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Accuracy as a Sorc DPS


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So i have been reading over the forums, in game, and over gaming websites the debate on if sorcerers even need accuracy. We are at 100% anyways, without combat logs we cant see ifspells do less damage/ more damage etc. Does anyone know for sure if an accuracy cap is needed( 105%, 110%) I am at 105% doing Hard mode Ops with no problems. Yet i have another sorc dps who is at 100% saing he see's no diffrence.


Would help if anyone knows for sure thanks.

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Sorcerers need no accuracy. Force attacks have a base 100% accuracy, and no mobs possess any innate Force Resistance.


Ya thats what i figured, but some say that accuracy lowers the defense of mobs, thus doing more damage

Edited by StevieCheese
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Ya thats what i figured, but some say that accuracy lowers the defense of mobs, thus doing more damage


It does lower the defense of the target. However, contrary to rumors, defense is not the same thing as armor. Defense, in SWTOR, is nothing but avoidance. Incidentally, the way it actually works is that once your chance to hit exceeds 100%, Accuracy begins to reduce the target's Defense or Resistance. Defense applies to melee and ranged attacks (exactly like the player stat Defense), while Resistance applies to force and tech attacks. Boss mobs are known to have 10% Defense (thought recent testing suggests it may actually be 8%), but they have 0% Resistance.


Under no circumstances will Accuracy increase the damage your attacks do. There was a rumor during Beta that Accuracy past 100% would act as armor penetration, but this was based on an incorrect interpretation of "reduces the target's defense" in the tooltip. It doesn't and has never reduced armor. If you played WoW, Accuracy acts like Hit until you reach a 0% miss chance, then Expertise thereafter. Force attacks need neither.

Edited by Daellia
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Hard and nightmare modes have enemys that are more.... potent... then other ones. I think you'll need more accuracy. Look at your tank and how often he resists force skills or dodge and evades stuff.


After all the itemisation and the "hard" ways to get equip, they surly implemented the time sink to get acc equip ^^.

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Hard and nightmare modes have enemys that are more.... potent... then other ones. I think you'll need more accuracy. Look at your tank and how often he resists force skills or dodge and evades stuff.


After all the itemisation and the "hard" ways to get equip, they surly implemented the time sink to get acc equip ^^.


Mode doesn't matter. Actually, in all honesty, if you want even more evidence (though still not technically proof), find me a Force Master's item that has Accuracy rating on it. They don't exist. Not one.


On another side note, tanks gain no resistance to force attacks. Most have mitigation for internal and elemental damage, but none of them have resistance (and Defense only applies to melee and ranged attacks).

Edited by Daellia
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So every other class than Force users have to stack accuracy and force users don't? That's a punch in the face for everyone but Force users.


Operatives don't really care too much about Accuracy, most of their effects are Tech. I'm not as familiar with the other classes.

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Pretty sure, my lightning strikes hit for less than the tool tip based on the mobs armor.


If accuracy isn't the answer then what is?


Nope, that's just armor. No way to mitigate it (excluding certain armor penetration talents, such as an operative's Acid Blade. Sorcs don't have any). Boss mods are believed at this time to have 50% mitigation from armor, meaning any spells that deal Kinetic or Energy damage (everything except Affliction, Creeping Terror, Deathfield, and Thundering Blast) will deal half the listed damage. It is unknown at this time if boss targets will have any innate Internal/Elemental damage mitigation, but if they do it is unlikely to be very high (doubtful more than ~10%).

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Not even useful there, no player effect grant Resistance.


it helps alot in pvp trust me. specially against other sorcs. your willpower buff also grants you 10% elemental resistance. meaning that if u got 110% u still do all your damage against them

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it helps alot in pvp trust me. specially against other sorcs. your willpower buff also grants you 10% elemental resistance. meaning that if u got 110% u still do all your damage against them


Read Mark of Power again. It increases "Elemental and Internal damage reduction by 10%". Damage reduction and resistance are complete different mechanics. In point of fact, anything that uses the words "Internal", "Elemental", "Energy", or "Kinetic" refers to damage reduction by default, as those refer to the type of the damage. Avoidance mechanics like resistance are based on the type of the attack, which comes in the flavors of "Melee", "Ranged", "Tech", and "Force". Melee and ranged attacks are subject to Defense and Shield, while tech and force attacks are subject to Resistance. No player effect in the game grants Resistance, only Damage Reduction or Defense.


If I'm not making sense, here's a quote of a post I made regarding damage type vs. attack type earlier this week:


There are four damage types: Kinetic, Energy, Internal, Elemental. The first two are mitigated by armor, the latter two are not.


There are also four attack types: Melee, Ranged, Force, Tech. Attack type and damage type have no correlation, you can have any combination of the two sets (though not all combination exist in game). The first two are subject to defense (avoidance) and shield (partial mitigation), the latter two are subject to resistance. Resistances (which are just avoidance for Force and Tech attacks) are present as a mechanic, but very very few effects in the game grant them, so they can essentially be ignored.


Thus you can very easily have an attack that bypasses armor yet can be dodged or shielded (an internal melee attack, for example), or an attack that bypasses defense and shield yet is armor mitigated (an energy force attack, for example).

Edited by Daellia
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it counts as resistance trust me we tested :-) pve gear with simular stats just aclarity instead of accuracy, 1312 force lighting a tick with accuracy vs 1150 without accuracy need anymore?


I'm going to have to go with "you missed something". I have a hunch that you neglected to consider the changes swapping to the accuracy gear would have on your Force Bonus. What was your testing procedure (in exact detail please)?


Anyway, I'll see what I can do as far as testing it on my end.

Edited by Daellia
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  • 9 months later...
Ack! is this it? no results? your killin me here! im going to have to test this myself then I have stacked acc up to about 107% and I do belive its making a difference but I can't be sure I will be field testing this too bad it will be expensive to swap stats lol.
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Ack! is this it? no results? your killin me here! im going to have to test this myself then I have stacked acc up to about 107% and I do belive its making a difference but I can't be sure I will be field testing this too bad it will be expensive to swap stats lol.


Accuracy is pointless as a Sorc.

No need for you to test it.

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So every other class than Force users have to stack accuracy and force users don't? That's a punch in the face for everyone but Force users.


I think if your toon has several abilities that do white damage (melee or ranged), you need some accuracy. I know my marauder needs it. Pretty sure Snipers, for example, need it as well.


Sorcerers ? None. The only way to put some accuracy in you sorc would be mistakenly buying Assassin dps stuff (Stalker ?)

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Ack! is this it? no results? your killin me here! im going to have to test this myself then I have stacked acc up to about 107% and I do belive its making a difference but I can't be sure I will be field testing this too bad it will be expensive to swap stats lol.


It's just one of those things you know doesn't affect us... at all... ever... in all of history. Whether that be because someone tested it, because Daellia mentioned it (he has a pretty firm grasp on Sorc/Sage), or my personal favorite that Dael mentioned himself... there isn't a single piece of sorcerer gear in the game that has accuracy.

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