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So utterly disappointing


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Nah. They'll gank you. Your own side will watch. Then they'll go back to it.


even if he manages to kill them all somehow, the republic players will just take their bucket and go home. Reducing his ability to get the gear he needs anyway, and setting him up as a pariah to his own side.

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Once their are incentives, guess wat, there will be no more coffee talk.


@ being called a doosh, u posted here and the same thing happened.. who cares what people think. truth is, you prolly couldn't kill anyone on ilum anyways. requires a team. Once you have a team, go there and roll the squatters


Its known, and what swtor really has going for it, there is a lot of polished graphics and lore here. They dont have to do much werk to improve on the pvp system, its mostly done. All they have to do is add rules and rewards.

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Once their are incentives, guess wat, there will be no more coffee talk.


@ being called a doosh, u posted here and the same thing happened.. who cares what people think. truth is, you prolly couldn't kill anyone on ilum anyways. requires a team. Once you have a team, go there and roll the squatters


Its known, and what swtor really has going for it, there is a lot of polished graphics and lore here. They dont have to do much werk to improve on the pvp system, its mostly done. All they have to do is add rules and rewards.


Depends on how they implement the incentives. It might just spawn fightclubs and kill trading.

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Huh, had this happen yesterday on my server. Although instead of a "group of red guys" it was just a single Republic person and about 10 Imperials. There is a bad imbalance of faction and yes we yelled at the person who attacked the Republic guy because we wanted to finish our daily.
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I don't get the - pvp is boring in SWOTOR? What part og the pvp is boring? is it because you cant instant kill a player with a OP ability?


What's the point of PVP'ing if I can't OMGWTFBBQPEWPEWPWN someone? I wish the WoW kids would go back to WoW, or wherever their shortened attention span leads them next. I never PVP'ed in WoW until right before TOR came out, when I gave it a try. I went on Wowhead and found a cookie cutter frost spec for my mage. One weekend of moderate PVP'ing and I was in a full set of PVP gear and the difference in BG's was night and day. A successful experiment: all gear and spec with NO skill whatsover.


Ilum will be much better once there are more 50's bouncing around. They are just starting to come out full force in WZ's.


I enjoy PVP in TOR. I'm an Immortal Jugg, and there's actually purpose for tanks here. Doing what we're supposed to do, protect other players, is a fun aspect of PVP. So what if I'm not getting damage commendations every WZ, I'm racking up Paladin commendations. A little extra thought towards actual strategies instead of 8 people derping at the middle cannon in Alderaan goes a long way...

Edited by LordAragore
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Well the problem on my server is that there are no republic if we actually see one we dont dare touch him and beg him to cap the zones so we can at least take it back. Even if it was changed to credit for kills or whatever. It means absolutely nothing on my server it just means there will be a bunch of Imperials standing around complaining in general chat that no one will come. And as usual someone will log on a Repub alt to beg them to come to ilum. And the difference if its changed is they wont come now.:mad:
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