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Empire world arcs boring and silly?


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Aside Tatooine, which I found quite interesting, and Nar Shadaa, which at least involved something else than just Republic, each and every other world resumes to "Let's kill some republic and destroy some of their bases'; Now I know they are at war, but really, doing the same thing on all worlds?


I got to Hoth and I already started skipping the world arc, because it's the same thing put on repeat...


Is there any planet that actually worths doing, aside Tatooine?


PS: Most of the Empire Commanders and Colonels don't even inspire respect and have such stupid ideas that it's a wonder Empire got so far...


LE: I don't mind conflict as long as it makes sense and it keeps you engaged; But all the empire officers you deal with are complete morons (some of them even look like) and all they care about is to destroy stuff...


It's one thing to say 'hey bounty hunter, can you provide tactical support for my squad?' and another thing to say 'hey bounty hunter, you know...we lost an entire 1000 people squadron to those rebel scum, please go make them pay for it!" How does that even make sense??

Edited by ArchonSaar
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Aside Tatooine, which I found quite interesting, and Nar Shadaa, which at least involved something else than just Republic, each and every other world resumes to "Let's kill some republic and destroy some of their bases'; Now I know they are at war, but really, doing the same thing on all worlds?


I got to Hoth and I already started skipping the world arc, because it's the same thing put on repeat...


Is there any planet that actually worths doing, aside Tatooine?


PS: Most of the Empire Commanders and Colonels don't even inspire respect and have such stupid ideas that it's a wonder Empire got so far...


Considering the only other major threat in the galaxy would be the Mandalorians. And the Mandalorians are firmly allied with the Sith...


I think all planets involving both factions being on it are going to have a few quests where they're at odds. There are minor threats, of course. On Hoth I know the Empire deals with a group of pirates, for example.


But I mean, really, what other threats did you expect in Star Wars?

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well the tatooine one was more original, right? It's more interesting to chase an alien artefact rather than go kill some republic scum, cause...that's what we want. At least they can give a good reason for it, but noooo, it all resumes to "we are empire, we smash, rawrrrr".


Take Taris for instance, that was an utter piece of crap...

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I've found all planets to be pretty unique and fun personally. I've just hit Hoth, so I'll see if it continues.


I play a BH, and the Class Quests have been awsome.


As to the Empire and Republic attacking each other ever other planet... Well on Quesh I was told that the Treaty of Courascant is still in effect, and I'm supposed to be riling up the Republic in order to make them re-ignite hostilities.


It's like "um...o-kay?" I know I'm a merc, so can technically get away with it, but I assume Sith Lords and Jedi Masters the Galaxy over are partaking in similar quests... and we're still not yet at War?


But yea, I'm enjoying the Imperial Story anyway. ^^ Sorry that you aren't.

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Belsavis was somewhat unique. You do fight Republic troops in a few areas, but for fairly different reasons. Mostly you're fighting other groups. Voss was my favorite planet by FAR. The world is beautiful and the world arc is reasonably unique. However Corellia, the last planet of the class storyline portion of the game, was freaking Balmorra with drab yellow lighting. Very disappointing.


So there is some light in the last third of the tunnel, but it ends right where it starts.

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well the tatooine one was more original, right? It's more interesting to chase an alien artefact rather than go kill some republic scum, cause...that's what we want. At least they can give a good reason for it, but noooo, it all resumes to "we are empire, we smash, rawrrrr".


Take Taris for instance, that was an utter piece of crap...


The general gist(and final mission) of the Tatooine world arc is shared between the two factions.


Speaking of which, I believe the Voss world arc is also partially shared betwee the two factions, so the majority of it shouldn't really be about attacking the Republic. Goal is still to get an advantage over the Republic, but by acquiring an ally rather than directly smashing the Republic forces.

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....."So I like playing WW2 games, but I hate it when the Axis and Allies fight"


Thats pretty much what you said.


You are playing a game revolved around War. What the hell did you expect? Every planet we reveal some alien secret? We are not indiana jones. Plus Id get pissed off if every planet was connected to the Infinite Empire. And if you hate Taris then you CLEARLY werent paying attention to the evolution of the ratghouls which was pretty epic for a little side bit of lore.


I am so glad we have actual conflict between the two factions. The thing I hated the most in WoW was all the carebears or people who did not want the factions to war.

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I don't mind conflict as long as it makes sense and it keeps you engaged; But it's one thing to say 'hey bounty hunter, can you provide tactical support for my squad?' and another thing to say 'hey bounty hunter, you know...we lost an entire 1000 people squadron to those rebel scum, please go make them pay for it!" How does that even make sense??


And don't you think it woulve been actually far more engaging and great to attack the said rebel base together with an imperial squad? It's easily doable, via instancing...

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