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Fix lightning spec


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Anyway, imho, ymmv. I for one am not rerolling an affliction lock just because my fire mage is currently inferior, fotm rerolls tend to backfire in the long run anyway. Maybe I'll change my mind once we start on HM Operations but for now I'm good where I'm at.


If there were an actual reroll involved, I could understand this, but you get a free respec per week, and even after that, the first few are extremely cheap. This is more akin to respecing Arcane because it does more PvE damage, and if they nerf Arcane and buff Fire, you go and respec back Fire until they change it back the other way. It's the spec rollercoaster, and it's really just kinda an accepted facet of MMO play, particularly as a class with multiple damage trees.

Edited by Daellia
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