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Lol at Bioware claiming only 5% of people get low fps in Warzones/Fleet


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GTX 570

16 GB Ram

All settings maxed at 1920x1280


60 average FPS everywhere. I don't mean to speak down to anyone who is having issues with the game, if you are, that sucks and I am sorry. I just don't understand it though. My old system which I gave to my friend with an intel dual core CPU and a 9800 GT is playing the game with shadows turned off and it runs fine. It drops to around 40 here and there sure, but that's an old system at this point and to be expected from that. I just don't understand what I may be doing differently that others are not, or vice versa. Since launch I have never experienced anything even remotely close to "stuttering, running badly, lag" ect.

Edited by Domoto
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No, actually - their metrics system means that they don't have to rely on the reports to know what's going on; only where prioritizing is concerned is that relevant, because it tells them what people care about.


So, they can actually know what the percentage is to make a statement.


You are making huge assumptions here. I've heard this "the developer knows what's REALLY going on" argument in so many games now it makes me laugh whenever I hear it. Bioware's metrics do not tell them things like what FPS your client is running at all the time. The amount of additional bandwidth that would be required for that would be ludicrous. And beyond that, I know that I, for one, don't bug-report poor framerates because it's not a bug and because I expect the developer to know how to optimize their own engine.


If their system polled my computer to determine my FPS, 80% of the time the number they got back would be "60." They would have to poll my system during those times I happen to inexplicably be having FPS issues in order to even realize their engine is running badly on my system.


What I don't want to hear is "it's only people with terrible systems having problems," especially when I'm sitting on a state-of-the-art system that runs everything except TOR flawlessly.

Edited by Mannic
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This lagg in Fleet station and in Warzones is totally ruining my gaming experience. I just got a brand new graphic card, and the rest of my computer is pretty much up to date.. I have 20 Mbit internet, which should be enough..


If this isn't fixed before my game time runs out, I won't subscribe again.. It is a shame, because this game is very nice, but just too buggy atm.. Maybe I'll be back later.

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Whoa this thread has a lot of replies considering the OP is using windows experience index. Anyone who uses that shouldn't be talking in the first place.


About anything.






Ok I scored 14000 on 3d Mark Vantage. Happy now?

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I only have problems in warzones, but they can get very choppy, much more than fleet with 260+ people in it. I assumed that since warzones have 16 people, and fleet has over 200, that the problem was a warzone one and bioware knew about it and was looking into a fix. Therefore, I never submitted a ticket. If I am only part of 5% of the population having this problem, maybe I should make myself heard more so they know its affecting more people.


I thought everybody had performance problems in warzones, and it was old news.

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GTX 570

16 GB Ram

All settings maxed at 1900x1200


60 average FPS everywhere. I don't mean to speak down to anyone who is having issues with the game, if you are, that sucks and I am sorry. I just don't understand it though. My old system which I gave to my friend with an intel dual core CPU and a 9800 GT is playing the game with shadows turned off and it runs fine. It drops to around 40 here and there sure, but that's an old system at this point and to be expected from that.


It is well-known that certain hardware configurations are causing problems in TOR. You are actually less likely to have issues on a system like yours than someone on a state-of-the-art system, probably because those of us with these systems stupidly think we should be able to run things like 8x AA and high-quality everything-- since we can easily do so in every other game we play.

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I would be willing to have someone hold a gun to my head, make the prediction that 35 % of users and above are having issues in Warzones/Fleet and are getting worse FPS then they should be on the computer they have. If the number was under 35% I would be perfectly fine with the man pulling the trigger, I am THAT sure that the number is that high. Bioware is trying to save face and not call "FIRE!" and start a chain reaction through the player base. Why do you think they have refreshed the "Horrid FPS" thread 10 times now. It would be at like 2000+ pages already.


We're going to need your real name and address along with 3 forms of photo identification and your email address to confirm your identity then.



On a serious note, I have never meet anyone more deserving of the Darwin Award. Congratulations.

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You are making huge assumptions here. I've heard this "the developer knows what's REALLY going on" argument in so many games now it makes me laugh whenever I hear it. Bioware's metrics do not tell them things like what FPS your client is running at all the time. The amount of additional bandwidth that would be required for that would be ludicrous.


You greatly overestimate the amount of bandwidth required for this information. It's minuscule, even when multiplied by the number of players (as it doesn't have to be passed around to anyone else, greatly reducing scaling), and especially in comparison to other elements.


Fact is, their metrics are a longstanding known fact - and the oft-cited reason behind a lot of development decisions. It's a core part of how this game was developed.

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We're going to need your real name and address along with 3 forms of photo identification and your email address to confirm your identity then.



On a serious note, I have never meet anyone more deserving of the Darwin Award. Congratulations.


Lol get mad brotha. I can see the vein in your neck popping from here.

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I expect the developer to know how to optimize their own engine.


Once over a million of us expected the same from Warhammer Online dev team. Fun times. Every patch for 10 months had optimization. They still didn't make it work.

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I would be willing to have someone hold a gun to my head, make the prediction that 35 % of users and above are having issues in Warzones/Fleet and are getting worse FPS then they should be on the computer they have. If the number was under 35% I would be perfectly fine with the man pulling the trigger, I am THAT sure that the number is that high. Bioware is trying to save face and not call "FIRE!" and start a chain reaction through the player base. Why do you think they have refreshed the "Horrid FPS" thread 10 times now. It would be at like 2000+ pages already.


If that's what they were after, that wouldn't have said ANYTHING.

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God I love the blatant lies coming from Bioware. My system rating is over 7 on every piece of hardware I have. I can run Crysis 2/Dues Ex/Battlefield 3 all on ultra/high settings smooth without issues and yet this game runs mediocre/choppy in Warzones/Fleet. Ya Bioware 5 % , nice job pulling a random number out of your rear end.


What is concidered lag? I get about 15fps to 10fps depending how busy it is. Prolonged button push to ability activation. Mobs or other players sudden appear somewhere else on my screen when the UI catches up. I am playing with i7, 512mb Vram Nvidia Geforce with Cuda, and 8GB of ram and all graphics settings on llllooowwww. Also I sit about 8 feet from my wifi. Far cry from the 24 plus fps I had on that other game. I wouldnt complain too much but it would be nice to have some improvement on that. Its a great game unless you cant afford an $1100 dollar laptop. They said TOR would be playable on anything made in the past four years, I think they meant any hardcore gaming computer made in the past four years.

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If that's what they were after, that wouldn't have said ANYTHING.


Wrong......They wanted to acknowledge that people are having issues because obviously with 2000+ pages of horrid FPS posts people obviously/blatantly are having problems. They wanted to keep a very safe number to try and make it seem like this is normal for every MMORPG and that it is nothing new. If anyone truly believes the number is even 15% or lower needs a serious "MC FLY ANYBODY HOME?" tap tap tap on there forehead. "THINK MC FLY THINK!"

Edited by carrylot
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Wrong......They wanted to acknowledge that people are having issues because obviously with 2000+ pages of horrid FPS posts people obviously/blatantly are having problems. They wanted to keep a very safe number to try and make it seem like this is normal for every MMORPG and that it is nothing new. If anyone truly believes the number is even 15% or lower needs a serious "MC FLY ANYBODY HOME?" tap tap tap on there forehead. "THINK MC FLY THINK!"


Its ok the average person doesnt know what "public relations" is.


The people on these boards know even less than that.

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It is well-known that certain hardware configurations are causing problems in TOR. You are actually less likely to have issues on a system like yours than someone on a state-of-the-art system, probably because those of us with these systems stupidly think we should be able to run things like 8x AA and high-quality everything-- since we can easily do so in every other game we play.


What hardware are we talking here? I'm seriously just asking since most seem to take offense to most everything said on these forums. I mostly posted since I have seen someone post close to the exact same specs as mine in another thread and speak of issues. I am aware about the different configurations being less likely to have issues, and I am also aware that my system isn't that brand new.

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I used to have FPS issues, but then I switched from my awful internet at my parents place on my laptop, to my pretty good internet on my desktop thats about twice as powerful.


Would be interesting to see how much of the FPS is people's rigs and internet connections, but this is all based on my experience alone.


Oh, and i turned shadows off.

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5% is 20,000 people. That's warrant for a recall in most companies.




If bioware was a car manufacturer selling sports cars and 5% or 20k of them were not running as they should. Those owners could get a brand new car/ money under the lemon law.


Obviously the number is greater than 5% so bioware has a serious problem. The game must be optimized SOON. As in this month... Or subs will drop off.

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