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The true reason I'll stop playing this entertaining game...the community.


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If the majority of this gaming community happens to be the little entitled, self-centered, self-seeking brats pleading for validation (I am so special cause mommy tells me so). The liabilities of playing this game hours on end will definitely outweigh the benefits. This game, as awesome as it has the potential to be, will inevitably be measured by the character of those who play it. Maybe by some chance these whining players (incapable of thinking outside the border of their being) will spontaneously develop character, backbone and some testicular fortitude...but right now it is not looking so good. As it stands, the estimated projection of how large my ignore list will be is inconceivable. This is totally my opinion and for me personally...I will not quit this game because of the company or devs; I will most likely end up quiting the game due to the majority of the ***hats playing it.
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If the majority of this gaming community happens to be the little entitled, self-centered, self-seeking brats pleading for validation (I am so special cause mommy tells me so). The liabilities of playing this game hours on end will definitely outweigh the benefits. This game, as awesome as it has the potential to be, will inevitably be measured by the character of those who play it. Maybe by some chance these whining players (incapable of thinking outside the border of their being) will spontaneously develop character, backbone and some testicular fortitude...but right now it is not looking so good. As it stands, the estimated projection of how large my ignore list will be is inconceivable. This is totally my opinion and for me personally...I will not quit this game because of the company or devs; I will most likely end up quiting the game due to the majority of the ***hats playing it.


And that, is why we have "remove general chat" in the chat options.

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Generally find that communities improve as the first month wears on, the 30 days that came with the game end and hte ones who really want to play it stay on. Then teh community starts to build properly :)



I agree it's an eyesore for the first month though!

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That is why I group with friends and ignore the rest of the masses for the most part. Everyone will calm down about this crap in another couple of days and then we can all move on.


when u start to play.....u will get killed by players that joined earlier in the game....that will b so fun

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If the majority of this gaming community happens to be the little entitled, self-centered, self-seeking brats pleading for validation (I am so special cause mommy tells me so). The liabilities of playing this game hours on end will definitely outweigh the benefits. This game, as awesome as it has the potential to be, will inevitably be measured by the character of those who play it. Maybe by some chance these whining players (incapable of thinking outside the border of their being) will spontaneously develop character, backbone and some testicular fortitude...but right now it is not looking so good. As it stands, the estimated projection of how large my ignore list will be is inconceivable. This is totally my opinion and for me personally...I will not quit this game because of the company or devs; I will most likely end up quiting the game due to the majority of the ***hats playing it.


You make NO sense you realize this?

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IMHO , never judge a "games community" by there so called "official forums" besides the fact the large majority of players in game never bother with the boards , people seem to think that because its the "official boards" that complaints go directly to the people in charge so they tend to complain more .
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If the majority of this gaming community happens to be the little entitled, self-centered, self-seeking brats pleading for validation (I am so special cause mommy tells me so). The liabilities of playing this game hours on end will definitely outweigh the benefits. This game, as awesome as it has the potential to be, will inevitably be measured by the character of those who play it. Maybe by some chance these whining players (incapable of thinking outside the border of their being) will spontaneously develop character, backbone and some testicular fortitude...but right now it is not looking so good. As it stands, the estimated projection of how large my ignore list will be is inconceivable. This is totally my opinion and for me personally...I will not quit this game because of the company or devs; I will most likely end up quiting the game due to the majority of the ***hats playing it.


So, what is it like being perfect?

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Everybody gets frustrated, but letting it get to you is what your doing wrong. True, it will happen (some people are easier to goad then others), but in the end people are mere shadows online, so why bother jumping at them? Treat those trolling posts, or the ones you don't agree with like people holding those signs and shouting on the street corners.
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Once the full range of pre-release invites have gone out, things will quiet down here. Right now you are seeing the rage of people who thought that they were somehow going to be the exception to the very clear statement "Early Game Access will be based on the date of Pre-Order".


Or if I'm wrong, I just hope these screaming children (and I mean that in the way that they are children throwing tantrums... I have no doubt that some of these people are legally adults who really need to step back and look at how they are behaving) - stay off of my chosen server.

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All MMOs have one immutable rule: Never ever go to the game's forums unless you're looking for an excuse to quit.




If you are not looking for something specific on an MMO forum, don't even bother. They are full of whiny brats.

Edited by NasherUK
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If the majority of this gaming community happens to be the little entitled, self-centered, self-seeking brats pleading for validation (I am so special cause mommy tells me so). The liabilities of playing this game hours on end will definitely outweigh the benefits. This game, as awesome as it has the potential to be, will inevitably be measured by the character of those who play it. Maybe by some chance these whining players (incapable of thinking outside the border of their being) will spontaneously develop character, backbone and some testicular fortitude...but right now it is not looking so good. As it stands, the estimated projection of how large my ignore list will be is inconceivable. This is totally my opinion and for me personally...I will not quit this game because of the company or devs; I will most likely end up quiting the game due to the majority of the ***hats playing it.


If you quit something you like because of another person, perhaps you are the "self-centered" one. Fact is, nothing in life will ever be perfect. No game will ever have your ideal community, because the world community is not ideal. It is what it is, and nothing can change that.


Games are measured by the gameplay, not by the people who play it. They added an ignore function for babies who can't handle other people's opinions, so you'll be just fine.

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If the majority of this gaming community happens to be the little entitled, self-centered, self-seeking brats pleading for validation (I am so special cause mommy tells me so). The liabilities of playing this game hours on end will definitely outweigh the benefits. This game, as awesome as it has the potential to be, will inevitably be measured by the character of those who play it. Maybe by some chance these whining players (incapable of thinking outside the border of their being) will spontaneously develop character, backbone and some testicular fortitude...but right now it is not looking so good. As it stands, the estimated projection of how large my ignore list will be is inconceivable. This is totally my opinion and for me personally...I will not quit this game because of the company or devs; I will most likely end up quiting the game due to the majority of the ***hats playing it.


Feel good White Knighting?

Tell me what server you're on so I don't have the chance of grouping with you or your ALTS.

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I never cared for MMO's, I still don't. The only reason I play them is because my friends do, that's it. You can say the MMO communities are bad; but, if you've stepped outside in the last, well million years, you'd realize that society itself is full of deranged people. The internet is simply a tool for them to focus all of their worst personality traits into a form of text.
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