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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Slicing fine as is!!!


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I used to think that slicing was a horrible skill to have after the nerf... I was wrong. The real way that slicing shines is not in the crew missions ( They are horrible and only give a few hundred credits more then they cost!) No the way to use slicing is purely on world spawn locations. There are many of them depending on what world you are on, and they can give rare drops as well as the missions. I opened 34 boxes last night, found 8 purple missions/ recipes, and tons of credits as well.


Whatever you do, don't go in the slicing nerf thread. I swear people there are running around with their fingers in their ears going "lalalala I can't hear you" when faced with the overwhelming statistical evidence that missions still give a profit, and gathering nodes out in the world are free money on top of this.

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Try to keep this thread in the positive. Yes we all know slicing has some problems, this post is to talk about peoples positive experiences, and possible future changes that could be made to improve the skill as a whole.



-Like all mission skills this one should also have times where your companion finds nothing, but maybe for all skills it should give the cost back, or at least a portion of it. Also I think the rate of rare items from missions needs to be upped, or the time per mission needs to be decreased. So far from the missions I have found 3 rares.... and that is from sending them out since lvl 10-50.


I wish they'd take the Cybertech schematics out. Right now, they're just vendor garbage. Even worse, you have people taking Slicing to go with Cybertech, when it's not necessary. There are only a few schematics, and dozens of each on the GTN. Instead, raise the percentage for mission unlocks. Right now, crafting is being held hostage by mission unlocks, which are the only real way to get rare materials in quantities enough to attempt RE'ing for a purple pattern.


I'm also convinced that the mission unlocks are not the same percentage for professions. I get Diplomacy and Investigation mission unlocks all day long, but some of the others are much more rare. Slicing mission unlocks are also very, very rare, as I've only had a handful over hundreds of missions.

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One of my slicing missions came back with 340 slicing mission, ran that one and my guy came back with an 8k lock box, a 340 underworld trading mission and 2 artifact lvl49 augments: alacrity and shield. The 340ut mission sold for 25k, the alacrity augment sold for 70k, and I'll probably have to vendor the shield augment :p
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Slicing is a gathering skill .. what will it take you people to understand this??


I mean it's written in black and white all over the place .. do you need it in bright neon lights as well?


You are not supposed to make huge profits with your companions .. it's gathering .. you make money by going out and gathering the nodes yourself


If you're going to quote me, "at least" pay attention to the parts where I AGREE with you. :rolleyes:


My whole comment around slicing boils down to this, if I do it myself, if I depend on no one else to help, if I "GATHER" the items myself, then slicing isn't broken. It's wildly profitable and I do ok. I've only gotten "one" extra item from slicing at a 190. It was a blue 115 Treasure hunting mission if I remember correctly.


But depending on those finds are like playing the lottery. Just because cousin Joe-Bob had a winning Lotto ticket that must also means that as long as I crank money into the Lotto machine, that I have just as much chance of getting purples every time .... just like .... cousin ................... never mind. :rolleyes:


Yep that's what I want to hang my hat on. Everyone who claims I can get blues and purples almost every time I slice because "they" did. :rolleyes:


But I'll say it once and I'll say it again, and I don't mean this as a negative, Slicing is fine if I do it myself.


I make free money.


I can buy things.


I always find enough nodes during a mission that I can get what I want and come out ahead.


It's sweet.


The only problem that I've ever seen around slicing, and the major point that most of you are missing, is that it's like buying a new side by side refrigerator and finding out that only the fridge part works as expected. If you want ice out of automatic ice cube dispenser you have to wait 10 minutes per cube, there is the chance you might not get any cubes at the end of those ten minutes, or you might catch a break and get "two" or "three" cubes at the end of your wait.


I'll willing to believe that most of us would call that broken even though the fridge works as expected keeping our food cold.


Now some of us may turn around and say if you want Ice make it yourself in the supplied ice trays, and that would be a valid point. There is nothing that stops a person from making their own ice, accept maybe laziness, but some of us, just some of us, look at a "feature" as something that you can actually use. And if that feature doesn't work or works poorly then it's broken.


Sure slicing is a "gathering skill" but as it stands it's a Gathering skill that isn't quite right, but only for the crew. For the player its "FANTASTIC" and I personally like it.


Bboudreaux, since you want to lean on this as a "gathering skill" since you believe I've missed the point, lets say this. You go to the crew skill vendor and buy the supplementals you need to make a craft item. Lets say it's filaments needed for Artifice. You look one day and realize that every time you send out a crew member to get one you over pay by 30% for each filament that is purchased, but if you go get them you only pay the base cost (right now I have a 310 in Artifice and I actually come out ahead when I send out a crew member to buy these things, but I digress).


In effect you realize that, that unless you just have no way to get to a vendor, it's easier, and cheaper, to do it yourself. Except for the few times that the crew haggles and gets a better deal, but those times don't happen as much as you'd like in the end. :D


That's all I'm saying about Slicing.


As long as you do it yourself, and expect nothing from crew members, it's a wildly fantastic skill.


The problem is, and always will be, that crew member sent out to "help" you actually end up "costing" you more money in the end than they are worth, unless you only use them on grey missions that don't improve your skill, but still net you money and possible sell-able items. As long as you remember that then the crew is helpful as well.


As long as everyone realizes that they need to do the work themselves, I totally agree its a fantastic skill that works better than intended.


Just not as intended for crew compared to the other crew skills. :p

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I ONLY sent out my companion to do slicing, leveled myself to level 21 in the meantime, and got slicing to 280. I made 46k credits during this time, often profiting from what they brought back. Call it broken again.


People are mad because they were turning 2k+ profits on every mission 100% of the time before. I know someone that was sitting on like 500k credits when they hit the mid-30's, and that was with buying gear left and right and lending money to people. It is much closer to balanced now than it was back then.

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I ONLY sent out my companion to do slicing, leveled myself to level 21 in the meantime, and got slicing to 280. I made 46k credits during this time, often profiting from what they brought back. Call it broken again.



you did not - people fail to realize that they did all that money through questing while leveling up - slicing does not amount to much money at all - its not even worth sending your companions out apart from going for epic missions/schematics

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you did not - people fail to realize that they did all that money through questing while leveling up - slicing does not amount to much money at all - its not even worth sending your companions out apart from going for epic missions/schematics


Not true at all. My slicing toons (post-nerf) reach lvl 25 and have around 100k on average and have plenty of credits to purchase the speederbike skill. Whereas my non-slicing toons never have anything close to 20k credits by that time and can't afford the 40k purchase (until a friendly loan from a slicer alt).


By mid 30's, my slicing toons are never wanting for credits... ever.

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