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Saying this having never really played a merc, Id go with the bh for PvE raiding if it come down to those two. Operative is really much more aligned with PVP. in a Pve situation you have alot of conditional skills and cooldowns to deal with.
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OPs can CC two targets before a fight. Sleep Dart one and Droid Control a Droid.

I've never played a BH so I don't know what they can bring to the table.


I know BH can heal as well. But as my 50 Op I have been in raid situations where I need to start healing as a DPS and save the group.

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Mercs Tracer Missile reduces the target's armor by 20%, and everyone in the raid can take advantage of that.


Operatives don't really have a debuff that can help out the raid like that.


Not a lot of skills are reduced by armor. But it does help yes.


It really comes down to what your raid needs. Are you on a boss that you can't beat the enrage timer, The 20% Armor reduction will help.


Or is your team getting over ran by mobs, CC will help.


Do you need AoE DMG BH will help.


Is your raid getting wiped by that 1 AOE that needs to be Interrupted. OP can help...

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Right now you'll probably have better luck as a rDPS for operations though. Annihilation droid has a knockback, garhj has an AOE stomp, Soa involves a lot of movement even without depending on meelee (and since the lightning balls target on people each person in the middle means an extra 6000dmg ball floats that way), Bonethrasher can do a 180 and one shot you with cleave until you get some decent gear etc. What I'm getting at is the fights aren't really melee friendly.


In normal mode raids healing really isn't an issue. If somebody steps on an electric ball while the healers are mind trapped & flying, yeah. Elsewhere the only time I see folks getting real low is after bonethrasher's cleave. I ran hardmode but we lacked the dps to get past annihilation droid, again healing wasn't an issue; nobody died till the enrage.


Basically without talents, the operative and bounty hunters heal identically, with the BH coming a little bit ahead since rapid shots seems superior to the operative equivalent.


Then again 8 man's really aren't "Raids".



eta: Also we always have sorcs do the CC since their graphics are more obvious so that people don't break it.


eeta: are any AOE's in raids interrupt-able?

Edited by Darinford
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Basically OPs as of right now, are beat out by another class in every way.


Ignore the troll.


Well played ops are as good as well played BH's, they both bring unique skills to the raid and both are just as useful as each other. It's more the player than the class when it comes to this game.

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