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Anyone Else Agree We're Too Squishy?


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Again, take my advice and try a different class. Compared to a sorcerer, we're jello. Stims/meds on my sorc? That would only happen if I get jumped by an elite...or three while I'm already battling an elite or two.


As I said, though, that could just mean that sorcs are overpowered, I dunno.


My main is a sorcerer. My alt is a maruader. Both are geared and full augs for PVP. Neither has issues running normal PVE. Yes there are some fights where my marauder comes out with 1/2 or 3/4 health due to taking damage. This in no way compares to my sorcerer however since on the sorcerer I will normally take 0 damage being my companion is tanking with an occasional heal. Apples and oranges. On my marauder I will take on fights with the healing companion that I would have to be more cautious with my sorc since I can tank with him but not the sorc.


I honestly don't feel squishy most of the time; only on occasion due to taking damage + forgetting to pop a CD. I will also get out of some situations my sorc would die in when things go south. Camo plus sacrificing companion for the greater good is win. Marauders are in a good place right now; I feel like PVE is easier on my marauder than the sorc in most circumstances.

Edited by skarlson
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Well Marauders are still squishy. Even with 2.0


I think that ive seen it the worst on CZ-198. The gold Czerka guys kick my ***. Im running pretty decent gear on myself and Jaesa has some decent gear but we either wipe or barely make it alive... (running Carnage) Carnage seems to need some sort of defensive boost other than Frenzied Sabers. Or we need some more damage boosters so that we can kill faster.


That sounds like a gear problem. My marauder can at least burn down 2 golds with defensive cool downs, maybe even 3 if I used heroic moment. Are you minimum 140/lvl 58 gear? If not you can buy them from Mekab vendor. At lvl 55 you should have at least 21K HP and around 1,100 bonus damage. If not this a gear not class problem.


Also, use cloak of pain always. It has very low CD and lasts very long as long as you keep getting atked. I almost never use anything aside from cloak of pain as defensive cd, and only on occasion. My marauder is in full 69s and auged, but marauders are not remotely squishy.

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Ok, I'm at 47 and even going against more than one silver is a pain because of the fact I normally would have to blow all my defensive cooldowns and also I can't even run with any of my other companions besides freaking Quinn because of the fact we drop so fast and don't have any way of healing ourselves unless we run the Annihilation tree. In my opinion I think Bioware should just get rid of cloak of pain and give marauder heavy armor, or at least make medium armor more effective. Discuss.


Marauders ARE as squishy as any other medium armor AC - Snipers, Agents (Very squishy). Use of the provided CDs evens things out. Rage is a bit sturdier w/o CDs vs. Anni/Carni however.


Gear according to the areas where you'll be fighting. If your gear is fine then it's l2p. All lvl 55 ACs should do fine in lvl 55 PVE areas that are not clearly beyond their power / where you're heavily out numbered.


Is your Quinn using his "med watch" ability and is he geared ?

Edited by Seengularity
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This is a lot of work to maintain but if you have all adaptable armor you aren't squishy. If you have Quin or better yet Treek then soloing everything but later Flashpoints is very doable so I'm expecting some sort of Treek nerf in the near future.
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FYI we arnt't tanks and we shouldn't play like tanks.



We actually can be weak tanks for PvP and group play. I've gat my endurance up really high, along with my crit and Strength. This is because I usually get stuck pulling agro away from Assassins, sorcerers, and Snipers. Why do assassins need agro to be pulled away from them? I don't know. They just die more than I do.

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