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Please LOCK skill bar when engaged in Battle


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I am a Clicker....and every now and then, in the heat of the moment, I accidently UNLOCK..my skill bars.....then all hell breaks loose, abilities trashed,moved, and lost as I am clicking for dear life.


please, i know it's dumb, but I've done it like over 10 times already....I get nervous, my cursor is big and the buttons are small.


Thanks in advance

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I am a hybrid (healer, I have all of my ready buttons mapped to heals, and it's actually easier for me to click DPS on the occasions when I need to (no Razer Naga)) - and I completely agree with the OP. I have, once or twice, clicked the little lock during battle, accidentally unlocking my task bar! I'm not the most, uhh, precise mouse user, especially after a few cold ones... if they could Murphy's Law this one for me, that would be awesome.


:wea_03: Lightsaber!

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I play drunk man.....that lock should be on top, not next to the action


Every year there are hundreds of alchohol related gaming tragedies. I myself have been affected by this when I was unable to play for a day and a half after smashing my keyboard drawer during a so called "fun" night of drunken PVP.


Dont be another statistic, please for the love of god, dont drink and game!



For more info visit MADG.com

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I was about to troll your OP with "clicker detected" after seeing the headline, but you r smarter than that haha.


All I can say is the common knowledge = all clickers should burn in hell imo xD


Common knowledge, people who make post like this are usually terrible at games

Edited by Kanharn
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Not true, not sure if you understand this but people play games in different ways and what works for you does not work for other people.



This is true. And nobody should begrudge anyone about their playstyle. Be that as it may, you cannot deny that learning to keybind will make you a better player. You may not want to do that or have the patience to do that. The world's best clicker would eventually improve if he/she made the commitment to keybinding.

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