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I Haven't Played SWTOR in a Week - and here is WHY.


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Pro tip. Get a better guild and get some friends. You'll have a far more enjoyable experience.


Not for long..


Look, I ran FP's and Operations with my guild and I was full Rakata/Columi in a couple days..


You get gear way too fast in this game.


So even if the OP did get a guild/friends to run constant groups with they would be geared inside a week and he would be back full circle to where he is now..where I am now.


Right now my guild is raiding casual, which is great for me because of work/RL stuff and we're very close to killing SOA HM.


The fact of the matter is besides logging on for raiding I have no other reason to log on..

-I have 4.5 million credits from slicing before they nerfed it, and from dailies..

-I have no upgrades I can get besides the ones in HM OP's

-PVP is boring but I have like 6 pieces from the bags

-No datacrons I can get that will help my main stats(already got them)

-Leveling an alt is pointless when I don't feel like even logging on


The fact of the matter is there..there's nothing to do in this game after you get your main gear..


I kind of feel like I did in WoW before I quit..just..no reason to long on other than to raid.


Honestly, an achievement system would be a lot better..some of you may hate achievements but I think they offer a whole new side of the game for people that have nothing better to do.

Edited by Slomoshun
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BW forcing people to group with you won't get you friends.


I don't need friends to group with constantly. I need a consistent way to SOMETIMES find a group within 24 hours. You're focusing on this friend aspect too much.


I can get a guild to run a lot of content with, but since we're all leveling, the content will be spread out until we max.


So, since we're spread out and no one on the server wishes to group in a a reasonable/unreasonable time frame, it becomes a problem.

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Obviously, yes.


It's up to bioware to ensure people can group if their players refuse to interact in a traditional mmo manner.


I'm sorry to be blunt, but given your attitude here, I can see why it's difficult for you to make lasting friends on your own server.

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I don't need friends to group with constantly. I need a consistent way to SOMETIMES find a group within 24 hours. You're focusing on this friend aspect too much.


Friends and guilds (made up of friends) are the best way to be able to consistently find groups.

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Not the slightest itch has occurred that made me want to start SWTOR up.


I can't find groups to run content with, such as Flashpoints.


I can't complete heroics, no one to run them with.


There's a large disconnect with a significant percentage of players that seem to think this is a single player game and the only interaction should be based on an 'as needed" basis which then would terminate as soon as that function is filled without so much as a 'thanks for the run', only to find them asking for help yet again in 15 mins. Disconnect.


I would like to run flashpoints to accumulate gear/social points/whatever but it's impossible past the very beginning flashpoints because I can not find people to run with.


Even with a guild with a couple of dozen members, this game feels barren and desolate.


This is a MMO. Give us some MMO Tools to engage the single player crowd to make it easier for them to run group content or participate.


Just have to respond to this.


Listen, there is an entire community of players who are mmorpg veterans who simply no longer engage much in group play, and this is for a number of reasons. Personally, I stopped grouping with other players in the latter days of WotLK, simply because half my guild had turned into loot monsters and almost inevitably in random dungeons you would have at least one person so despicable you begin to hate the human race. So we don't group anymore. We love mmo's and play them in depth, but we simply bypass any mandatory group content, probably enjoying the actual game more than people who group for convenience, or to make it a glorified chat room.


I played Rift solo, Aion solo, other games solo, and enjoyed them in general much longer than most players, just judging by the inevitable exodus those games experienced. You can't keep WoW addicts engaged, no matter what you do.


I love SWTOR, obviously more than you do. I don't want to play with you. I don't want to listen to your whiny nitpicking, or follow along wondering *** you are doing. I like to play at my own pace, go afk whenever I might need to without having to explain it, etc. etc. etc. I could name a ton of reasons.


I love the two checkboxes that allow me to auto-decline group invites and guild invites, and keep chat hidden. It's awesome. If you don't like it, too bad. If they institute changes that make me have to play with you, like total fail games like Final Fantasy XI, then I'm gone. You won't miss me, but Bioware loses a solid, long-term subscription, as compared to the fickle, whiny, on-the edge subscription you represent.

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Friends and guilds (made up of friends) are the best way to be able to consistently find groups.


except you ignored the rest of the post.


If the guildmates/friends are too spread out, this becomes a problem. Seems like I'm repeating myself.

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While I understand what you're trying to request here, I don't agree with it. You introduce a LFG tool and more often than not people use that rather than socializing within their own server or guild. It's a useful tool but one that's detrimental to the community. Furthermore, it gives prime opportunity to those who wish to be less than honest or just have a bad attitude in a group.
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Obviously, yes.


It's up to bioware to ensure people can group if their players refuse to interact in a traditional mmo manner.


Well you're making so many inroads here on the forums with all these new people you've met I'm surprised you haven't been able to convert those leads into groupmates.

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Approaching forum mongering with more forum mongering?


Forums are not in game.


I highly doubt your attitude changes that much at the login screen. Perhaps it does. It was only an observation as to what could be your problem. And this is a "you" problem.

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Not the slightest itch has occurred that made me want to start SWTOR up.


I can't find groups to run content with, such as Flashpoints.


I can't complete heroics, no one to run them with.


There's a large disconnect with a significant percentage of players that seem to think this is a single player game and the only interaction should be based on an 'as needed" basis which then would terminate as soon as that function is filled without so much as a 'thanks for the run', only to find them asking for help yet again in 15 mins. Disconnect.


I would like to run flashpoints to accumulate gear/social points/whatever but it's impossible past the very beginning flashpoints because I can not find people to run with.


Even with a guild with a couple of dozen members, this game feels barren and desolate.


This is a MMO. Give us some MMO Tools to engage the single player crowd to make it easier for them to run group content or participate.


Just have to respond to this.


Listen, there is an entire community of players who are mmorpg veterans who simply no longer engage much in group play, and this is for a number of reasons. Personally, I stopped grouping with other players in the latter days of WotLK, simply because half my guild had turned into loot monsters and almost inevitably in random dungeons you would have at least one person so despicable you begin to hate the human race. So we don't group anymore. We love mmo's and play them in depth, but we simply bypass any mandatory group content, probably enjoying the actual game more than people who group for convenience, or to make it a glorified chat room.


I played Rift solo, Aion solo, other games solo, and enjoyed them in general much longer than most players, just judging by the inevitable exodus those games experienced. You can't keep WoW addicts engaged, no matter what you do.


I love SWTOR, obviously more than you do. I don't want to play with you. I don't want to listen to your whiny nitpicking, or follow along wondering *** you are doing. I like to play at my own pace, go afk whenever I might need to without having to explain it, etc. etc. etc. I could name a ton of reasons.


I love the two checkboxes that allow me to auto-decline group invites and guild invites, and keep chat hidden. It's awesome. If you don't like it, too bad. If they institute changes that make me have to play with you, like total fail games like Final Fantasy XI, then I'm gone. You won't miss me, but Bioware loses a solid, long-term subscription, as compared to the fickle, whiny, on-the edge subscription you represent.

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except you ignored the rest of the post.


If the guildmates/friends are too spread out, this becomes a problem. Seems like I'm repeating myself.


It's only a problem becuase you think guildamtes and friends are their to carry you to quest completions. You could, you know, help those lower than you and then suddenly they would be even with you and you could do content. But then again if you don't get something from it you don't bother doing it is my guess.

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It's only a problem becuase you think guildamtes and friends are their to carry you to quest completions. You could, you know, help those lower than you and then suddenly they would be even with you and you could do content. But then again if you don't get something from it you don't bother doing it is my guess.


There seems to be a lot going on here, and I can't say that any of us are qualified or capable of fixing him. Especially since he's adamant about pointing the finger at BioWare for his social issues.

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It's only a problem becuase you think guildamtes and friends are their to carry you to quest completions. You could, you know, help those lower than you and then suddenly they would be even with you and you could do content. But then again if you don't get something from it you don't bother doing it is my guess.


You're assuming and putting my character into a box to suit your text.


I have ran lower levels more often than I care to count.

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No one wants to join a guild though, cause they think this is a single player game with chat functions. I've spent hours trying to get people to join a my guild, and i've gotten like 8 people.


I started my guild early on in the game with 4 guys I had grouped with for a heroic quest. Made each one of them an 'officer' and told them, 'Invite the ones you group with and you enjoyed running with'.


Each time a new player joined, be it I, or one of the others in guild, who had invited, I made that new member a 'member' instead of just recruit and set it so that 'members' could all invite. I then instruct them to do the same thing. We never spam /1 for membership, and for each new member that I bring in at least, i tell them to hit me up for help whenever they need it and I will come to help them out, and I allways honor those requests, even if it cuts into my time a little.


Using this method, we have grown the guild to 50+ members and growing still. Very little drama, and having a lot of fun DAILY! We're even running the operations 2-3 nights a week with all guild members, some of them completely new to the mmo scene.


Some of those new to the mmo or 'Raid' scene are terrified at first, but as long as your willing to help and teach instead of label them 'bad' or insult in general, people will stick with it and grow to love it. Give them 'confidence' and not 'ridicule' and you will build an awesome team over time.


Just be patient, the fun WILL come :-)


Just my 2 cents

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Just have to respond to this.


Listen, there is an entire community of players who are mmorpg veterans who simply no longer engage much in group play, and this is for a number of reasons. Personally, I stopped grouping with other players in the latter days of WotLK, simply because half my guild had turned into loot monsters and almost inevitably in random dungeons you would have at least one person so despicable you begin to hate the human race. So we don't group anymore. We love mmo's and play them in depth, but we simply bypass any mandatory group content, probably enjoying the actual game more than people who group for convenience, or to make it a glorified chat room.


I played Rift solo, Aion solo, other games solo, and enjoyed them in general much longer than most players, just judging by the inevitable exodus those games experienced. You can't keep WoW addicts engaged, no matter what you do.


I love SWTOR, obviously more than you do. I don't want to play with you. I don't want to listen to your whiny nitpicking, or follow along wondering *** you are doing. I like to play at my own pace, go afk whenever I might need to without having to explain it, etc. etc. etc. I could name a ton of reasons.


I love the two checkboxes that allow me to auto-decline group invites and guild invites, and keep chat hidden. It's awesome. If you don't like it, too bad. If they institute changes that make me have to play with you, like total fail games like Final Fantasy XI, then I'm gone. You won't miss me, but Bioware loses a solid, long-term subscription, as compared to the fickle, whiny, on-the edge subscription you represent.


You represent a downward spiral for mmo games.

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Just have to respond to this.


Listen, there is an entire community of players who are mmorpg veterans who simply no longer engage much in group play, and this is for a number of reasons. Personally, I stopped grouping with other players in the latter days of WotLK, simply because half my guild had turned into loot monsters and almost inevitably in random dungeons you would have at least one person so despicable you begin to hate the human race. So we don't group anymore. We love mmo's and play them in depth, but we simply bypass any mandatory group content, probably enjoying the actual game more than people who group for convenience, or to make it a glorified chat room.


I played Rift solo, Aion solo, other games solo, and enjoyed them in general much longer than most players, just judging by the inevitable exodus those games experienced. You can't keep WoW addicts engaged, no matter what you do.


I love SWTOR, obviously more than you do. I don't want to play with you. I don't want to listen to your whiny nitpicking, or follow along wondering *** you are doing. I like to play at my own pace, go afk whenever I might need to without having to explain it, etc. etc. etc. I could name a ton of reasons.


I love the two checkboxes that allow me to auto-decline group invites and guild invites, and keep chat hidden. It's awesome. If you don't like it, too bad. If they institute changes that make me have to play with you, like total fail games like Final Fantasy XI, then I'm gone. You won't miss me, but Bioware loses a solid, long-term subscription, as compared to the fickle, whiny, on-the edge subscription you represent.




I'm the same way. I simply got tired of carrying people through games. It gets to a point where literally I'm doing ALL the work.

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Sounds like a personal issue, not a swtor issue. welcome to MMO's. But then again can't blame OP to much. Old days gamers all stuck together. Now a days people wanna jump down someones throat as soon as possible or flame them on forums.
It's a huge SWTOR issue. Old days gamers all stuck together because you had to.


BW does just about everything it can to unencumber the player from having to rely on other players, and then takes it a step further by doing as much as it can to limit players from even running into each other.

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Let's face it, IMO it is a single player RPG with multiplayer features. The grouping for heroics FP and operations as well as warzones are for the lack of a better term the Mp part of the game. Sure there is social chatting.


Whenever I get a chance I do group but like the OP it is hard to find groups and the LFG system is erratic at best. Hardly no one uses it there is always people in chat looking for groups.


I really do like this game but I don't know how long I will be around to pay a monthly fee for a single player experience with MP aspects to it. You can get nearly the same experiences paying a one-time fee (Aside from DLC) for uncharted 3, Modern warfare 3, and Battlefield 3 and the upcoming GW2, D3.


That said I really hope BW get's into gear and give the players the much needed features like dual spec ui mods etc something that should have been added in the first place. Maybe they thought if they add these things later ti would like they are working on new content etc.

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