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Juggernaut Immortal Spec build.


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I always wish there was someway to fit Unstoppable in the tanking tree. It would be nice to have that extra defense and immunity to stun effects when crashing into the fray, and I imagine late game can use push and intercede to get more uses out of it.


But, only way to do that would be to drop Crushing Blow. I never got high enough in beta to use it, but looking through the skills, seems to be the only real power blow for a tank juggy, so don't know if you can do without it. The armor down, at least, should be covered by general rage building.


Anyone who played a lot know how often useful the ability that gives 4 rage whenever knocked around is? Seems like it could be good, as droids and stuff always seemed to want to push me around or set me on fire or something.

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I always wish there was someway to fit Unstoppable in the tanking tree. It would be nice to have that extra defense and immunity to stun effects when crashing into the fray, and I imagine late game can use push and intercede to get more uses out of it.


But, only way to do that would be to drop Crushing Blow. I never got high enough in beta to use it, but looking through the skills, seems to be the only real power blow for a tank juggy, so don't know if you can do without it. The armor down, at least, should be covered by general rage building.


Anyone who played a lot know how often useful the ability that gives 4 rage whenever knocked around is? Seems like it could be good, as droids and stuff always seemed to want to push me around or set me on fire or something.


I generally waited to use it only one when something stunned me for longer then 2-3 seconds. Those small stun times weren't really a -big- deal to me. Especially with NPCs, I only used it when the longer duration ones were shot at me. I never did much PvP so I never got stunned -a lot- by NPCs, I did a few times, but nothing -that- severe.

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Side note, I will be in the game later on today, and I will be leveling up my SW despite my friends wishes, so if I feel a need to change any of these things, I will be sure to update the changes. Though at this point, I don't think there could be much alterations, aside from justifying removing Quake for Dreadnaught.
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Where do I get Sundering Assault from? I don't have it?


Sundering Assualt is a skill you get from the Trainer, you may know this, you may not. But once you pick your Advanced Class, there are two seperate tabs for your Skills at the Trainers. One for Sith Warrior, and the other for Juggernaut/Marauder. It should be in the Advanced class tab.

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Sundering Assualt is a skill you get from the Trainer, you may know this, you may not. But once you pick your Advanced Class, there are two seperate tabs for your Skills at the Trainers. One for Sith Warrior, and the other for Juggernaut/Marauder. It should be in the Advanced class tab.


I had not even seen that tab, thank-you :)

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I have a question about Improved Sundering Assault and Crushing Blow.


It seems that once you get Crushing Blow, it will replace Sundering Assault will it not? Both are armor debuffers.


Then again, I'm only level 17 and I never got past 20 in the Beta so I don't know these things. Just asking so I can (hopefully) tank better when the time comes =)

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I have a question about Improved Sundering Assault and Crushing Blow.


It seems that once you get Crushing Blow, it will replace Sundering Assault will it not? Both are armor debuffers.


Then again, I'm only level 17 and I never got past 20 in the Beta so I don't know these things. Just asking so I can (hopefully) tank better when the time comes =)


It won't really replace it no, because Sundering Assaults cool down is only 4.5 seconds, Crushing Blows cool-down is 15 seconds. Basically you will hit 3 Sundering Assaults before the Crushing blow, so you will already hit 5 stacks by the time you use it, which will make you hit for the strongest amount possible with the attack, which will then turn in another bit of armor reduction. In most cases aside from bosses, I'd say Crushing blow is something you'd use to basically finish off an enemy lol. But I have not hit the level personally to get Crushing blow, I just researched the cool-downs and all of that lol.



And thank you for everyone who enjoys the guide~ Glad you're enjoying it hah.

Edited by Lyon
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Thanks for the post.


Myself, I just can't see a tanking build without Thrown Gauntlet. I would take the points out of Heavy Handed. Our job will be tanking, not DPS'ing. That little bit extra damage will be better spent somewhere else.


Also, Quake is a great talent that every tank should have. As said earlier, 5% extra mitigation is going to be worth a lot more at end game vs. a minor DPS increase.


Pretty solid build. I can't wait to get to 50 and try it out/tweak it.

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Thanks for the post.


Myself, I just can't see a tanking build without Thrown Gauntlet. I would take the points out of Heavy Handed. Our job will be tanking, not DPS'ing. That little bit extra damage will be better spent somewhere else.


Also, Quake is a great talent that every tank should have. As said earlier, 5% extra mitigation is going to be worth a lot more at end game vs. a minor DPS increase.


Pretty solid build. I can't wait to get to 50 and try it out/tweak it.


Yeah this build will most definitly see some tweaks once max level is hit, as I only hit level 28 in the beta weekend I kind of mashed everything together afterwards by looking over everything and trying to establish what would be more useful. It's basically going to be cookie cutter for a lot of it, there will be a few points left over that are going to always be up in the air as to which are better to put into what. Only time will be able to tell :p

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I haven't had the chance to play as much as others, but I am currently at 31, and am still on Tatooine lol. Thus far I've had little trouble with the general content, Heroics is obvious depending on the group, but it has worked very well so far. I haven't felt the need to make tweaks yet, I did have one tough fight however, I took Heavy handed before Invincible, perhaps putting 1 point there before Heavy Handed would work better, especially for a story mission where you fight 2 vs 1 and ward doesn't save you lol.
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well i am currently lvl 33 in immortal spec and have found pve content easier then when i level my marauder to lvl 47 in the beta, feels good to not have to heal after every mob. Now as for pvp the farther i get into the tree the longer i last in battle. This is even more amazing as more and more healers are starting to show up in the WZ. i find my self outlasting and preventing a ton of damage to my allies in which case win a majority of the time. im glad i played marauder during beta because now for launch having a ton more fun with the juggernaut
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I pretty much agree with the OP's build except I didn't grab the accuracy and instead went for crash and then the points for the extra strength. Mainly to make it easier to level as Immortal but also I am not entirely convinced that accuracy matters that much. Looking at the end game gear off torhead they all seem to be heavily loaded with accuracy anyway. That's probably why it's in the dps tree since we can easily hold threat without relying only on melee hits. Edited by Xeridae
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Have used this spec to tank two world bosses - has worked really well so far :)


Still questioning my decision of juggernaut over marauder, since marauder doesn't seem to have much less health tbh. Still, the heavy armour looks great!


Main difference with the health aspect of the game. Generally everyone will have near the same health, mostly. Especially earlier one, difference is the armor rating. HEavy armor people get a LOT of armor rating, the others not so much, my Jugg who is 32 has 3700 armor rating, whereas my 31 Sorcerer friend has around 850.

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