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modifying weapons and armor


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I create this post proposing an idea about modding weapons and armor, currently as the game sits the mod stations serve no purpose because you can mod from your inventory. While i love the fact that i can mod on the go, it currently costs credits to remove mods from weapons and armor and sometimes alot of credits. on my lvl 30 Jedi i removed a purple mod from an item and it cost me over 4000 credits. I find that to be rediculous.


What I propose is since mod stations do nothing at this point, make modding on the go cost credits and lower the cost or keep it as is. but make the mod stations free to remove mods from weapons and armor. That gives players an incentive to go to town to mod. because instead of paying out the butt to mod on the go. They could do it for free back at town. Giving mod stations a purpose.

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