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Bioware: Allow Advanced Class Respec!


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There needs to at least be an "are you sure" option. I had been leveling my smuggler, all the while knowing I wanted a gunslinger. However, when the time came to choose, I wanted to double check the scoundrel trees. So, thinking I had clicked inspect, I found myself stuck as a scoundrel permanently just because I had accidentally clicked select, which if I may point out is way to close to inspect to be safe. This really isn't fair, because now if I want a gunslinger I have to start all over again on smuggler. If there was a prompt, for you to confirm your selection, I would never even be in this situation. I otherwise agree against a respec option, but I think that it is so stupid that I can be permanently punished for something I never even intended and that I have to level through the same class quests and starting area quests all over again just because of an accidental click.
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There's no need to allow AC repicking, it destroys the entire point of having the ACs altogether.

Why have the ACs at all when people just swap over to another one at their choosing, might as well just default people to the base classes instead.


So this is another vote for NO to AC repicks.

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I could see and support a ONE time free respec of your AC, and that's more for a oops I picked the wrong one when I was drunk last night playing.




Myself I would use a ONE time respec to get out of commando, which seems to be the up and coming fotm. And to be honest when I first made the commando I enjoyed it, it was not till later when you get set into the grav round spam rotation that the class feels so blah imho.


I'm also on a low pop republic server, with friends. And I have 0 desire to invest more time into by rerolling a Vanguard. Which I have a powertech on another server, and its a blast.

Edited by caveslug
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History - I played everything under the sun ( Xbox - PS2 to 3 console games - Warcraft 1, 2, and 3 - WoW - SC1 and 2 - diablo). I love and rather enjoyed playing these games, glorious years that i loved.


Time spend in WoW - 4 years, leveled many alts to max level - Raided in over 5 server first guilds, did top 100 dps in the world on World of logs at times - played every aspect of the game, yes even achievement hoarding. Loved it all, but i grew tired of WoW's lack of content and blizzard grew very lazzy after each expansion. I made a hard choice, I switched to SWTOR. Looking back, it pains me, but it was the right choice.


At release of SWTOR - I have leveled up a Bounty hunter powertech, just started to raid with her. I took pleasure and pain, chose to make her my main. I love her, so much so, I have done every quest in every zone, in every world. I only have Corellia and Illum left, after hitting 50. I watched every cut sceen or video, from start to finish, enjoying every moment of it. I have spent over 8 total days of playing time, leveling it up to max ( Over 200 hours of played time to hit 50, Dam that is passion). That said, I want to finish off my codex, all quests left in the known worlds, and get full best in slot gear for her ( PVE AND PVP) - Complete finish of my main, my love, my bounty hunter.


So, it was a hard choice to pick powertech, not sure if it was the right choice at that time. I am living with my choice, but i am not happy. It pains me the logic people have been using on this fourm. Some people are scared or nervous about the idea of Advanced Class Respec go into the game. I say that, for people whom are super deticated, to their main that Advanced Class Respec is a MUST. A main is not a flavor of the month, lol go level another bounty hunter so you can play merc or go level something else (A troll on the fourm would make comments like that). That is insane and not logical, a joke if you will. For those like me, whom made the choice are stuck in a hard place right now. We need the option to allow Advanced Class Respec PERIOD. If not NOW, in the FUTURE the NEED will happen ( The need is now and people whom are 50 like me, are starting to get very very mad about it )


The first post of on this fourm said it the best - The link says it all on how it should happen.


There is no reason why there is no option, you can make it so, that it would be so costly that one would only or could only do a respec every 1 - 2 months after farming or making massive amount of credits, to make it near immpossible to respec. This would imply for people like me ( FAR worse for anyone who plays far less), that it would be impossible or near impossible for them to Advanced Class Respec ( like 1 million credits or maybe more )




To respec is not a flavor of the month, but a hard line choice. It should be available for those whom are deteicated and love this game.



It should be in the next patch, but it seems its not.



I hope BioWare has read this post, and takes serious thought on what i said here. I know you BioWare, you had alot on your plate and couldn't push it live into the game yet.





Edited by BluelabelD
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This feature will come regardless.




Even though the Dev's have made it clear that they have no intention of doing it now, and may very well never do it.


Based on the feedback in every thread i've seen on this issue, the people who don't want it, far, far out number the ones who do.


So no, I don't expect to ever see AC switching in this game.

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There are far to many post between this and the other thread to read them all, so I am sorry if I suggest something that already has been suggested. Also, just a warning I am typing this on my phone so I will do my best to fix any errors.


I do not agree with the advanced class respec. I think the ability to respec would ruin a very fundamental design of the game, leaving us with four classes. It would also allow many players to do everything for a raid. For example, if you are a bounty hunter you could tank, heal or dps. This isn't a problem with this normally, however they would use the same gear for all specs. This would present a giant problem to me because hard to find spots such as heals would be even more so filled by mediocre people. The other main issue is that the majority of people play dps classes. This is true in all games. Allowing this would make every end game dps class one of four, due to min max needs. Who would play a subpar dps when you can just simple respec and use all the same items for more dps.


However, with all of that said I do have a suggestion. We have the legacy system coming out. I wouldn't mind it as a high cost talent that gives you a once a month ability to respec one character. I do not think that would be to game breaking, while still allowing those who made it to mid thirties to respec after they earned it if they desire.


Now on to duel spec. I seen a few post about this so I will comment briefly. I think that this early in the game duel spec is unwise. As it is there are not enough credit sinks in the game for level fifty players. Having to spend creds to respec for pop raids and solo is a nice way to take some credits out of the economy. What would be nice though is a way to have quickset ability layouts. I myself hate going from dps to heals and having to change abilities slotted in 1 through 5 and qrtzxc keys. The reason for this I'd due to the fact of easy to reach abilities being priority, and as everyone knows heals and dos have vastly different priorities.


I appreciate those that take the time to read this, and again I do applogize for any typos!

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I do not agree with the advanced class respec. I think the ability to respec would ruin a very fundamental design of the game, leaving us with four classes. It would also allow many players to do everything for a raid. For example, if you are a bounty hunter you could tank, heal or dps. This isn't a problem with this normally, however they would use the same gear for all specs. This would present a giant problem to me because hard to find spots such as heals would be even more so filled by mediocre people. The other main issue is that the majority of people play dps classes. This is true in all games. Allowing this would make every end game dps class one of four, due to min max needs. Who would play a subpar dps when you can just simple respec and use all the same items for more dps.




There are only 4 classes for empire. Advanced class spec does not make it a new class, guess what the label says? Bounty hunter - Merc or power . Period Wait, they're both Bounty hunters with majority of the same abilities? wow one class brah.


Fact, as bounty hunter, you can't tank in dps gear, you can't heal in tank gear, you can't dps in tank gear in raid or flash points - PERIOD (Maybe squeese through a hard mode flash point that is easy, in full tier 2 or 3 but, no bonus boss and tons of wipes if in tank gear speced as dps).


Advanced class respec would have zero impact on raid, it would take months to get a full set of two types of gear in purples, for tank and healing. Not even that, the dps specs tier gear stats are diff between merc and powertech ( different tier bonuses to boot ). Zero logic in your post sir. the stat weights are so vast and different, zero impact again sir on the population who are 50.

Edited by BluelabelD
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respec or no respec, I still see no reason why they can't at least put a failsafe "are you sure" prompt when you click select. It wouldn't be difficult to add in, and considering how significant this advanced class choice is, this prompt would be important in preventing accidents that essentially cost you an entire character. First of all, the select and inspect options are like right next to each other, which is not only confusing but can be the difference between giving your second choice a closer look before deciding or permanently getting stuck with something you don't want. This happened to my smuggler, who I had been planning as a gunslinger ever since I started him, now he is a scoundrel who I don't want to play. I now have to completely start over, and do the whole starting area a second time, third including my trooper. The way they have it set up is not fair, and including a failsafe is easy.


Please look at this post bioware, and change the set up!

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respec or no respec, I still see no reason why they can't at least put a failsafe "are you sure" prompt when you click select.


Yeah that would be good. I'd also say a one time respec that expires somewhere between 15 and 20 would be a good idea as well.

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I agree with the one time respec that runs out at 15-20, because I don't want to start my smuggler again. Any other respec of advanced classes I disagree with though. Part of the whole idea behind advanced classes is to make you really think about it and pre-plan. If you didn't think about it, and now your playing an adv. class you don't like, it's your fault. They have plenty of information about the gameplay, talent trees, etc. of each advanced class on their site and throughout the internet, for you to make the right decision. They even have the full tree spec.s on the site for every single tree, of both specializations. The only reason I'm complaining, is because even though I did all the planning and I knew I wanted a gunslinger, the stupid way it's set up, and the confusing interface with select right next to inspect, I ended up with something I already KNEW I didn't want. That is the only thing that is unfair about this system, anything else you guys complain about is your own fault.
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History - I played everything under the sun ( Xbox - PS2 to 3 console games - Warcraft 1, 2, and 3 - WoW - SC1 and 2 - diablo). I love and rather enjoyed playing these games, glorious years that i loved.


Time spend in WoW - 4 years, leveled many alts to max level - Raided in over 5 server first guilds, did top 100 dps in the world on World of logs at times - played every aspect of the game, yes even achievement hoarding. Loved it all, but i grew tired of WoW's lack of content and blizzard grew very lazzy after each expansion. I made a hard choice, I switched to SWTOR. Looking back, it pains me, but it was the right choice.


At release of SWTOR - I have leveled up a Bounty hunter powertech, just started to raid with her. I took pleasure and pain, chose to make her my main. I love her, so much so, I have done every quest in every zone, in every world. I only have Corellia and Illum left, after hitting 50. I watched every cut sceen or video, from start to finish, enjoying every moment of it. I have spent over 8 total days of playing time, leveling it up to max ( Over 200 hours of played time to hit 50, Dam that is passion). That said, I want to finish off my codex, all quests left in the known worlds, and get full best in slot gear for her ( PVE AND PVP) - Complete finish of my main, my love, my bounty hunter.


So, it was a hard choice to pick powertech, not sure if it was the right choice at that time. I am living with my choice, but i am not happy. It pains me the logic people have been using on this fourm. Some people are scared or nervous about the idea of Advanced Class Respec go into the game. I say that, for people whom are super deticated, to their main that Advanced Class Respec is a MUST. A main is not a flavor of the month, lol go level another bounty hunter so you can play merc or go level something else (A troll on the fourm would make comments like that). That is insane and not logical, a joke if you will. For those like me, whom made the choice are stuck in a hard place right now. We need the option to allow Advanced Class Respec PERIOD. If not NOW, in the FUTURE the NEED will happen ( The need is now and people whom are 50 like me, are starting to get very very mad about it )


The first post of on this fourm said it the best - The link says it all on how it should happen.


There is no reason why there is no option, you can make it so, that it would be so costly that one would only or could only do a respec every 1 - 2 months after farming or making massive amount of credits, to make it near immpossible to respec. This would imply for people like me ( FAR worse for anyone who plays far less), that it would be impossible or near impossible for them to Advanced Class Respec ( like 1 million credits or maybe more )




To respec is not a flavor of the month, but a hard line choice. It should be available for those whom are deteicated and love this game.



It should be in the next patch, but it seems its not.



I hope BioWare has read this post, and takes serious thought on what i said here. I know you BioWare, you had alot on your plate and couldn't push it live into the game yet.






After all the work you put in a Powertech, was the choice of Powertech any harder than the choice of Bounty Hunter? You made lots of choices when you created your character, and than 1 additional choice a few hours in. AC is a character creation choice that is delayed by a few hours. If Bioware moved the AC choice into character creation as part of the Class choice, will "AC Respec plz" people go away? Because you don't want to put work in rolling an Agent, Bioware should give you one for free because you put a lot of work in a BH? maybe Bioware can sell the service for a fortune so it's not overused.


What is insane and not logical is players thinking that getting 1 character maxed out entitles them to everything else. You leveled all those characters in WoW, why should you be able to switch between warriors and mages? You had to do all that work again to have access to the different playstyles. The ACs are very different, which is evidenced by how badly players want to be able to have the other AC free.


The ACs have different skill trees, different abilities, different equipment, and sometimes even different armour. What they share is 33% of abilities & skills and about 20% of the quests are unique to those two, but the Powertech still shares 80% of the quests with a Juggernaut. It is only because Bioware is trying something different by splitting the 8 classes into having some aspects in common via base class to reduce the amount of work needed to create all the storylines. That doesn't mean players get to play 8 classes with only 4 characters.


Bioware is highly likely to give players who reach level 10 on a class the ability to create level 10 characters of the same base class. They are very unlikely to have AC respec. Racial respec is more likely than AC respec.

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...If it's such an important decision to you all (which it should be, it is one of the most significant choices in game) then you should have put the time into looking up the information about each one and, if you did all this, then you should have the adv. class you want. Bioware shouldn't have to do more work simply because you guys made bad choices. There is plenty of warning leading up to your choice that not only is it permanent but that it is an important decision.
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...If it's such an important decision to you all (which it should be, it is one of the most significant choices in game) then you should have put the time into looking up the information about each one and, if you did all this, then you should have the adv. class you want. Bioware shouldn't have to do more work simply because you guys made bad choices. There is plenty of warning leading up to your choice that not only is it permanent but that it is an important decision.


I have seen cases where some classes aren't as clear about that as other classes about it being a permanent choice especially for new players on their first character. The solution isn't AC Respec, but I do think there should be a confirmation box explicitly saying that the choice is permanent and irreversible.

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Complain all you guys want. This feature will come regardless.


The vast majority of replies thus far have been people saying "no thanks."


What makes you think Bioware sees it differently?



There is no reason why there is no option, you can make it so, that it would be so costly that one would only or could only do a respec every 1 - 2 months after farming or making massive amount of credits, to make it near immpossible to respec. This would imply for people like me ( FAR worse for anyone who plays far less), that it would be impossible or near impossible for them to Advanced Class Respec ( like 1 million credits or maybe more )


There are many reasons. If you'd have read the thread, you'd have seen them. They may not be reasons you agree with, but they are valid nonetheless.


Stop trolling and cutting small segments words from my post - read my post and think on it.


Hope your posts get removed, cause you add nothing to this fourm other then trolling.


Telling someone they are trolling is a violation on these forums. You have been flagged.

Edited by aznthecapn
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If I want to swap, because I really don't want to level another trooper, I'm just out of luck.

Or in my case I'm out of the game. Cause if I bored with my AC and I can't respec, it

seems this game is not the right for me.


Regarding AC is another class, why is then there no different story for that "different" class?

I have to hear the same story, play the same quests as the other AC.


This pretty much sums it up. I would rather play the 8 different classes (4 repub, 4 imps) and spend my time seeing some different content than replaying a sentinel after just hitting 50 on the sage.


and to make a wow analogy, a paladin can be a tank, heals, or dps. A druid can be a dps, tank, ranged dps, heals. Why cant a vanguard be a tank/heals/dps?


it just makes the classes feel that much more restricted which is silly.

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This pretty much sums it up. I would rather play the 8 different classes (4 repub, 4 imps) and spend my time seeing some different content than replaying a sentinel after just hitting 50 on the sage.


and to make a wow analogy, a paladin can be a tank, heals, or dps. A druid can be a dps, tank, ranged dps, heals. Why cant a vanguard be a tank/heals/dps?


it just makes the classes feel that much more restricted which is silly.


I can't agree with you more, there are 8 classes in game, why make us level 16 to see all the content, makes 0 sense.


Comon BioWare

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What is insane and not logical is players thinking that getting 1 character maxed out entitles them to everything else. You leveled all those characters in WoW, why should you be able to switch between warriors and mages? You had to do all that work again to have access to the different playstyles. The ACs are very different, which is evidenced by how badly players want to be able to have the other AC free.


we arent asking to change from a warrior to a mage.


we're asking to change from feral druid to resto druid. Or maybe more accurately from prot/ret pally to Ret/holy pally. Heck, look at the Jedi Knight - you basically have Fury Warrior and then Tank/Arms warrior.


Do you see where your argument falls flat?


And no, I dont WANT to play wow. I have played wow. I want an MMO in 2012 to be competitive with wow in terms of features (not content, we're not talking content) - Look at rifts, heck you have FIVE specs per toon. ?!@?!?@#@!?#

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replaying a sentinel after just hitting 50 on the sage.


Sentinel is a Knight AC, Sage is a Consular AC...


Why cant a vanguard be a tank/heals/dps?


Just because something is done in WoW doesn't mean it's the best way to do it.


Even if there are some classes in WoW that have spec's that can do all three rolls, it doesn't change the fact that you still can not change your paladin into a warrior.


So that is hardly a valid argument why they should allow AC switching in this game.

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This pretty much sums it up. I would rather play the 8 different classes (4 repub, 4 imps) and spend my time seeing some different content than replaying a sentinel after just hitting 50 on the sage.


If you're someone who wants to play all the storylines, you can easily do that without AC swapping. Just roll the AC mirror you don't have on the other faction.


Republic - Jedi Guardian, Consular Sage, Smuggler Gunslinger, Trooper Vanguard.

Empire - Sith Marauder, Sith Assassin, Imperial Agent Operative, Bounty Hunter Mercenary


Same classes, different stories the whole way.


and to make a wow analogy, a paladin can be a tank, heals, or dps. A druid can be a dps, tank, ranged dps, heals. Why cant a vanguard be a tank/heals/dps?


Because its a different game and not designed that way. Those trees are part of the Paladin class. The fact that druids and paladins can fulfill three different roles makes them the exception to the rule - not the proof of it. Out of 10 classes in WoW, only 2 meet your example. That's not evidence of a good example. Incidentally, they have been two of the toughest classes to manage for in game between resource balancing and gear adjustments. I have no doubt Blizzard regrets giving them three roles.

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I can't agree with you more, there are 8 classes in game, why make us level 16 to see all the content, makes 0 sense.


Comon BioWare


You don't have to. The Gunslinger is the same as a Sniper. The abilites and talent trees are the same except for names. They use slightly different gear (blaster pistols vs sniper rifles) but that's not gameplay changing.You only have to level 8 classes, 4 on each side, and pick the right AC, to see all the content.


Makes perfect sense.

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