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Sadly SWTOR will be another stepping stone and forgotten


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If it's so bad, why are you still in the forums?


I never understood the losers who sit there and say, "This game is awful, don't play it, but I'm gonna sit here on their forums and criticize it all day!" Every game forum has these bums in it.


Go do something else if it's so bad...

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You would have to nail my feet to the floor and tie me down to my computer chair to make me level another toon in this game. The first few levels where you walk for 20 minutes here to do a quest and then 20 minutes there to do another? No thanks.


You sir, are doing it wrong

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Are you really just upset that McQuaid couldn't do what Ohlen has already done?


(To clarify, unlike Vanguard, this game has 2 million subs already and is continuing to grow. It will hit the 3.5 million mark by May. It will then be large enough in the west to toss its weight around against Blizzard. By then it will have had multiple content updates and quite a few bug fixes, and many of the unsubs, who have already been replaced before their first 30 days are even up, will return in droves, running and fleeing from the power of pandas and kung fu fists).


This is the most blatantly lying post I have ever seen posted on this forum. ROFL 2 million subs , I bet you they don't even have 400k people yet that have entered in credit card info/game cards. Just because they sold a lot of games doesn't mean even 50 percent will keep paying. I don't even believe this game has sold over 2 million copies but I wouldn't be surprised because all the idiots out there probably got suckered in by the Star Wars brand name like me.

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Keep telling that to yourself Webster. Whatever helps you sleep at night and believe SWTOR is even considered a "good" mmo atm. Vanguard Saga of Heroes was technically a good mmo at launch but it also failed because the game had many underlying issues like FPS/no end game etc that SWTOR currently has on an equally worse scale.


You considered Vanguard a "good" mmo at launch?


I'd love for you to list any redeeming qualities Vanguard had at launch past the Blood Mage class.


You people and your rose-colored glasses.

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MMO have all failed then I guess except World of Oldcraft.


This maybe a reality check for you, but an MMO isnt for life...


nothing odd about an old game "playing better" then a 2012 release at all despite it's having more reference material and access to successful Templates. "Oldcraft" didn't have much of either.

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This is the most blatantly lying post I have ever seen posted on this forum. ROFL 2 million subs , I bet you they don't even have 400k people yet that have entered in credit card info/game cards. Just because they sold a lot of games doesn't mean even 50 percent will keep paying. I don't even believe this game has sold over 2 million copies but I wouldn't be surprised because all the idiots out there probably got suckered in by the Star Wars brand name like me.


You have to enter the credit card information to activate the game.


The game has soared since launch day. All through the holidays and on into January. It's gotten sterling reviews from some gaming areas that have driven sales even further. It's even made a splash in a couple of mainstream media outlets.


Just because you don't agree with this game being successful or you don't like this game doesn't mean I'm lying. I'm just quoting facts at you bro.

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