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Deserter DeBuff Needed in 1.1


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It's getting rather annoying that in every WZ if things don't go our way (1 cap in Huttball, 1 Gate in Voidstar or 2 turrets)


Then you see literally half your team leave. I am not joking, I literally see half the team leave if things aren't going immediately in our favor.


Please add a deserter debuff to the game, it is in desperate need of one.

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Nope. They should not add deserter until premades are no longer allowed in the solo queue.


This I agree is a VERY valid concern. Premades are a very large problem in the game.


I think it also stems from the VERY small WZ party size. 8 people is very small for a pvp warzone so if you even want to play with 1 or 2 friends you are now a premade making up most of one of the groups.

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Nope. They should not add deserter until premades are no longer allowed in the solo queue.

As much as I'd like the deserter buff to be implemented this reason alone makes me disagree with it. PvP would become ten times more frustrating to those who aren't already geared up vs. those who are.

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Nope. They should not add deserter until premades are no longer allowed in the solo queue.





They need to fix the double wall spawn (the force field that stops zerg) And fix the no return to Medcenter bug. No matter if you click the button you cant revive, and ctrl-uu doesnt help.

Edited by herb
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That's because alot of people don't realize one little fact:


It's not whether you win or lose. It's how well you pad your stats.


I'm a healer. I got into opposite teams with a friend who is a dps (lvl 50 Sorc on Sorc action)

We hid in a corner of a huttball and just exchanged dps/heals/deaths as a test. No one interupted us.


Got more out of that one huttball than i did in 2-3 huttballs playing normally. And my team lost. (Before i get yelled at it was vs a 6 man premade. We stood no chance with 4 lvl 10s on my team regardless)


Moral of the story... Pad your stats = profit

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It's getting rather annoying that in every WZ if things don't go our way (1 cap in Huttball, 1 Gate in Voidstar or 2 turrets)


Then you see literally half your team leave. I am not joking, I literally see half the team leave if things aren't going immediately in our favor.


Please add a deserter debuff to the game, it is in desperate need of one.


No there is a reason for players doing this, level 50 brackets needed to be put in now. Level 50's team will totally annhilate you and farm you quite easily for valor points. If half the team go AFK they will terminate the warzone making the 50's not get theyre valor points. Its good.

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No there is a reason for players doing this, level 50 brackets needed to be put in now. Level 50's team will totally annhilate you and farm you quite easily for valor points. If half the team go AFK they will terminate the warzone making the 50's not get theyre valor points. Its good.


If half the team leaves it will just refill it with people and not cancel the WZ...

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Nope. They should not add deserter until premades are no longer allowed in the solo queue.




Especially with the 50s bracket, dodging the 4 man fully geared lvl 50 premades will be hard enough.


I will be dropping the moment i see any of them (which is very often right now) because im not interested in being farmed for 20 minutes.

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Nope. They should not add deserter until premades are no longer allowed in the solo queue.


^^ This. Unless you want Empire doing Hutt Ball vs themselves 100% of the time from now on then don't even THINK about adding a deserter debuff until this is implemented.

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Strongly disagree about the separate queue for premades. The devs did a great job of making teamwork important for wzs, so as a result, premades are awesome. If you don't like losing to premades, grab some friends, get on vent, and start passing more in huttball.


Tiering queues based on levels makes sense to me though. The range of skills available to 40+ vs 20- is too different to really be fair.

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Nope. They should not add deserter until premades are no longer allowed in the solo queue.


Premades of any sort should not be allowed anywhere near pugs, its fine if its premade vs premade, if bioware cant fix this quickly this one issue will lose a heap of subs..

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Before posting anything like that you better wait for 5 more days to see if there will be enough people to support PvP activities on your server at all - after 1st "free" month of subscription will end.


Many won't want to pay for this bugfest and probably you'll be happy to get 1-2 warzone games per day no matter of bugs, exploits, etc.

Edited by Pashgan
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Before posting anything like that you better wait for 5 more days to see if there will be enough people to support PvP activities on your server at all - after 1st "free" month of subscription will end.


Many won't want to pay for this bugfest and probably you'll be happy to get 1-2 warzone games per day no matter of bugs, exploits, etc.


Sadly this has a lot of truth to it. I have seen my server go from always full to barely making "Heavy" on prime time weekend nights. General chat on planets are mostly full of people quitting.


Jan 21st will be interesting.

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