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whats a good server to join?


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What is a good server to join?

My server appears dead and the people here kinda suck...

No one every wants to group or do anything...kinda bored here.


Looking to be primarily sith..but will have alts lol



where is everyone from? (server wise)

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It's really hard to say this early on. I keep thinking the server I am on for Republic is mainly sith because I never see anyone out! At most there are 30 people on a planet and maybe 100 on the fleet. However the sith server I am on is much busier... I would love to find a server that is Republic heavy but not sure if there is such a thing.


If you are looking for nicer people in my experience they roll on PVE servers where as more hardcore people are on PVP. General chat seems to be miles apart on the 2.

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also would like to know of a good republic heavy server, I currently have one on a PvP server and don't mind switching if I could find a server that has regular grouping and whatnot. Mine is dead throughout the day though its labeled very heavy, sith side has 200+ on the fleet at almost any given time.
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