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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Who would you pick for the 8th spot?


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pretend with me a moment...


You are about to enter a WZ and 7 spots are taken so far (you dont know with what but let's assume they are all 50, geared and dont suck) what AC would you want to fill the 8th spot?


(besides operative)



Also dont bother posting if you are just going to say (i choose the player not the class!) yes good for you, but that wasn't the question.


edit: oh 8th spot then

Edited by Exoblaster
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Easy. Possibly too easy. Sorceror/Sage. If it turns out the rest of your group are sorcerors too it doesn't matter they'll still work fine together, but if it turns out none of the rest of your team were sorcerors you'd wish you'd picked one.
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Hard to answer without knowing what you have so far, isn't it? If I don't have one, I'd like at least one juggernaut for a ball carrier in huttball. I really don't care if I have an operative dps or not. They don't impress me much, and I'd rather have an assassin for the knockback and other utility (like actually being dangerous outside of stealth).


Sorcs are ok, but I completely disagree that you can't have too many healers. Sometimes a lot of healers just means a slow loss where you can't kill people fast enough to cap objectives or down the ball carrier.


It's hard for me to answer the question without thinking of specific players, though. I can think of a team of imperial pvpers I'd take, regardless of class.

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Assuming ball carrier and healer are already in the pack, I'd go with Sorcerer. A competent one.


They just have too much utility (able to shield a group member for 3-4k damage every 4 seconds or less, that's HUGE!) and CC. Instant Whirlwind as Madness spec is just too good, coupled with ranged instant interrupt, ranged instant stun (compared to BH stun dart that has to slowly fly to the target before the stun occurs). And most important of all, it's the only AC in the game that doesn't need to worry about rage/energy/heat management - they get a huge pool of force and plenty of ways to regen it passively while they do what they normally do.


Just can't go wrong with a Sorc, IMO.


Don't get me wrong, Operatives are OP and all that, and a good Mara can slice and dice like a mad monkey, but they just don't bring to the TEAM as much as a decent Sorcerer can.

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