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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Stop QQ - Balance is fine


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Yep, balance is fine. Well no, it isnt but that doesnt matter. It is okay that Operatives/scoundrels can kill within seconds after hitting from stealth. It is okay that Sorcs/Sages have rediculous amounts of CC effects and it is okay that BH/Commandos can sit there, spam one button and win. It is also okay that you have to go for burst damage because otherwise you are not viable.


Why is it okay? Because it is a Bioware game. What does that mean? Well, it means that this game is about story and nothing more. Have you ever heared of Bioware creating a good pvp game? Yeah ...me neither. So face it. This game isnt about pvp balance. It isnt about PvE balance either. It is about story and if you dont like being roflstomped by a certain class, reroll and enjoy a different story or unsub the game.


There is no other solution. There wont be balance because ...well, they claim they have pvp pros at work and created Ilum. Do you need more proof? ;)


So stop whining about balance because no BW employee cares about it. They are busy capturing new lines in their studio for new "epic" story lines.

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I'm inclined to agree, though not for that precise reason.


Let's face it, much of SWTOR class abilities are a direct ripoff from WoW. There's a nice picture floating around that shows Sith Juggernaut and WoW warrior having identical abilities all along the line.


Problem is, WoW never had balanced PvP either. In fact I would say WoW is one of the worst balanced MMOs I've ever played. There's been glaring, GLARING class imbalances for YEARS. And there's been instances of overplayed, overrepresented, terribly overpowered classes getting BUFFS, while underplayed, underrepresented and generally weak classes got nerfs. That's one of the chief reasons I quit the garbage game back in the day. When rogue/mage/priest teams are 75% of 2400+ rated teams, and feral druids are 3.7%, yeah, let's nerf druids and buff rogues...that's classic Blizzard right there.


So honestly, how can you expect good balance in SWTOR when they've ripped off one of the worst balanced MMOs to date? You can't.


Then again, maybe a miracle will happen and they will hire someone who actually DOES PVP to look at class balance, instead of looking at metrics. But heck, even looking at metrics (as long as they look at actions-per-second as well as damage done, kills, deaths, etc.) they should be able to put two and two together. If a Marauder hitting 3829 buttons barely matches up to a Mercenary that hits 1 button every 1.5 seconds, it's not rocket surgery.

Edited by Sabbathius
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Yep, balance is fine. Well no, it isnt but that doesnt matter. It is okay that Operatives/scoundrels can kill within seconds after hitting from stealth. It is okay that Sorcs/Sages have rediculous amounts of CC effects and it is okay that BH/Commandos can sit there, spam one button and win. It is also okay that you have to go for burst damage because otherwise you are not viable.


Why is it okay? Because it is a Bioware game. What does that mean? Well, it means that this game is about story and nothing more. Have you ever heared of Bioware creating a good pvp game? Yeah ...me neither. So face it. This game isnt about pvp balance. It isnt about PvE balance either. It is about story and if you dont like being roflstomped by a certain class, reroll and enjoy a different story or unsub the game.


There is no other solution. There wont be balance because ...well, they claim they have pvp pros at work and created Ilum. Do you need more proof? ;)


So stop whining about balance because no BW employee cares about it. They are busy capturing new lines in their studio for new "epic" story lines.




dont care about pvp? then why is the first major patch a pvp one?


they care about money and that means caring what players want otherwise this game will die

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I'm inclined to agree, though not for that precise reason.


Let's face it, much of SWTOR class abilities are a direct ripoff from WoW. There's a nice picture floating around that shows Sith Juggernaut and WoW warrior having identical abilities all along the line.


Problem is, WoW never had balanced PvP either. In fact I would say WoW is one of the worst balanced MMOs I've ever played. There's been glaring, GLARING class imbalances for YEARS. And there's been instances of overplayed, overrepresented, terribly overpowered classes getting BUFFS, while underplayed, underrepresented and generally weak classes got nerfs. That's one of the chief reasons I quit the garbage game back in the day. When rogue/mage/priest teams are 75% of 2400+ rated teams, and feral druids are 3.7%, yeah, let's nerf druids and buff rogues...that's classic Blizzard right there.


So honestly, how can you expect good balance in SWTOR when they've ripped off one of the worst balanced MMOs to date? You can't.


Then again, maybe a miracle will happen and they will hire someone who actually DOES PVP to look at class balance, instead of looking at metrics. But heck, even looking at metrics (as long as they look at actions-per-second as well as damage done, kills, deaths, etc.) they should be able to put two and two together. If a Marauder hitting 3829 buttons barely matches up to a Mercenary that hits 1 button every 1.5 seconds, it's not rocket surgery.


Wrong. Just plain wrong.


That picture of the SJ you are referring to is nothing like the WoW Warrior if you bothered to read it. It's a troll and you fell for it.


BTW there are many different PvP features that WoW has never implement, it is not an exact WoW clone.


I thing there is a little bit of unbalancing which is to be expected as an MMO but overall I am quite happy with PvP at the moment.

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I thing there is a little bit of unbalancing which is to be expected as an MMO but overall I am quite happy with PvP at the moment.


A little bit?


One class that kills you in 4.5 secs (tested). One class that literally spams one button to win. And one class that is overloaded with CC and utility. One class that plain sucks compared to the other 3 and is actually balanced if this was a good pvp game (except smash spam - that is plain stupid design and only viable because you have to burst to kill anything at all).


Yeah ... look at 4 classes and you will notice a slight unbalance. Interestingly though the unbalanced class is the underperforming one because this class doesnt seem in line with the rest of the classes.


Heck only 4 classes to balance and yet they dont manage. But this again somehow proves me that BW doesnt care about balance.

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I just think they overdid it with the knockbacks followed by snares and the chain crowd control, without diminishing returns, without it breaking because of the damage and most importantly, with a full resolve bar, opponents can still cc you and of course deal great amounts of damage (4 vs 1) and you just wait till you die because there is nothing more you can do. Edited by dark_lord_hades
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