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I Haven't Played SWTOR in a Week - and here is WHY.


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No one wants to join a guild though, cause they think this is a single player game with chat functions. I've spent hours trying to get people to join a my guild, and i've gotten like 8 people.


Very true, if your listening to the cutscenes and VO it's very hard to do that while in Vent/mumble. That is what has stopped me from actually trying to find a good guild, I don't plan to till I hit 50 on a toon(I am in a guild, but don't participate in it much other than if someones on around my level wanting a group).

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I disagree. It's things like "LFG tools" that make people like the OP. They feel they have to make no effort and that groups should just appear to carry them through content.


It´s funny that the people who seem to play almost exclusively with their friends or guilds don´t want a LFG tool although they never PUG in the first place.


The average swtor complainer has 0 friends.


The average LFG hater plays exclusively with his RL friends.

Edited by Tairak
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