mail is sufficient.




That is all. You're welcome.

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Step 1.) Be nice to your healers...


Step 2.) Understand the broke reward/medal system is broke, and some of us are quite pissy about that.


Step 3.) Actually be a proactive tank, and peel baddies off said healer.


Step 4.) Thank your healer for the 300K+ heals they did for you and your team, vice the 70K protection (that we also healed you through).


Step 5.) Celebrate National healer day. Cards, and small gifts via in game mail is sufficient.




That is all. You're welcome.


Step 5 should be made official by Bioware to appease us poor healers! (Not that it's gonna restore the thousands of commendations I've lost. Or rather, not received).

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Step 1.) Be nice to your healers...


Step 2.) Understand the broke reward/medal system is broke, and some of us are quite pissy about that.


Step 3.) Actually be a proactive tank, and peel baddies off said healer.


Step 4.) Thank your healer for the 300K+ heals they did for you and your team, vice the 70K protection (that we also healed you through).


Step 5.) Celebrate National healer day. Cards, and small gifts via in game mail is sufficient.




That is all. You're welcome.


1 ) Similarly be nice to tanks


2 ) That is BW's fault not the tanks, that shouldnt affect our viability/rewards in PvP


3 ) Similarly dont just heal random dps when your tank is aoe taunting 5 people to save the capture point or the bomb defuser


4 ) Thank your tank for peeing baddies off you and thus letting you live long enough to make those 300k heals on people other than yourself


5 ) National Tank day would also be a welcome addition.


You are welcome

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Thats kinda the point, its no point if tanks are useful so i might as well take it easy and be a leach . This thread is to find ways to make tanking in pvp more viable and appreciated


Tanking is appreciated and is valued, it is just that you actually get appreciated by BW, where the healers are shafted by BW.


A healer who spends some time doing DPS and trying to snipe KB's will probably max out around 6 medals, while a tank will max out around 12, and the only difference between him and a lot of DPS is tossing Guard on someone, and occasionally using taunts. Like all other games, Tanks in PvP are essentially the same thing as DPS except with better survivability and less damage. This game though give tanks a little perk in the form of guard and taunts.


Healers get more MvP votes because they get shafted in the medal department, while tanks get medals thrown at them. Until they fix healers getting shafted on medals i see no reason to vote for a tank who get showered for doing there jobs.

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1 ) Similarly be nice to tanks


2 ) That is BW's fault not the tanks, that shouldnt affect our viability/rewards in PvP


3 ) Similarly dont just heal random dps when your tank is aoe taunting 5 people to save the capture point or the bomb defuser


4 ) Thank your tank for peeing baddies off you and thus letting you live long enough to make those 300k heals on people other than yourself


5 ) National Tank day would also be a welcome addition.


You are welcome


You can't copy my witty post biter...



I call copyright infringement!

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1 ) Similarly be nice to tanks


2 ) That is BW's fault not the tanks, that shouldnt affect our viability/rewards in PvP


3 ) Similarly dont just heal random dps when your tank is aoe taunting 5 people to save the capture point or the bomb defuser


4 ) Thank your tank for peeing baddies off you and thus letting you live long enough to make those 300k heals on people other than yourself


5 ) National Tank day would also be a welcome addition.


You are welcome


You seem like a self entitled punk and I wouldn't vote for you either.


If you act this much like a jerk on the forums I can only imagine what you are like when you are raging in a WZ. It's not that people don't appreciate tanks, its that people don't appreciate you and for good reason.

Edited by oblongship
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You seem like a self entitled punk and I wouldn't vote for you either.


If you act this much like a jerk on the forums I can only imagine what you are like when you are raging in a WZ. It's not that people don't appreciate tanks, its that people don't appreciate you and for good reason.


Can you please read all the pages and then say that, can you please see who i quoted and then say that, and finally if you do still hold that opinion atleast state possible corrections. Empty flames never help

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Tanking is great and rewarding in PVE.

However in PVP tanking is next to useless.


How many warzones have you been in where you lost because you didn't have enough tanks?

Now how many warzones have you been in where you lost because nobody was healing?


I'd wager the latter happened infinitely more than the former.

Healing wins Warzones, not tanking.

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To quell the healer "i need more medals" QQ, I'm just going to say this:


You will not get more medals until medpacks stop counting.


Seriously, Biochem opens up pretty much all except the 300k healing medal to any class that picks it up. Until medpacks and other consumables stop counting, no soup for any of you.


Now then, if you'll excuse me I need to get back to earning my 8-11 medals per game as a Jugg. :p

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Oh no, what would to do without three extra Warzone commendations? :rolleyes:


Honestly who cares, anyone who is semi-intelligent knows when a tank is doing a good job. Failing to play properly solely because random people on the intarwebs aren't voting you as mvp is silly.

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To quell the healer "i need more medals" QQ, I'm just going to say this:


You will not get more medals until medpacks stop counting.


Seriously, Biochem opens up pretty much all except the 300k healing medal to any class that picks it up. Until medpacks and other consumables stop counting, no soup for any of you.


Now then, if you'll excuse me I need to get back to earning my 8-11 medals per game as a Jugg. :p


You may get 8-11 medals, but you still cant kill anything solo LOL


Gratz on being as useless as **** on a boar.


Go back to smashing ur face on the keyboard, afk'ing, or actually trying. Anyway you spin it, it's still the same useless results.


Carry on.

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People just aren't used to looking for how well a tank has done in a wz/bg. Most games only measure damage and heals. Now granted i'm not going to lie I myself have over looked a good tank i'm sure more than a few times when solo que'ing for wz's out of habit. When i'm grouped with guildies/friends we usually just vote for each other regardless of numbers....i'm pretty sure this is a common thing when people group together.


Why would I vote for you or anyone else regardless of how well they did on the numbers when I can vote for someone I've been playing with for years.

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Read this and tell me tanks are still good in warzones.


Reddit plays on my server. Some of them know a bit about PvP, but some seriously suck. Guess that happens when your guild have 400+ members.


I PvP with a few powertech tanks, and they are quite functional for utility and what not.

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You may get 8-11 medals, but you still cant kill anything solo LOL


Gratz on being as useless as **** on a boar.


Go back to smashing ur face on the keyboard, afk'ing, or actually trying. Anyway you spin it, it's still the same useless results.


Carry on.


Actually I'm DPS specced, and I can pull the 250k dmg medal too. Thanks for assuming I meant I was a tank. Love you too. ;)


Edit: Oh, and I'm not Biochem. If I was, I'd be pulling in 10-12 easy. You jelly?

Edited by Dreadspectre
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Actually I'm DPS specced, and I can pull the 250k dmg medal too. Thanks for assuming I meant I was a tank. Love you too. ;)


No worries, I'm here to assume the worst, make accusations and assumptions to further my own agenda, while ignoring all facts, common sense, and logic.


Just like eveyone else on an MMO forum.





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A significant majority of pug players do not know when other people are doing a good job, or do not care.


A significant majority of premade players only MVP other members of the premade, to give their buddies a boost.


The fact is, you can be the best player in the WZ and not get any MVPs - you simply should just accept it, and enjoy them when you do actually get them :)




People really need to stop whining about meaningless MVP votes.

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The reason, is because the protection score is too high right now, you get more medals, more easily than any healer get their medals.


And to be honest where are you going to be without that healer healing that damage. You should be voting for the healer too not ************ about it.


To be honest this is what a healer feels like when in WZs



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