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Bioware: Allow Advanced Class Respec!


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Even if it has an elevating cost or only useable once a month or so.


So we ruin the whole class system, but only once a month...


Sure, not like it wasn't clearly explained at the start that your choice of AC was perm or anything like that.



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You apparently haven't played either class then.


Unless you really think a ranged DPS caster type is the same thing as a melee tank/DPS.

I've played a Inquisitor. They both have ranged attacks, they both wear light armor. One gets stealth and a double-bladed, the other gets some more crowd control. Nothing mind-blowing, sorry.

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They both have ranged attacks, they both wear light armor.


Mages and Warlocks, all use mana, wear cloth armor, cast spells, and are ranged DPS.. Not to mention they share the same stats, and roll for the same gear.. Are they the same class??


Sorry but your arguements do not support your views.. The fact that two classes both have ranged attacks and both wear the same armor type is irrelevent.. It doesn't make them the same class or anything close to it.. Mages and Warlocks are not the same class.. Neither are Sages and Shadows..


There is no reason that class changes should be allowed.. Plain and simple.. :cool:

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Mages and Warlocks, all use mana, wear cloth armor, cast spells, and are ranged DPS.. Not to mention they share the same stats, and roll for the same gear.. Are they the same class??


Sorry but your arguements do not support your views.. The fact that two classes both have ranged attacks and both wear the same armor type is irrelevent.. It doesn't make them the same class or anything close to it.. Mages and Warlocks are not the same class.. Neither are Sages and Shadows..


There is no reason that class changes should be allowed.. Plain and simple.. :cool:


These are your opinions. I am not trying to support any argument, was stating a observation from playing, reiterating my vote for AC respeccs. You continuously saying there is "no reason" "plain and simple" isn't any more compelling. I'll keep my opinion, you keep yours. I am certainly in no danger of being convinced by anything you have/will say. Thanks though.


Edit: As I can only imagine that this will continue with both sides thinking the other are idiots, yadda yadda, and I can't imagine anything more compelling coming out of a few of you, let me guide your attention over here to this fantastic Ignore button. One click.. and Ahhh we never have to speak to each other again. Try it, it's very satisfying.

Edited by MalignX
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Neither are Sages and Shadows..


Mages and Warlocks have a whole lot more in common with them then Sages and Shadows. Shadows may have a few ranged attacks, but they're very short range 4m for most, and they are there to support the melee attacks.

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These are your opinions. I am not trying to support any argument, was stating a observation from playing, reiterating my vote for AC respeccs. You continuously saying there is "no reason" "plain and simple" isn't any more compelling. I'll keep my opinion, you keep yours. I am certainly in no danger of being convinced by anything you have/will say. Thanks though.


But as you can see.. Your observatkions are kinda inaccurate.. The fact that two characters have some things in common does not make them seperate classes.. You can vote for AC all you want.. You are entitled to your own opinions..


There are a ton of reasons why it shouldn't be done. Perhaps you should read the thread.. Nobody is trying to convince you of anything.. I realize that isn't possible.. You are entitled to your own opinions.. Not your own facts to support them..


There is no reason what so ever to allow AC switching in this game.. None what so ever.. That is a simple and indesputable fact.. Your AC is your class.. Why should anyone be allowed to change their class?? Why should a Warlock be allowed to change to a Mage?? The entire idea of AC switching goes against the idea of having classes in the first place.. Why have classes if we can all just switch because we are to lazy to reroll another character?? How about an all one class that just does everything?? Then there is no need to change classess..


No.. I am not trying to convince you of anything.. But I am repeating some of the things that others and myself have said in the past..


No there is no reason.. You haven't given us one either.. Just your opinion..

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Mages and Warlocks have a whole lot more in common with them then Sages and Shadows. Shadows may have a few ranged attacks, but they're very short range 4m for most, and they are there to support the melee attacks.


Exactly my point.. Mages and Warlocks have a lot in common, but I don't see anyone trying to convince us they are the same class.. The only reason the issue of class simularities comes up is they don't want to admit they are asking for a class change.. They would rather deny the AC as being a class and then it is just a respec.. I am simply showing how that arguement is incorrect..

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only bioware can prevent advanced class changing!


And forest fires.




Not much can be added to that.. Bioware fought hard against class changing during the beta when this issue first came up.. It is because of those talks that the current system we have now exists.. Originally you were just given a choice.. No real information about the classes themselves and certianly no way to examine the talent trees before you chose your class.. The codex entries, talent tree examinations all were given instead of allowing AC speccing..


I doubt very seriously that Bioware will cave on this.. Why?? Bioware isn't Blizzard.. :D

Edited by MajikMyst
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I'd agree with this in only one case:


I'm selecting my Advanced Class and for some reason I get distracted and choose my class wrong.


Then I can talk to the trainer again and change considering it hasn't take a certain amount of time for this and I haven't opened the supply bag I'm awarded when I choose an advanced class.


I'm cool with this, but only this.

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I'm selecting my Advanced Class and for some reason I get distracted and choose my class wrong.


I'd go farther and say you could do it once, but with it expiring either at lvl 15 or 20. The first few levels in a AC aren't that much different then the base class, but I also think people should have a pretty good grasp on what their character will play like no later then 20.

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I'd agree with this in only one case:


I'm selecting my Advanced Class and for some reason I get distracted and choose my class wrong.


Then I can talk to the trainer again and change considering it hasn't take a certain amount of time for this and I haven't opened the supply bag I'm awarded when I choose an advanced class.


I'm cool with this, but only this.

Considering they share the exact same storyline, it should have just been a choice at character creation. Instead it's called a AC so that they can claim 8 classes, while only using 4 unique story-lines in a hyped "Completely voiced, story-driven MMO."

Edited by MalignX
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No, you made your choice. You where informed to the consequences of that choice before making it. You where told what that choices role would be. Sorry once made it cannot be undone and that shouldn't change.


Don't like how its playing you have another spec that you can try. No playing out the way you expected it to ohh well. Deal with it and learn how to play it or make a different toon and play it and learn to accept the CONSEQUENCES OF YOUR CHOICES and to take responsibility for them.

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blah blah blah learn to accept the CONSEQUENCES OF YOUR CHOICES and to take responsibility for them.


This is a game. This is a game in 2012. This actually plays like a game from 2008.


But its ok, I hit the ol' cancel button till they add this feature (and fix all the other crap wrong with the game lack of dps meter ***)

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This is a game. This is a game in 2012. This actually plays like a game from 2008.


But its ok, I hit the ol' cancel button till they add this feature (and fix all the other crap wrong with the game lack of dps meter ***)


Hit the ignore button, you'll be happier. I agree it feels like very little innovation outside of voice acting.

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The devs honestly for future additions to the game, just need to add stuff without giving people the time to try and shoot things down. To many nubcakes trying to shoot this down here. I say to those for ac switching don't give up. :D Edited by Innocentone
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