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Bioware: Allow Advanced Class Respec!


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I can understand some people's annoyance at having to play through the same story for two different classes.


While basicly most of them complaining have played WoW ,,,

and have xx numbers of alts that they basicly did the same areas quests from lv 15+......................


But in this game doing something twice is horrendous :o

Edited by Varghjerta
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When they have made enough money from people re-rolling characters and restarting from scratch, they will allow us Advance Class respecs.


I think a lot of people would rather quit than relevel the same exact character. In the end it will cost them money.

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I think a lot of people would rather quit than relevel the same exact character. In the end it will cost them money.


Like I said, I think there would be less annoyance if at level 10 there were divergent story lines for your two AC choices.

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Like I said, I think there would be less annoyance if at level 10 there were divergent story lines for your two AC choices.




Bioware spent too much time and resources on story as it is, and neglected the MMO part of their MMO. I can only imagine how unfinished the game would be if they had 16 unique class stories instead of 8.

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maybe instead of having infinite respecs of your AC why not a one time quest that lets you respec at the end if you choose, say at lvl 30


That way by lvl 30 if your not happy with your class you have that option keeps most people happy


that way its still a choice and you have had a chance to play the class you thought you would like to a reasonable level but not having to restart the whole story again


Timely restricted would probably be the best solution. If we can have 18h cooldown fleet pass, why not make 18 (30? 60? 90?) days AC switch ticket? Easy, abuse-proof (one possible abuse during xx days? I think we can live with that) system that gives player the option.

Edited by dadamowsky
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No Advanced Class respec.


It's a bad precedent for the genre. Also, to offer some perspective; I rolled a Jedi Consular, thought I would try Sage out. Got through the Courascant missions and it was painfully obvious I was not enjoying the class; not enough light saber action for me. Bit the bullet, re-rolled the exact same consular and chose Shadow instead. "Remaking" the character is incredibly quick, as you can just blow straight through dialog. And yes, I get that for some players replaying 10-15 hours of content is like a week's worth of play time given other obligations, I still say it's worth it in the long run. Better to flush 15 hours than 85 days (which I did in WoW after switching from a Rogue to Warrior).


Then again, there are those category of people that reroll'd characters every time some class gets ridiculously out of whack. That is, the type of person who is eternally unhappy. I say don't make it easy on them. Deal with the consequences of your choices for once.

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I would also like to add my voice to request AC respec for the following reasons :


1.) In my view, the design for AC is flawed. If a class is to be an "advanced" class, why are we choosing it at level 10? Why not choose and ADVANCED class at level 40 or something?


2.) Because players who are new to the game and also to the class, choosing an AC at level 10 and then realizing that the choice is wrong or not fun after playing for a few more levels. At level 25, I realised I don't enjoy the shadow tank and would like to re-spec to a sage healer but I can't do it.


3.) Changing advance class does not affect storyline or companions, unless, say changing class or gender.


4.) It may address the issue of lack of tank/healer. In my server, healers are lacking and I can't add to the small number of healer pool by changing AC.


That said, changing AC should not be trivial. Maybe have a cooldown or have to run a series of missions to change the AC.

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For the most part, I agree with the sentiment that there shouldn't be a respec of AC, HOWEVER: I don't believe it should be non existent.


This is a very new game. Like many others, I was not a part of the beta at all, and picked my advanced class the second day after I bought the game. I had no idea what the other class (or even the class I was picking!) played like. Basically a blind choice based on a flimsy idea of 'class role.' It's apparent I chose the wrong one, after talking with others who are playing, reading the forum and watching Youtube. Many will say I didn't do my research, but I would say that at the time, the data wasn't available. Not to mention I shouldn't require 3 outside sources to make a competent decision about something ingame. The main point of my argument is this:


AC respec should exist. It should NOT be on a cooldown of any kind, it should not cost money. It should be something you can do ONCE per character (maybe twice, just so you can change back after looking). That way you have the data and can choose wisely. After this 'mulligan,' then absolutely you should be locked into the choice, but it's hard for me to say it's okay to be locked into a choice that you made blindly and under duress.

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I vote against AC switching, and here's why.


I'm currently playing a healer class as a "main" and a tank class as an "alt", which is what I tend to do in most MMOs.


It just so happens that my healer is a BH (merc), and my tank is a BH (Powertech). I tried all the healers/tanks and these happened to be the 2 I enjoyed most. I made this choice of ACs after reading all the information presented in game which very clearly said that they are separate classes and you can never switch between them.


If this changes it will mean that effectively I've completely wasted all the time I've spent on my alt character, which I'll be very unhappy about. If I'd known there was a chance that all the information presented in game about the class choice being permanent wasn't actually true, I would probably have chosen a different class for my tank alt.


I don't see why I should be penalised for playing the game as it's currently designed.

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Please allow Advanced Class Respec. There's no reason for this, give players the choice! If you're worried it will hurt your story or something - don't. You don't seem to care you send Jedi to go slaughter hundreds of Sand People, so why care about something that is needlessly restricting players?







1. An Advanced Class is separate from a Class in SWTOR. Support: http://www.swtor.com/info/holonet/classes

2. Players deserve freedom, especially when it doesn't effect you in any way.

3. Given the same choices, a player's story, companions and ship is exactly the same regardless of your AC.

4. Just because you enjoy making 16 alts doesn't mean the player next to you does.

5. There's many legitimate reasons why a player at any level might need to respec AC's. It does not mean they are lazy/stupid.




no absolutly not. if you can live with the decisions you make then you shouldnt be given an out. ac swaping is such a bad idea, it makes me wick. in point 5 you say that any player at any level may need to ac switch. why? why would you need to go from guardian to sentinal, sage to shadow, powertech to merc? because you cant find a group and you want to run something that you have never done before? it not only cheapens gameplay but could end up screwing somebody who was looking for that group who knows the class!

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In any other MMO that I've played if you created a Rogue, the only way you could play a Mage was to create a new Toon.
Apples to oranges; in all of those other games you picked Mage or Rogue when you created the character. Not 1/5 of the way through the game.


Really, you're just saying it's bad because you don't like it. Is there really no valid argument against it? Or are the people with no valid argument against it just the most vocal ones so that I miss the tiny fraction of people who have a valid argument against it?

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Rolls a warrior -> Levels to 85 -> OMG I WANT HEALZ TOO I SHOULD BE ABLE TO GET A LVL 85 PALLY 4 FREE.
Again with the apples to oranges false analogy. At no point during that character's play could he have chosen to be a pally.


It's much more like someone playing a ret paladin, and later deciding to switch specs to holy.

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ac swaping is such a bad idea, it makes me wick.


in point 5 you say that any player at any level may need to ac switch. why? why would you need to go from guardian to sentinal, sage to shadow, powertech to merc?
I think he says wants to not needs to. confusing the argument with need vs want is just an evasion.


Anyway, the answer to "why" is "why not?" ... I don't see a problem with it. If it's such a bad idea you should be able to list at least a couple of factual reasons.


as it is, you're spewing opinions as fact, and being evasive. That's not going to convince anyone.

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I do not believe this should ever be made available, for one allowing this would rob them of their story line, two they wouldn't have to level each class instead they get to level 50 sith inquisitor now I want to be a Sith Assasin... wait changed my mind I want to be a sith warrior,, wait scratch that now I want to be an imperial agent...
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Again with the apples to oranges false analogy. At no point during that character's play could he have chosen to be a pally.


It's much more like someone playing a ret paladin, and later deciding to switch specs to holy.


It's apples to apples - because it's about classes. The class selection method doesn't change that.

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If somebody wants to play a tank at level 50 end game, they need to roll up a tank AC and level it to 50. "That class is a little slower at leveling, so I decided to play a different class instead, now give me a free class change," is the very definition of lazy.
No, the definition of lazy is "Unwilling to work or use energy" ... which isn't really relevant, not "changing advanced class"


Anyway, it's a game, so talking about laziness is kind of absurd.


nor is everyone asking about AC respecs talking about a free change; I've seen suggestions that included paying money, and ones that included a long quest line. Personally, I think that the latter might be a good way of handling it.


Worst idea ever.
No, I can think of several that are worse. The french invasion of Russia of 1812 was a much worse idea, just as a quick counter example.


Anyone who supports changing Advanced Class is outright lazy. Period.
No, I'm fine with it, and I'm not lazy. Easily refuted.


I'm sure there are lots of people who support changing Advanced Class because it would make some people happy, and there has yet to be a valid argument against it; right now all we see are name calling, bad analogies, and opinions phrased as facts.


I think you're mixing up "people who are lazy" with "people who have a philosophy of tolerance".


If you pick a class that you don't like, you re-roll. That's the same thing you do if you pick an Advanced Class you don't like.
Bad analogy. If I pick a class that I don't like, I reroll and have different companions and a totally different storylike; the majority of my play experience is very different. If I pick an advanced class that I don't like I reroll and have exactly the same companions and exactly the same storyline; the majority of my play experience is exactly the same.


Several people have two characters of the same base class to pick the different advanced classes and to choose different light/dark options. Myself included. I have a Guardian and a Sentinel, one light, one dark.
So what? Some people eat exactly the same dinner every night.


To add this feature is a slap in our faces, and completely disrespectful to the time we've spent in-game, playing the way it's intended.
I'm sorry that you measure your own self worth based on time spent grinding in a video game, but that's not really a valid counter argument.


But for all intents and purposes your class choice should be PERMANENT.
Eh, we're talking advanced class, which isn't the same thing.


STOP TRYING TO CHANGE THE GAME because you are lazy and impatient.
Stop using bad analogies and insults in place of valid arguments.
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I do not believe this should ever be made available, for one allowing this would rob them of their story line,
Uh, no, they're exactly the same story line.


two they wouldn't have to level each class instead they get to level 50 sith inquisitor now I want to be a Sith Assasin... wait changed my mind I want to be a sith warrior,, wait scratch that now I want to be an imperial agent...
Bad analogies, as I've mentioned elsewhere.
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