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Annihilation suggestion (PVP)


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It's been said before that annihilation is the spec that has the hardest time staying in melee range for pvp.


To alleviate this I suggest the annihilator buff also gives a stacking 8% run speed.


That way when you have 3 stacks of annihilator, you would also have a 24% run speed bonus. This sounds like a lot, but it can be pretty hard to keep up a 3 stack of annihilator in pvp sometimes.


On the off chance that is too much, then it could be tweaked to 7% so it is only 1% better than the obliterate buff.


This would be for each tree:


Carnage: 15% passive.

Rage: 40%, 33% up time. No build up.

Annihilation: 24%, potential 100% up time, VERY long build up and must be maintained.




Edited by CaptainBarbosa
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It's been said before that annihilation is the spec that has the hardest time staying in melee range for pvp.


To alleviate this I suggest the annihilator buff also gives a stacking 8% run speed.


That way when you have 3 stacks of annihilator, you would also have a 24% run speed bonus. This sounds like a lot, but it can be pretty hard to keep up a 3 stack of annihilator in pvp sometimes.


On the off chance that is too much, then it could be tweaked to 7% so it is only 1% better than the obliterate buff.


This would be for each tree:


Carnage: 15% passive.

Rage: 20%, 33% up time. No build up.

Annihilation: 24%, potential 100% up time, VERY long build up and must be maintained.





I personally think this could be a good buff, but the other talent trees would have to get something too because i have found that annihilation seems to be the best (or at least extremely competitive with) the two other trees. So yea maybe marauders could get a little bit of a buff like that, but not just annihilation

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The point is is to give the anni tree the same melee closing ability as the other 2 trees though. Looking at the rage tree I neglected the fact that interceptor is a 2 point ability, so rage spec marauders have 33% uptime on 40% run speed, not 20%. Given this, I might even suggest more speed per stack, perhaps 10%. Then it would be:


Carnage: 15% passive

Rage: 40%, 33% uptime, no build up.

Annihilation: 30%, 100% uptime, requires build up and active refreshing.

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If you are having trouble sticking on a target might I suggest using predation more often? I mean if people are kiting predation effectively allows nearly 100% uptime. If you time things right you can stack it with other fury buffs using frenzy....
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it would be nice if they reworked their resolve system to make you immune to roots... problem solved. Problem with adding abilities and other perks is your not solving the "root" of the problem (get it? LOL). Covering up issues with other abilites that pretty much break a class is definitely not the answer. IMO, fix the resolve system and give marauder heavy armor, don't add abilities and other mechanics.
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