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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Bioware: Allow Advanced Class Respec!


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If they allow you to change your advance class, they have cut their possible playthrough replayability in half.


They are trying to make money here.


/thread again


If they allow multiply respecs yes I can see that if its a once per character deal not really. If you change from an advance class once and you liked it well you either hoping that you like its alternative better or your gonna end up rerolling the advance class you had again. This might even keep ppl playing as not many like replaying the same story twice even if there is possible changes to said story not to mention having to replay the side quests all over again. I dont know about you or who you play with but most I know want max level as fast as possible and want to move on to the max level for pvp or endgame pve asap.

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people need to learn how to live with their choices. It's not bioware's fault that people cant do some research before they pick up a AC.and it dosent take 25 lvls to figure out if you want to either tank/dps or dps/heal.lvl 1 to 15 can be done in 2 hours easy so do your homework before picking up a AC and if you dont like your choice then reroll. its only gona take you 2 hours to redo your toon.


^ This.


In no way should Bioware ever allow anyone to change class .


If you rolled a Guardian and want to play a Sentinel ( as an example ) ... go make a new character.

I would rather Bioware spend time fixing the currently bugged stuff and work on adding new content , than have to code a class change system just because some don't want to reroll after they failed to do a tiny amount of research on the class they picked .


People might level a Sentinel to 50 due to imbalances in the game, such as Guardian DPS being a poor leveling experience, having done the actual research. However in an end-game role, they want to tank or dps.


Then they should have roleld a new character for the Sentinel and gone back to the Guardian when they thought those imbalances are gone .

Someone choosing to level sentinel because its " easier or faster " ( as an example ) then wanting to reclass to a tank at end game is NO reason to let them do it .

If they wanted to tank , they should have stayed as a guardian , no class is that broken , it can't be leveled to 50 .

Edited by Kediec
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I want to switch classes irl.


Right now I am a male, level 400 fattycakes with bacon grease smell on my nutsatchel.


Bioware, please make me a 6'19" blond with a 12" alway-pressurized popcan dangling between my legs.


Oh wait, you can't switch classes irl.


And yeah, its a poor argument because this game isn't rl.


Still, not a fan of the idea.


This is probably the worst analogy I've ever heard. You're talking about race/appearance changing, which by the way other games have allowed. This is about a class specialization. It's like becoming a Doctor, specializing in ER trauma and then switching to heart surgery. It's perfectly possible, just requires time and energy. If you don't know what a class is in this game, here's a helpful link: http://www.swtor.com/info/holonet/classes


Follow that, and then you might uncover what the actual advanced classes are. Yay learning!

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Then why restrict us to only 8 toons per server? Thats 1 per class per side. :)


Honestly this is a really good argument. the first good argument so far.


Probably because a Commando = a Mercenary.


So its only natural to assume if someone went BH after trooper theyd switch AC types.

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Stop assuming people made a "mistake", are lazy and don't want to re-roll. It's called circumstances. People might level a Sentinel to 50 due to imbalances in the game, such as Guardian DPS being a poor leveling experience, having done the actual research. However in an end-game role, they want to tank or dps. That's one out of hundreds of reasonable situations that would call for an AC respec. It also DOES take 25 levels, if not more, for many utility classes to come into their own. Please don't act like you've played 1-50 of every class and understand them all, cause I assure you, you don't.


If somebody wants to play a tank at level 50 end game, they need to roll up a tank AC and level it to 50. "That class is a little slower at leveling, so I decided to play a different class instead, now give me a free class change," is the very definition of lazy.

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This is probably the worst analogy I've ever heard. You're talking about race/appearance changing, which by the way other games have allowed. This is about a class specialization. It's like becoming a Doctor, specializing in ER trauma and then switching to heart surgery. It's perfectly possible, just requires time and energy. If you don't know what a class is in this game, here's a helpful link: http://www.swtor.com/info/holonet/classes


Follow that, and then you might uncover what the actual advanced classes are. Yay learning!


You can also look at the advanced class page and see that "This decision is equally as important as choosing your initial class at character creation."


Classes can be many things and can be called many different things. You can even have the class of a character be called a sub-class while the archetype is called a class. It's all simply semantics.

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people need to learn how to live with their choices. It's not bioware's fault that people cant do some research before they pick up a AC.and it dosent take 25 lvls to figure out if you want to either tank/dps or dps/heal.lvl 1 to 15 can be done in 2 hours easy so do your homework before picking up a AC and if you dont like your choice then reroll. its only gona take you 2 hours to redo your toon.


Its hard to argue what someones opinion is on how long it takes before they should stop liking a class but i can say I really starting not liking SI Sor at around 27 or so and am planning to start over with it as a assassin. As far as your time it takes depends on the work you've invested as I spent alot more then 2 hours hitting 15. Spent 30 just doing Black talon and spent probably more then 2 hours just running around getting to missions. Add in my professions and how far they are and im quite a bit over 2 hours.


I think it takes the average person quite a bit more then 2 hours but even at only two hours some ppl play less then a hour a day cause of real life. One respec per character wont hurt and since the Devs said you'd be able to originally it should be allowed.

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Worst idea ever.


Anyone who supports changing Advanced Class is outright lazy. Period.


If you pick a class that you don't like, you re-roll. That's the same thing you do if you pick an Advanced Class you don't like.


Several people have two characters of the same base class to pick the different advanced classes and to choose different light/dark options. Myself included. I have a Guardian and a Sentinel, one light, one dark.


To add this feature is a slap in our faces, and completely disrespectful to the time we've spent in-game, playing the way it's intended. If they add it as a paid feature (ie, server transfer, faction change) type scenario, maybe I could see it then. But for all intents and purposes your class choice should be PERMANENT.


STOP TRYING TO CHANGE THE GAME because you are lazy and impatient.

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Its hard to argue what someones opinion is on how long it takes before they should stop liking a class but i can say I really starting not liking SI Sor at around 27 or so and am planning to start over with it as a assassin. As far as your time it takes depends on the work you've invested as I spent alot more then 2 hours hitting 15. Spent 30 just doing Black talon and spent probably more then 2 hours just running around getting to missions. Add in my professions and how far they are and im quite a bit over 2 hours.


I think it takes the average person quite a bit more then 2 hours but even at only two hours some ppl play less then a hour a day cause of real life. One respec per character wont hurt and since the Devs said you'd be able to originally it should be allowed.


If you find out you don't like the AC, that's fine and understandable. But the answer is still "reroll." Many MMOs require leveling in the same areas no matter what class you play, so Bioware isn't exactly forcing something on you that any other game wouldn't do. Keep in mind also that since you've already played through the story, you can speedrun through it and get back to your regular level in record time.


And if worse comes to worse, you can play your new AC on the opposite faction, so you're getting an entirely new storyline.

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If somebody wants to play a tank at level 50 end game, they need to roll up a tank AC and level it to 50. "That class is a little slower at leveling, so I decided to play a different class instead, now give me a free class change," is the very definition of lazy.


Okay, then I guess they should revoke tree respecs then by your definition. I guess every Sage who rolled DPS then respecced to Heals is lazy, eh? And who said it has to be a free change? Nobody here is against adding restrictions. Why be so selfish and self-centered? Let your fellow players do what they want.

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If somebody wants to play a tank at level 50 end game, they need to roll up a tank AC and level it to 50. "That class is a little slower at leveling, so I decided to play a different class instead, now give me a free class change," is the very definition of lazy.



   [ley-zee] Show IPA adjective, -zi·er, -zi·est, verb, -zied, -zy·ing.



averse or disinclined to work, activity, or exertion; indolent.


causing idleness or indolence: a hot, lazy afternoon.


slow-moving; sluggish: a lazy stream.


(of a livestock brand) placed on its side instead of upright.


That is what lazy means. Don't see anywhere about wanting to avoid poor game mechanics or wanting to level at a more entertaining speed being lazy. Work smarter not harder is a great motto that alot of ppl need to learn. Another is I'd like to enjoy my game not have another job. For the life of me I cannot understand why so many ppl seem to think that getting max level or getting a certain piece of armor or a fancy weapon should require work. I'm playing a game not starting a second career. Why so many wanna say lazy cause I'm trying to enjoy playing a GAME I'll never know.

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You can also look at the advanced class page and see that "This decision is equally as important as choosing your initial class at character creation."


Classes can be many things and can be called many different things. You can even have the class of a character be called a sub-class while the archetype is called a class. It's all simply semantics.


If its semantics then why debate it? Classes and Advanced Classes, however you want to classify them, are separate in this game. Nobody here is asking to respec the overall class, just the advanced class. Yet people seem to think there's no difference... just insanity.

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   [ley-zee] Show IPA adjective, -zi·er, -zi·est, verb, -zied, -zy·ing.



averse or disinclined to work, activity, or exertion; indolent.


Stop assuming people made a "mistake", are lazy and don't want to re-roll. It's called circumstances. People might level a Sentinel to 50 due to imbalances in the game, such as Guardian DPS being a poor leveling experience, having done the actual research.


Thank you for proving my point.

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If its semantics then why debate it? Classes and Advanced Classes, however you want to classify them, are separate in this game. Nobody here is asking to respec the overall class, just the advanced class. Yet people seem to think there's no difference... just insanity.


They are separate in all games. Last I saw you were the one arguing that ACs weren't a class because they were called advanced classes rather than classes. In essence changing ACs would be respecing from one class to another in other games.

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   [ley-zee] Show IPA adjective, -zi·er, -zi·est, verb, -zied, -zy·ing.



averse or disinclined to work, activity, or exertion; indolent.


causing idleness or indolence: a hot, lazy afternoon.


slow-moving; sluggish: a lazy stream.


(of a livestock brand) placed on its side instead of upright.


That is what lazy means. Don't see anywhere about wanting to avoid poor game mechanics or wanting to level at a more entertaining speed being lazy. Work smarter not harder is a great motto that alot of ppl need to learn. Another is I'd like to enjoy my game not have another job. For the life of me I cannot understand why so many ppl seem to think that getting max level or getting a certain piece of armor or a fancy weapon should require work. I'm playing a game not starting a second career. Why so many wanna say lazy cause I'm trying to enjoy playing a GAME I'll never know.


EQUIVOCATION: allows a key word or term in an argument to shift its meaning during the course of the argument. The result is that the conclusion of the argument is not concerned with the same thing as the premise(s).


example: Only man is rational. No woman is a man. Therefore, no woman is rational.


example: No one who has the slightest acquaintance with science can reasonably doubt that the miracles in the Bible actually took place. Every year we witness countless new miracles in the form recombinant DNA, micro-chips, organ transplants, and the like. (the word "miracle" does not have the same meaning in each case)


Your too lazy to do the work required to level a new toon.


Is that better?

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If its semantics then why debate it? Classes and Advanced Classes, however you want to classify them, are separate in this game. Nobody here is asking to respec the overall class, just the advanced class. Yet people seem to think there's no difference... just insanity.


There isn't a difference.

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They are separate in all games. Last I saw you were the one arguing that ACs weren't a class because they were called advanced classes rather than classes. In essence changing ACs would be respecing from one class to another in other games.


No, because unlike other games Bioware has two tiers of specialization instead of one. This game gives you 4 classes per side, each with 2 subclasses to specialize in, each with 3 trees to further specialize in. It's like comparing apples to oranges. And debating the wording of what is an "advanced class" is silly and dumb. We all know it's a specialization of the primary, overall class.


Furthermore being against this idea for nothing more then an apparent principal is just plain ignorant. How does it hurt anyone to allow players to have more freedom? Should Bioware not allow us to change appearance for our companions? Should they not allow tree respecs at all? This idea that if you go down one path, however narrow or short it is, you can never go back without starting from scratch is beyond me and I truly hope Bioware is above that kind of mentality.

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AC swapping is a bad idea all the way around and is unlikely happen..


There is no symantics here.. Your AC is your class..


If you chose your AC during character creation.. Nobody would be asking about this.. Perhaps Bioware should just make people choose their AC before their character is created.. Then on level 10 they would just get their talent trees and skills.. At that point if people didn't like their class, they would just reroll.. Like they are suppose to..


Your AC is your class.. Stop being lazy and just reroll.. There is no reason to allow AC switching.. None what so ever..

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Worst idea ever.


Anyone who supports changing Advanced Class is outright lazy. Period.


If you pick a class that you don't like, you re-roll. That's the same thing you do if you pick an Advanced Class you don't like.


Several people have two characters of the same base class to pick the different advanced classes and to choose different light/dark options. Myself included. I have a Guardian and a Sentinel, one light, one dark.


To add this feature is a slap in our faces, and completely disrespectful to the time we've spent in-game, playing the way it's intended. If they add it as a paid feature (ie, server transfer, faction change) type scenario, maybe I could see it then. But for all intents and purposes your class choice should be PERMANENT.


STOP TRYING TO CHANGE THE GAME because you are lazy and impatient.


When you reroll a class to make something different as you intended like taking one light while the other dark and are doing it cause you want to I don't understand how is it that when i am asking to have a option to change something I don't like a slap in your face. Now you wanted to play both Sentinel and Guardian and you even chose to take them down different branches of the same story arc. So why is it that when i want to leave what ive done the same just change from an advance class i don't like to a advance class i think ill enjoy a insult to what you've chosen to do?


Honestly i don't understand how me wanting to salvage a character i no longer want to play by changing something once is slapping your intended progession of two characters you wanted in the face.

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I have not read the entire thread, but I did read the OP, with which I disagree. Choosing your Advanced Class, despite being done at level 10 instead of at character creation, is as binding as the Base Class you chose. I expect no more to change a character from a Jedi Guardian to a Sentinel than I do to change that Jedi Guardian to a Jedi Sage.


By way of comparison, in the 3.5 edition of Dungeons and Dragons, the Ranger class could choose, starting at level 2, to specialize in two-weapon fighting or archery. That decision was permanent. While the specializations otherwise shared all other class abilities, they were given bonuses to their chosen style as they progressed. Now obviously D&D doesn't allow "respecs" the way a video game can (not unless your DM is a pushover), but the idea is similar - you make a branching decision after you reach a certain level and it is permanent.

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"Bioware, you have no idea on game design at all. You should follow the advice of your vocal community, who obviously know much better than your game designer teams about how to make games."


Yes, please, keep changing your game fast so it gets destroyed from its original idea, becomes another unoriginal MMO and we can move on to play something else.

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