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Marauders not wanted for hard mode?


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Funny indeed how the perception about Marauders has shifted from one extreme to the other, without the class changing all that much.

Too often these days in WZs do I hear people moaning about us, throwing around terms such as OP, FOTM, easymode and so on.

I also recall one guy using the phrase "go play a proper class" a lot, can't recall his name though, but it made me chuckle.

I rolled my Marauder during pre-launch, completely aware of their reputation as being crap, levelled up as Carnage mostly, never having trouble in PvE or PvP, switched to Rage at 40 or so for laughs, before trying out Annihilation. I don't think I qualify as an OP-roller.

Admittedly I do dish out a lot of damage, if you let me, but often solo-queueing I can tell you it's not that hard to counter me, in group situations that is, if you go one on one with a Marauder you deserve to die.

Of course, if you put guard on me, and give me a few heals every now and then, I'm going to be a severe pain in the butt to the opposing team, but then again, which class wouldn't be?

Facing premades with guarded healers healing guarded healers is like banging your head repeatedly into a brick wall without even chipping off some of the paint.

Ah well, nature of these games I guess, we all need a scapegoat at times, and this time, we're it for most people it would seem.

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Too often these days in WZs do I hear people moaning about us, throwing around terms such as OP, FOTM, easymode and so on.


Maybe that has something to do with the fact that you have a button with the potential to do 30k damage.

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Maybe that has something to do with the fact that you have a button with the potential to do 30k damage.


what are you talking about??? i mean really are you really that out there that you believe something that dumb?

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I would leave that clan because they obviously don't know what they're talking about. It's probably the type of people who rather LFG for a certain class for a good two hours in general instead of just accepting that other class and beating the thing in one hour.


Granted that some HM'es are "harder", using that term very losely here, than other but if we take BT HM for instance you're actually able to run that with companions. Nor is a tank required.

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So im a lvl 50 marauder on the server Sluis Shipyards, my guild just recently started doin hard mode flashpoints and when i ask if i can come, they say they dont want marauders since having a sorc or dps assassin is better for any situation, my question is if its true and if so why? I get told i might if im lucky get into raids but thats it. That hardly seems fair. -.-


Cleared every hard mode fp and nightmare ops, however hm EC not yet. Marauders are fine and lol they have alot of utility, passive heal, dmg buff etc. Just stay away from Idiots who tell you your class isn't good.

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I'm a guild leader on Black Vulkars and we don't take Marauders for hard modes either. When all classes do comparable damage, we have to bring the ones that bring utility.


Hahah, God...I needed a laugh.

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So im a lvl 50 marauder on the server Sluis Shipyards, my guild just recently started doin hard mode flashpoints and when i ask if i can come, they say they dont want marauders since having a sorc or dps assassin is better for any situation, my question is if its true and if so why? I get told i might if im lucky get into raids but thats it. That hardly seems fair. -.-


Your in a bad guild... plain and simple. I play a Marauder and do more dps than anyone else in my guild. I also bring the utility of being able to CC droids, and offtank other adds. If your guild is that worried about hard mode flashpoints then they really are a bunch of baddies. Even HM Lost Island a Marauder brings massive damage as well as utility. You are able to interupt everything, burn a mob fast, and like I said CC droids. What more do they want?


My suggestion is to find another guild.

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Shall we necromance all the old Sent/Mara qq threads? :D


God, I remember these, back in mid-late December and early January. The popular consensus was that pretty much all the Knight/Warrior classes were beyond sub-par and utterly worthless. My, how things have changed.

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Guilds that won't let people run because of whatever reason are dumb. That's why people get in guilds, to run with others.


On my server it's hard for me to get in groups sometimes when I'm a sorc because there are so many inquisitors. But, flashpoints it doesn't matter now because, not only do we have buffs from legacy, they are so easy to run and they don't give you anything you need once you're geared. If you do need something to get better gear just get in a geared group that wants to do the daily or weekly and you'll be fine since your guild members suck.

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I think people are over simplifying the Hard Mode Flashpoints a bit too much. You can't make claims like that if you don't take into the account a proper team formation for the job.


Hard mode is not so hard that you need to single out specific classes to make it easier. But It's also not so easy that you can just use any class to beat it.


It all comes down to balance. You do need Heal, DPS, and Tank always, but as long as they know what they are doing, you can use any class approtiately equipped and prepared. The other half is teamwork; the ability to trust each one will do their job, not hope they will. All these things accompnay a successful raid.

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