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[Video] Watchman Spec 300k Dmg


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I here alot of talk about how our class needs buffs. And though I tend to agree we are struggling while other classes can reap the benefits of being "face-roll", I do believe with slight tweaking, our class can be brought up to expectations.


Most of our classes problems actually comes from the games many BUGs and glitches.


Here's a video for you guys to watch and see me put up decent Damage. However, I had a healer with me most of the game AND good team-mates.




Make sure you pay attention to the number of times I pressed an ability that didn't go off. Or all of the other GLITCHES/BUGS/LAG.


DISCLAMER: 300k DaMaGe isn't alot to many other classes. But Watchman spec is a single target Damage Dealer. Hence why 300k is a big deal to me. ;p ENJOY!

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No one is saying that we cant do damage when outfitted with nearly full champion gear and mostly against lowbies.


The point is that any smuggler/agent with similar champion gear would of easily done above 400k dmg that warzone.

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DPS seems really bad. You just were alive for along time working really hard against lower levels. Seems like painful work trying to put out dps as a sent. ONly time someone went down fast that you were fighting is when other class joined in.


Takes a sent liek a 1 min of beating on someone to killed them. I watch Operatives take down anyone in like 5 secs. Even BHs can take someone down in like 8 secs.


Nothing against you this video shows me that you have to work harder than everyone just to do avg dps.

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DPS seems really bad. You just were alive for along time working really hard against lower levels. Seems like painful work trying to put out dps as a sent. ONly time someone went down fast that you were fighting is when other class joined in.


Takes a sent liek a 1 min of beating on someone to killed them. I watch Operatives take down anyone in like 5 secs. Even BHs can take someone down in like 8 secs.


Nothing against you this video shows me that you have to work harder than everyone just to do avg dps.


is that a quick bar on the left side of the screen? where the Alt + controls are?

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First, that was hardly the most balanced of matches. To add to what TheMove stated, it almost seemed as if you were avoiding fighting the 50s, in favor of slaughtering those helpless 20s time and time again.


You were also clearly not concerned with objectives at all, which I feel is a huge mistake as a Sentinel--on defense, you seemed to fight as far away from the doors as possible, mostly in 1v1 against the aforementioned 20s--on offense, you abandoned a door that was ripe for the taking, a mere one enemy left to seal the deal and when your team manages to take the other door, you leap away from it almost immediately (I might have had more to critique had I not abruptly stopped watching the video at this point.)


No offense, but footage like this proves how meaningless damage numbers (and even killing blows) are in a WZ.


That said, thank you for posting the video.

IMHO, Sentinels don't get nearly enough facetime on YouTube right now.

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I just deleted my 40 Operative 2 mins ago. Didn't enjoy playing him and I am so mad after watching my packers play a joke of a game.


That being said I have a level 14 Jedi knight still didn't pick a mastery. Now Ive played both masteries to level 20 already. But Im split on what to do with this guy. I go back and forth. But this video really pushes me to guardian. Seems like Sents do no damage. Atleast Guardains can help a team in some way. Sents seem useless.

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I just deleted my 40 Operative 2 mins ago. Didn't enjoy playing him and I am so mad after watching my packers play a joke of a game.


That being said I have a level 14 Jedi knight still didn't pick a mastery. Now Ive played both masteries to level 20 already. But Im split on what to do with this guy. I go back and forth. But this video really pushes me to guardian. Seems like Sents do no damage. Atleast Guardains can help a team in some way. Sents seem useless.

We do DPS, not spike.


That isn't even to say spike is entirely out of the question. We are by no means capable of performing the same kind of spike as an Op, but a couple of our builds are capable of dropping the hammer when necessary (albeit with a considerable warm-up period.)


There are plenty of reasons to go Sentinel over Guardian (and vice versa) and it all really boils down to playstyle (or your willingness to put up with glaring bugs or baffling imbalances in the game (tank stats are really FUBAR in PVP right now.)) If you value mobility at all, Sentinel all the way. If interrupts are important to you, Sent. If spike DPS and netting a bunch of killing blows is more your thing, then I wish to apologize for your sports team's inability to play this evening, leading to a premature deleting of a rather ridiculous PVP character.


In short... this video, in my experience, does not depict the Sentinel in the role it was designed for.

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We do DPS, not spike.


That isn't even to say spike is entirely out of the question. We are by no means capable of performing the same kind of spike as an Op, but a couple of our builds are capable of dropping the hammer when necessary (albeit with a considerable warm-up period.)


There are plenty of reasons to go Sentinel over Guardian (and vice versa) and it all really boils down to playstyle (or your willingness to put up with glaring bugs or baffling imbalances in the game (tank stats are really FUBAR in PVP right now.)) If you value mobility at all, Sentinel all the way. If interrupts are important to you, Sent. If spike DPS and netting a bunch of killing blows is more your thing, then I wish to apologize for your sports team's inability to play this evening, leading to a premature deleting of a rather ridiculous PVP character.


In short... this video, in my experience, does not depict the Sentinel in the role it was designed for.


I actually agree with all of your opinions. I posted this video for those Damage Maniacs out there. Sentinels ARE amazing in the Objective game. Watchman spec gives you the plus 30% speed on Trans, and can keep any healer at Bay.


I have other videos where I do crap damage (150-200k) but do nothing but objective work. I.E... Capping Hutballs. I might upload them for you.


But I was in a pre-made in this game and I knew that my team mates had the doors because they called that out. I can put decent damage on single targets and aid in defensive call outs, but there isn't much for me to do in the defensive stage of Voidstar than to try and kill things and give healers or any other targeted players Trans.

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I actually agree with all of your opinions. I posted this video for those Damage Maniacs out there. Sentinels ARE amazing in the Objective game. Watchman spec gives you the plus 30% speed on Trans, and can keep any healer at Bay.


I have other videos where I do crap damage (150-200k) but do nothing but objective work. I.E... Capping Hutballs. I might upload them for you.


But I was in a pre-made in this game and I knew that my team mates had the doors because they called that out. I can put decent damage on single targets and aid in defensive call outs, but there isn't much for me to do in the defensive stage of Voidstar than to try and kill things and give healers or any other targeted players Trans.

Glad to hear.


In Huttball, thanks to Transcendence, Valorious Call and Guarded by the Force, I don't believe there to be a more capable ball runner in this game. On the likes of Alderaan, we make among the best floaters (especially so in a defensive role, thanks to our ability to break out of and return to the fight numerous times in a single fight, buying plenty of time for reinforcements to arrive.) In Voidstar, Transcendence and Force Camo usually result in free door/trigger takes and crafty interrupts.


And yes, absolutely, in the right situations, we do damn fine DPS. It may lack flashy numbers and heavy frontloadedness, but we can certainly get the job done.

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And yes, absolutely, in the right situations, we do damn fine DPS. It may lack flashy numbers and heavy frontloadedness, but we can certainly get the job done.


While hybrid classes pull the same damage as us, have more survivability and more CC and can possibly even heal (Bounty Hunter).


Sorry, but it's not just bugs that make this class underpowered compared to other classes.

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While hybrid classes pull the same damage as us, have more survivability and more CC and can possibly even heal (Bounty Hunter).


Sorry, but it's not just bugs that make this class underpowered compared to other classes.


What kind of hybrid class has more survivability than a Sentinel?

More CC sure, we dont have a Stun but thats it, other classes with more kinds of CC cant use the strongest of them in a row, due to Resolve.

Force Camouflage and Guarded by the Force (with 2 piece PvP set) in combination with Medpaks are already lifesavers on a pretty short CD.


Sentinel is so far from beeing underpowered, its mostly just player issues.

Once the flow of combat is going more smoothly, as in no ability delays for accurate interupts and CC's, Sentinel will be one of the most fearsome 1v1 classes.


Im not saying Adrenal stacked Operative/Scoundrel burst is really where it should be atm, but that surely doesnt make Sents weak.


If anything, Sents are working like WoW Warriors, they scale like mad with gear.

More Crit -> more selfheal AND more damage, as dumb that might sound now,but with higher gear tiers, i actually expect Sents beeing one of the classes that will get more nerfs than others.

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While hybrid classes pull the same damage as us, have more survivability and more CC and can possibly even heal (Bounty Hunter).


Sorry, but it's not just bugs that make this class underpowered compared to other classes.

I'm with Amon on this one.


I PvP alongside a tank-spec Guardian fairly often. Survivability it not something we lack. Though, once Bioware pulls their head out of their *** regarding yellow damage and mitigation/avoidance, tanks might look a little more intimidating.


  1. Our vanish has the shortest CD in the game and doesn't break upon damage received.
  2. We have (potentially, w/ Watchman) the shortest CD on an interrupt of any class in the game.
  3. I'm not sure where Guarded by the Force ranks in terms of cooldowns, but a minute fifteen (w/ PvP armor) is just borderline insane.
  4. Defensive Roll.
  5. Pacify.
  6. Transcendence.


The only 'lack of survivability' this class has is more an issue with lack of imagination or lack of effort put forth by the player.

Even things like Force Leap can be used defensively for a survival-minded player.

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We do DPS, not spike.


That isn't even to say spike is entirely out of the question. We are by no means capable of performing the same kind of spike as an Op, but a couple of our builds are capable of dropping the hammer when necessary (albeit with a considerable warm-up period.)


There are plenty of reasons to go Sentinel over Guardian (and vice versa) and it all really boils down to playstyle (or your willingness to put up with glaring bugs or baffling imbalances in the game (tank stats are really FUBAR in PVP right now.)) If you value mobility at all, Sentinel all the way. If interrupts are important to you, Sent. If spike DPS and netting a bunch of killing blows is more your thing, then I wish to apologize for your sports team's inability to play this evening, leading to a premature deleting of a rather ridiculous PVP character.


In short... this video, in my experience, does not depict the Sentinel in the role it was designed for.


I'm not entirely clear why you think we're a mobile class, especially Watchman. We don't really have any more gap closers than a Jedi Guardian (Force Leap). Granted, Watchman knocks 3 seconds off it, but it's still not nearly enough to stay in melee with anyone, considering you're being thrown around like a ragdoll if you have the gall to approach more than 1 Sith.

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I'm not entirely clear why you think we're a mobile class, especially Watchman. We don't really have any more gap closers than a Jedi Guardian (Force Leap). Granted, Watchman knocks 3 seconds off it, but it's still not nearly enough to stay in melee with anyone, considering you're being thrown around like a ragdoll if you have the gall to approach more than 1 Sith.
Especially Watchman.


Transcendence. 90% run speed, in combat. And we aren't even stingy about it like the Consulars; we give it to the whole group. Go, have a race with a Consular. With Focused Persuit, you'll be a solid 20m in front of him by the time your Transcendence ends. Then VC and do another Transcendence and see just how far you are ahead of him. In Huttball, that means that, if unhindered, you can have 190% run speed from the center of the map to the enemy's cap. In Alderaan, you can run from West to East at 190% speed. In Voidstar, you can charge through the second door and make it to the center console.

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Glad to hear.


In Huttball, thanks to Transcendence, Valorious Call and Guarded by the Force, I don't believe there to be a more capable ball runner in this game. On the likes of Alderaan, we make among the best floaters (especially so in a defensive role, thanks to our ability to break out of and return to the fight numerous times in a single fight, buying plenty of time for reinforcements to arrive.) In Voidstar, Transcendence and Force Camo usually result in free door/trigger takes and crafty interrupts.


And yes, absolutely, in the right situations, we do damn fine DPS. It may lack flashy numbers and heavy frontloadedness, but we can certainly get the job done.


Tankasins are the best ball runners ;)

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Eh, I think it's a tossup.


Tankspecs, in general, don't really jive with PvP all too well right now, given the (broken record) yellow damage issues. That said, tanks do have some nifty toys for running the ball, even if they all do rely on our Transcendence to get their slowpoke selves up those ramps (provided they are in our group.)


If I would give it to anyone over a Sentinel, it would have to be Guardian. The leap to a friendly target is just plain nice. That said, they could just as easily have passed to that person.


Tankasin doesn't get my vote simply because it lacks a leap of any kind.


For our part, few things are as epic as popping Transendence and Guarded by the Force to haul *** (unexpectedly, might I add) through a blazing fire trap. That, if I am not mistaken, is something that Guardian, nor Tankasin, nor Sage can do.

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Especially Watchman.


Transcendence. 90% run speed, in combat. And we aren't even stingy about it like the Consulars; we give it to the whole group. Go, have a race with a Consular. With Focused Persuit, you'll be a solid 20m in front of him by the time your Transcendence ends. Then VC and do another Transcendence and see just how far you are ahead of him. In Huttball, that means that, if unhindered, you can have 190% run speed from the center of the map to the enemy's cap. In Alderaan, you can run from West to East at 190% speed. In Voidstar, you can charge through the second door and make it to the center console.


Well, have that same race with a Consular when both of you get knocked around/rooted or snared. That's my biggest problem with Transcendence - when you really need it (IE: Knocked back and rooted), it's not going to help. Hell, Sorcerers get to nuke you and snare you at the same time. Yet, so many do seem to swear by it. I don't quite get it, but I'm not going to pretend I'm a master at the Sentinel class yet.


Will test it out some more, I guess.

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