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Bioware: Allow Advanced Class Respec!


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Wouldn't bother me if they did. For many players I don't think they really get a feel for a class until it is too late. One can boast meaningful choices but if you wind up with a 50 toon you feel meh about because the game experience was constantly changing as you got there you'd want a respec to try out the other AC on a character you're attached to as well but find you really dislike your AC choice.


If they do it I'm sure it'll work much the same way as skill tree respec.


Initial cost. Increased price. Price drop if you wait between respecs.


At the very least they need to do a better job of giving players a "sneak peak" at what is ahead for them before selecting an AC. Text is no substitute for experience.

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I would quit if they allowed people to switch advanced classes.


Not because I think that it's a good or a bad thing, but simply because I've made the choices, and put in the effort, to have both a level 44 Jedi Shadow (soon to be 50) and a level 50 Jedi Sage.


If they allow people to change advanced classes my hard work goes out the window essentially because other people are too lazy and/or impatient to do the same.

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First I want to say that my initial comments about people saying they were lazy were not about you,that was a legitimate reason someone listed. second I have a problem with gold farmers/sellers/buyers yes it is a service I don't have to use, one I never will. But other people using these services do affect others in game such as inflating the in game economy so that new players cannot buy things because prices got out of proportion to what is available. This scenario has happened in other games and may eventually happen in this one. Should I be content to let these people farm/buy/sell credits because I am not doing it therefore it never touches me in any way? I don't pvp but I still get nerfed because of people in pvp I don't exploit the game but I lose tanking spots to people who did and got gear (the infinite boss chest glitch)/creds to buy gear (illum chest farmers with bots) that affects me. and to say AC switch only affects the people who do it is like saying drugs only affect the people who use them.


Switching ACs is on par with gold farming and drug use? Grandiose much?

You don't want it. I do want it. It's not gonna get much further passed that I'm afraid.

Edited by MalignX
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I would quit if they allowed people to switch advanced classes.


Not because I think that it's a good or a bad thing, but simply because I've made the choices, and put in the effort, to have both a level 44 Jedi Shadow (soon to be 50) and a level 50 Jedi Sage.


If they allow people to change advanced classes my hard work goes out the window essentially because other people are too lazy and/or impatient to do the same.


So I shouldn't get AC respeccing because you made a second character? Or you'll quit? Hmm.

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I made a second character because I had made the AC choice to be a Shadow, realized it was not the style of play I wanted, and like any rational person who made a bad choice, solved it within MY means.


It is frustrating when I take the time to fix my mistakes, and other looks for handouts. Frustrating to the point that quitting the game would be an option that would *seriously* be on the table for consideration.


I do not believe laziness should be rewarded. Ever.

Edited by XaqLC
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I made a second character because I had made the AC choice to be a Shadow, realized it was not the style of play I wanted, and like any rational person who made a bad choice, solved it within MY means.


It is frustrating when I take the time to fix my mistakes, and others looks for handouts. Frustrating to the point that quitting the game would be an option that would *seriously* be on the table for consideration.


I do not believe laziness should be rewarded. Ever.

Because you made a second character, doesn't make anyone else lazy. Sorry. You're "hard work" was playing a video game. Video games come with all sorts of options, can't see why you're opinion on the subject should effect everyone else. I certainly not saying my opinion on the subject is more correct. But I'd like AC respeccing, sorry if you quit.

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Uh. I want it is a legitimate reason. You thinking I should just reroll a character, doesn't sound like enough of a argument to me, for me to change the fact that I want it. Sorry. Since we're both just spinning our wheels here according to whatshisname, and no Devs are even reading this, I find your rant amusing, not as amusing as whatshisname above, but close.


Sorry.. You alone is not reason enough to make a change to a game effecting millions of other players.. So no.. That is not legitmate.. You are certianly entitled to your own opinion and your own desire to want.. But unless you can give a tangible reason that will positively effect everyone.. Why should Bioware listen?? You are 1 in over 2 million..


Over all response to AC speccing is negative.. Please see this thread if you don't believe me.. It was also negative in the beta.. Bioware also fought hard not to do it when in the beta the idea was actually entertained for about a week.. Instead we were given the setup we have now.. Being able to see the trees before choosing and all that..


So for this change to be made.. Or even considered.. Realistically people are going to have to say more than 'because I want it.'


The Dev's do read this.. Many of the ideas in the up comming patches are from us.. Such as the changes to the UI.. That is all us.. The bugs they fix, the features they add.. All because of our input..


In the end, debates about whether or not our AC's are actually a class or just because, aren't going to accomplish much.. Which is why I ask for a reason that will benefit the entire community.. Bioware isn't going to make a change to please a few and upset the many.. Right now that is what AC speccing is.. Pleasing a few that will upset the many.. Again, see this thread if you don't believe me..

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Sorry.. I didn't ignore your post.. There was just no reason there that would effect the game as a whole.. What it does for a single person is irrelevent..


It's not a single person, if everyone could switch there would be an even less shortage of roles in both random play and small guilds, that alone would have a huge effect on the game and its FUNCTIONALITY. There's also going to be people quitting the game over not having this OPTION i guess that's pretty relevant to bioware.


As for your last comment?? Fire mages and destruction warlocks were pretty much identical.. Sure some of their skills were different, but many of them weren't.. They certianly played the same.. But were different classes.. Go figure..


Fire mages and destruction warlocks identical? You either played something else that isn't wow or are joking, not only they play nothing alike, they also have an entirely different resource mechanic despite both being mana users, and they share a grand total of.. 0 skills.


I only made the comparisons to show you the flaw in your logic.. It is you that seems to think that simularity means that something is the same class.. That simply isn't so and simularity isn't the basis for what is or isn't a class..


The only reason why you're making comparisons is.. well, i don't know what the reason is, since the only thing your comparisons show is that you either never played wow or simply enjoy saying random stuff, see above about mage/lock.


The simple fact here is that you just don't want to roll another character..


What part of "i have 4 lvl 50 character and other 4 between 25 and 40" did you miss? I'm fine with having different classes, i'm not fine with having to relevel and re-progress pvp/gear/social/achievements wise the same character twice just to play a different spec, cause that's what acs are.


Would you be asking this if you chose your AC during character creation like WOW??


I didn't. And regardless, the differences aren't significant enough to be considered a different class the way the game is structured.


For awhile the Trolls and the Orcs shared a baby area.. Which meant you did all the same baby quests.. Outland has all the same quests reguardless of your class and race?? So if you have 5 Horde characters.. You did all the horde quests in Outland 5 times.. Reguardless of race or class..


Difference is that Blizzard doesn't try to sell you "epic story telling and leveling experience" as main selling points of their game. Speaking of which, funnily enough, there's probably more diversity in quests on the current wow than in swtor, where they're just all kill/loot/interact quests.

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ok MalignX you are responding to everything now you must really believe in this quite a bit.


I can respect that you have your opinions on the matter but frankly you have turned 66 pages of semi valid debate into repeatedly saying I want it. I want More lightsaber colors and armor designs. I want more race options. I want to be beast tamer or engineer. Why can't we talk about that for a few minutes?

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Sorry.. You alone is not reason enough to make a change to a game effecting millions of other players.. So no.. That is not legitmate.. You are certianly entitled to your own opinion and your own desire to want.. But unless you can give a tangible reason that will positively effect everyone.. Why should Bioware listen?? You are 1 in over 2 million..


I didn't say my reason alone is reason enough to change a game. I wanting it is, is legitimate enough for me.


Over all response to AC speccing is negative.. Please see this thread if you don't believe me.. It was also negative in the beta.. Bioware also fought hard not to do it when in the beta the idea was actually entertained for about a week.. Instead we were given the setup we have now.. Being able to see the trees before choosing and all that..


Can't keep me for asking for it.


So for this change to be made.. Or even considered.. Realistically people are going to have to say more than 'because I want it.'


No, they don't.


The Dev's do read this.. Many of the ideas in the up comming patches are from us.. Such as the changes to the UI.. That is all us.. The bugs they fix, the features they add.. All because of our input..


Then I guess the Dev's will decide.


In the end, debates about whether or not our AC's are actually a class or just because, aren't going to accomplish much.. Which is why I ask for a reason that will benefit the entire community.. Bioware isn't going to make a change to please a few and upset the many.. Right now that is what AC speccing is.. Pleasing a few that will upset the many.. Again, see this thread if you don't believe me.


You work for Bioware? Convincing you to agree with me, doesn't seem like a worthwhile endeavor, when I can simply state in this forum that I want AC respeccing and let the Dev's decide.


Nice talking with ya though.

Edited by MalignX
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The fact that 'some' others cannot see that their *choice* was theirs, and then work on their own to fix said choice makes them lazy.


Scenerio: I make a cup of coffee, I spill it.


Resposible: Clean up the mess, make a new cup.


Lazy: Call the maker of the cup, the coffee pot, the counter, make them rework the entire system, and give me a new cup of coffee.

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ok MalignX you are responding to everything now you must really believe in this quite a bit.


My desire to debate is certainly fired up when someone tells me I am lazy/stupid/lame/whatever for stating a want in a open forum.

I can respect that you have your opinions on the matter but frankly you have turned 66 pages of semi valid debate into repeatedly saying I want it. I want More lightsaber colors and armor designs. I want more race options. I want to be beast tamer or engineer. Why can't we talk about that for a few minutes?


I didn't see much outside of opinions, conjecture, and rage. Didn't see anything that seemed any more valid than "I don't want this." So me wanting it seems just as valid to me. While we can certainly talk about it, the title of this thread was AC respec..


Wanting additional lightsaber colors, armor designs, race options, and new classes are absolutely legitimate. Me telling you you cannot have any of them, they will never happen, or that I will quit this game if you get them, isn't a reason for you not to get them.

Edited by MalignX
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The fact that 'some' others cannot see that their *choice* was theirs, and then work on their own to fix said choice makes them lazy.


Scenerio: I make a cup of coffee, I spill it.


Resposible: Clean up the mess, make a new cup.


Lazy: Call the maker of the cup, the coffee pot, the counter, make them rework the entire system, and give me a new cup of coffee.


Sorry, this made me chortle. Only because the "lazy" option seemed to be the most effort intensive. When really you're example comes across more as:


Scenario: You and I buy a cup of coffee. You don't like yours' and buy another. I don't like mine and ask for it to be remade. Sorry you bought a second cup. You don't have to drink my cup of coffee. That certainly doesn't mean I should buy another so you feel better.



Normal: Drink's their cup of coffee anyway.

Crazy: Screams at me for not having to buy a second cup to get same result.

Edited by MalignX
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I made a second character because I had made the AC choice to be a Shadow, realized it was not the style of play I wanted, and like any rational person who made a bad choice, solved it within MY means.


It is frustrating when I take the time to fix my mistakes, and other looks for handouts. Frustrating to the point that quitting the game would be an option that would *seriously* be on the table for consideration.


I do not believe laziness should be rewarded. Ever.


What about people who want to play both specs, yes i'm done calling them ac, of their characters? I'm happy with my choice but i don't want to have to roll the same one again just to have a handful different skills that will allow me to perform another role, that's just silly.


I have rolled other characters, to 50 too, but rolling the same class twice just to pick a different spec is an insult to my intelligence.


Not being able to switch ac will be one of the reasons (the others can be seen in my sig) why i'll quit the game. As a matter of fact i already cancelled and filled surveys about it.


There's a HUGE difference between quitting because you aren't given an option and quitting because you don't want others to have an option (that you TOO can use or not), the former is a legitimate reaction, the latter ranges from nonsense to some sort of megalomaniac complex.

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Sorry.. You alone is not reason enough to make a change to a game effecting millions of other players.. So no.. That is not legitmate.. You are certianly entitled to your own opinion and your own desire to want.. But unless you can give a tangible reason that will positively effect everyone.. Why should Bioware listen?? You are 1 in over 2 million..


Over all response to AC speccing is negative.. Please see this thread if you don't believe me.. It was also negative in the beta.. Bioware also fought hard not to do it when in the beta the idea was actually entertained for about a week.. Instead we were given the setup we have now.. Being able to see the trees before choosing and all that..


So for this change to be made.. Or even considered.. Realistically people are going to have to say more than 'because I want it.'


The Dev's do read this.. Many of the ideas in the up comming patches are from us.. Such as the changes to the UI.. That is all us.. The bugs they fix, the features they add.. All because of our input..


In the end, debates about whether or not our AC's are actually a class or just because, aren't going to accomplish much.. Which is why I ask for a reason that will benefit the entire community.. Bioware isn't going to make a change to please a few and upset the many.. Right now that is what AC speccing is.. Pleasing a few that will upset the many.. Again, see this thread if you don't believe me..


How about, going through the Sith Warrior (They do refer to the entire progression as Sith Warrior, not Mara/Jugg) storyline a second time, just so I can play the alternative mechanic, seems ridiculous to me?

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Sorry, this made me chortle. Only because the "lazy" option seemed to be the most effort intensive. When really you're example comes across more as:


Scenario: You and I buy a cup of coffee. You don't like yours' and buy another. I don't like mine and ask for it to be remade. You don't have to drink my cup of coffee.


This scenario would be fine, expect for the fact that we did not purchase our advanced classes. Also, you're totally eliminating yourself from the equation in regards to where your cup of coffee came from. You made the bed, sleep tight.

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This scenario would be fine, expect for the fact that we did not purchase our advanced classes. Also, you're totally eliminating yourself from the equation in regards to where your cup of coffee came from. You made the bed, sleep tight.

We both bought the game. You're answer is "tough luck". That's fine, I'm not the one saying I'll quit if I don't get my way. You can't whine and complain and then tell someone they can't whine or complain. Sorry.

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Scenario: You and I buy a cup of coffee. You don't like yours' and buy another. I don't like mine and ask for it to be remade. You don't have to drink my cup of coffee.


Lol i was thinking about something more along the lines of


Scenario: You and I buy a cup of coffee. You don't like yours but drink it anyway. I don't like mine and ask for it to be remade but you don't allow me to and tell me i should drink it as well because you did.




Scenario: You and I buy a cup of coffee. You like yours and drink it. I like mine too and alos like another variety, but you stop me from ordering because you say i should only drink the same as you.


Because, honestly, that's how people against the feature are behaving.

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Not being able to switch ac will be one of the reasons (the others can be seen in my sig) why i'll quit the game. As a matter of fact i already cancelled and filled surveys about it.


upon reading this I facepalmed so hard I actually hurt myself. Why would you post that? it doesn't help. saying I will or have already quit does not motivate the devs to change something because they care about numbers and money and if you are already at the point of quitting you and those who share your stance would be gone before a fix could be offered even if they decided to.



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This scenario would be fine, expect for the fact that we did not purchase our advanced classes. Also, you're totally eliminating yourself from the equation in regards to where your cup of coffee came from. You made the bed, sleep tight.


I can switch between any sort of advanced sheets at any time for my bed, without having to buy or build a new one.

Edited by AzKnc
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What about people who want to play both specs, yes i'm done calling them ac, of their characters? I'm happy with my choice but i don't want to have to roll the same one again just to have a handful different skills that will allow me to perform another role, that's just silly.


I have rolled other characters, to 50 too, but rolling the same class twice just to pick a different spec is an insult to my intelligence.


Not being able to switch ac will be one of the reasons (the others can be seen in my sig) why i'll quit the game. As a matter of fact i already cancelled and filled surveys about it.


There's a HUGE difference between quitting because you aren't given an option and quitting because you don't want others to have an option (that you TOO can use or not), the former is a legitimate reaction, the latter ranges from nonsense to some sort of megalomaniac complex.



I equate the first argument of your post to a lack of reading comprehension/paying attention at the onset of the advanced class choice. You get to see the trees, it shows you at the bottom of the trees what the capabilities are, choose more carefully in the future. Congratulations, you learned a lesson.


Saying having to make a second character to fill a completely different class role and/or wear completely different armor types (in most cases) is an insult to your intelligence is funny.


You seeing not being given the option to change advanced classes as a reason to quit, is not any more valid than me choosing to quit if everyone was given the choice. I put in the time and effort to have the Advanced class character that I wanted to play, in both cases. I like both my Shadow and my Sage. I leveled them both as a result of this. The fact that you would then be able to switch your Sent to Gaurd or what have you would be an insult to me and my efforts.


The difference between you quitting because you can't do it, and me quitting because you can, is that I actually put in effort and time. Double what you did as a matter of fact.

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upon reading this I facepalmed so hard I actually hurt myself. Why would you post that? it doesn't help. saying I will or have already quit does not motivate the devs to change something because they care about numbers and money and if you are already at the point of quitting you and those who share your stance would be gone before a fix could be offered even if they decided to.




I mentioned it because a guy said he was quitting if they implement it. And i then proceeded to express that quitting because you want a feature that is not there is legitimate (my case) while threatening to quit if others get an OPTION you can chose to use or not is silly (his case).


Alos, as a matter of fact, in the survey you get in mail when you unsub there is an explicit section asking "What would it take to get you back into the game" so i guess they do care and you're mistaken.

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I equate the first argument of your post to a lack of reading comprehension/paying attention at the onset of the advanced class choice. You get to see the trees, it shows you at the bottom of the trees what the capabilities are, choose more carefully in the future. Congratulations, you learned a lesson.


Saying having to make a second character to fill a completely different class role and/or wear completely different armor types (in most cases) is an insult to your intelligence is funny.


You seeing not being given the option to change advanced classes as a reason to quit, is not any more valid than me choosing to quit if everyone was given the choice. I put in the time and effort to have the Advanced class character that I wanted to play, in both cases. I like both my Shadow and my Sage. I leveled them both as a result of this. The fact that you would then be able to switch your Sent to Gaurd or what have you would be an insult to me and my efforts.


The difference between you quitting because you can't do it, and me quitting because you can, is that I actually put in effort and time. Double what you did as a matter of fact.


You keep saying "tough luck". When it's just as easily turned back on you. Why should I have to run through the same storyline twice, just because you did? Why should I not want new and improved game mechanics, just because you played the "old" way? You put in all the time and effort to lvl two 50 chars? Tough luck.

Edited by MalignX
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I mentioned it because a guy said he was quitting if they implement it. And i then proceeded to express that quitting because you want a feature that is not there is legitimate (my case) while threatening to quit if others get an OPTION you can chose to use or not is silly (his case).


Alos, as a matter of fact, in the survey you get in mail when you unsub there is an explicit section asking "What would it take to get you back into the game" so i guess they do care and you're mistaken.


it just seems counter intuitive to quit because they don't have this yet when they still don't have custom ui or legacy implemented

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