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Auto target SPIN = FAIL


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I am curious why are people referring to players that circle strafe and move during PvP as "bunny hoppers"? Bunny hopping has nothing to do with any MMO game!


Bunny Hopping was used way back when in Counter-Strike and one had to learn how to execute bunny hopping, it wasn't just mashing of the Space bar. It gave advantage to those that knew how to do it in that you could move very quickly while hopping and making yourself harder to shoot at and not suffer the penalties of normal hopping. You had to jump, look to one side while executing a move to the other side. Space bar + mouse left + A, followed by Space bar + mouse right + D, and on and on and on. It had to be perfectly timed such that jumps are not interrupted and mouse/A and mouse/D had to be very synchronised. Harder to do than most people think. Jumping in MMO gives you no advantage whatsoever.


Stop using misnomers. Circle Strafing is what most people do, not Bunny Hopping, and Circle Strafing can be combined with X, S, and Z movement patterns for those who are accurate and proficient enough in it.

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In SWTOR Range classes take no skill to play. I play a merc myself and didn't want to admit this for the longest time but its true.


The copious amounts of CC, lack of CC immunity, high damage spammable skills with no Cooldown, and autofacing all combine to make range classes ridiculously overpowered and take no skill to play. Its quite comedic sometimes to watch other mercs literally rotate a full 180 degrees and spam those tracers.


In the open world which is currently pointless melee classes do quite well in small scale engagements. In Warzones however where there are many targets a range class can setup and tab-target to victory.


Thank god someone actually understands what they are talking about. This 1000 times, it makes me want to bang my head against a wall...

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Maybe just maybe some of the players with lesser IQ in this thread who complain about ranged classes should try and play the class before they mouth off ?


As a commando in champ gear and also one damd good strafer mele player

there is a reason why you haave auto turn.And the reason for this that some of the lesser

brains out there dont understand is that the ranged classes have alot of channeled skiills something the mele classes dont have.


And if the ranged classes in TOR dident auto turn there is no way the ranged class would ever survive agaainst a mele. BUT take away all channel times from ranged and they will crush mele every time.If i could strafe and fire of all my skils as a trooper you would be dead meat 100% of the time.So you see the reason that we have to be a salt pillar in sement boots and channel half of our abilities is actually a good thing for you.

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I am curious why are people referring to players that circle strafe and move during PvP as "bunny hoppers"? Bunny hopping has nothing to do with any MMO game!


Bunny Hopping was used way back when in Counter-Strike and one had to learn how to execute bunny hopping, it wasn't just mashing of the Space bar. It gave advantage to those that knew how to do it in that you could move very quickly while hopping and making yourself harder to shoot at and not suffer the penalties of normal hopping. You had to jump, look to one side while executing a move to the other side. Space bar + mouse left + A, followed by Space bar + mouse right + D, and on and on and on. It had to be perfectly timed such that jumps are not interrupted and mouse/A and mouse/D had to be very synchronised. Harder to do than most people think. Jumping in MMO gives you no advantage whatsoever.


Stop using misnomers. Circle Strafing is what most people do, not Bunny Hopping, and Circle Strafing can be combined with X, S, and Z movement patterns for those who are accurate and proficient enough in it.


They actually call/refer to it as bunny hopping in WoW aswell, mostly warriors, refering to people that keep jumping to cheat/escape their charge (stun).

Edited by Arell
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Right now ranged versus melee is ranged wins 50% of the time, melee wins 45% of the time, and lag (wait, that's ranged) wins the other 5% of the time. The problem is that ranged dps don't really care if what they see on the screen actually corresponds to reality. As long as melee is still in the same general arc they're facing, whatever range attack they use will still connect. Melee, of course, will whiff if their screen feeds them incorrect information. I've had a lot of close fights with ranged only to end with the guy teleporting 5m away from where the screen claim he was, and that is enough time for the ranged to create separation and win.
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The game currently cancels casting the moment line of sight is broken. ie. running past a foot thick pillar will break the cast regardless of whether you're in sight when the casting would have been completed. I'm sure plenty of casters have experienced this with the pillars surrounding the flame pits in Huttball. If ranged did not autoface melee during casting/channeling, they would never be able to land a single casted/channel attack against a melee player that runs through them.
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So, Im curious, since you crack addict bunny hoppers want the auto face (Which only works during the channel) gone, how do you propose that ranged classes get a channeled shot off?

Since you can simply leap from the other side of a warzone with a stun/snare, or stealth right up to me, when exactly is a ranged class supposed to be able to shoot at you? Also, once you are there, you can simply walk right through him to break los, since no one can spin rapidly enough to stop that los break. You arent the only one who gets to do damage, you know. With the absolute iability in this game to keep a melee off a ranged, I fail to see what the complaint is.


Also, with the argument of knockback, did you ever notice a gunnery commando specced fully into his knockback will use it, it knocks you back, applies a snare, and he still only has the ability to fire off 1, just one ability before you get to him, simply by walking into his giant cannon? It takes a melee around 2 seconds to close the gap opened by a commando's fully specced knockback. In that time, if I choose to run away, and open the range up, guess what range Im back into...oh thats right, the unstoppable force leap.



I dunno, the same way every other caster/ranged class in every other MMO out there does it? Use CC and open up. SWTOR has more CC than any two games combined, if somewhere in there you can't stop someone from getting to you, or can't get someone off of you, as a ranged, there is a bigger problem at hand.

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it's called proper positioning. If this mechanic existed in wow huntards would roflstomp rogues and rogues would be completely pointless.


Classes that depend on proper positioning should be able to position themselves behind you, along side you, in front of you, wherever. If a melee gets on a ranged class, ranged class should first try to get out of the melee range, not stand there like corusel rotating and shooting you in the face at point blank while you try to position yourself for shadow strike or similar attack.


The fact that you are not familiar with the reasons why people try to circle strafe proves that you never engaged in any serious pvp, or you did and for the life of you couldn't figure out why you got obliterated by a rogue with sprint backstabbing you.



+1 +1+1+1+1


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I would say some degree of the skill can be discerned from character placement and positioning. If I'm fast enough to get behind someone, and they're not fast enough to match me, why should they be rewarded?


FYI, good pvp'ers don't use A and D as you seem to think. We use a little thing called the mouse to turn. Also, I played a mage in WoW for a while. People bunny hopping around me was never a problem. Why? Because I always had my right mouse button pressed, pivoting and rotating as my target jumped around.


I think he was talking about people playing an MMO as if it was a FPS game(think strafing left and right to keep from getting shot by people who have to aim). I've seen people do it, more so in this game then other, and I get a nice chuckle out of it.

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The stupidity in this thread is beyond me, THERE IS NO AUTO TARGET!!!


Channeled abilites follow the target but if you want activate it again YOU HAVE TO ROTATE TO THE TARGET!!!


IF they change that then remove the resolve system for melee because theres no way a ranged can win considering all melee has ATLEAST one range closer and basically ALL the heavy damage abilities are channeled for ranged.


So unless you want the entire game changed AUTO TARGET FOR CHANNELING STAYS!!!!

And if you do want the entire game changed then maybe you should just go find a game that you like better?


/and yes i play both melee and ranged in PVP

Edited by GrumpySwe
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haha yeah def unsubbing as I see like 50% of people QQ about wanting this auto spin to stay (causal kids are causal and should be in PVE where they belong). What is this game if you failed at WoW pvp come here I heard its easier??? lmao pvp blows move on


At first I was like: "OK, I can see where he is going with this. He is a hardcore pvp'er..."


Then I saw your sig and was like: "yeah... forget it. He probably thinks pvp in MMORPG's is the most hardcore measure of competitive skill"

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