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A lvl 50 bracket is $15.


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I don't care about "Wow was X...", "MMOS are like X..."


I'm the one who pays, and they've sold us a lot of hype.


This game feels like, as always, as a beta.



Bioware didn't even put online the high level character beta-test server they were going to.

Should you know why? they were fearing avalanches of "OP!, Ilum sucks!, ¿Open world PVP? hahaha".


I would keep playing (even in a beta state) if the game showed enough innovation to keep me stuck to the monitor all day. But it doesn't show more than we've seen in other older MMO's.

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Ok let me ask you this.


So far, the biggest issues in pve and pvp have not been resolved, instead only minor issues have.


What makes you think that they will be?


or better yet:


Why pay, when you can just wait till they fix them?





Sometimes a problem takes a little more time to fix then a minor bug fix patch, but im sure you armchair developers knew that /smirk

Edited by sixthousand
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I've been very disappointed in the pvp (lottery rewards aka champion bags/unbalanced system) and the customer service (every single bug report gets an automated response, even when my girlfriend had a bug that she couldn't get pve daily quests for four days). I'll probably try the raiding before deciding whether or not to continue subscribing, but I have to say that I feel quite cheated with the product after 4,5 years of waiting.



EDIT: And someone in the thread mentioned the bug fixes in numerous patches as a good thing. I think it would be if they'd fix important bugs, but instead there have been patches with only some raid boss fixing etc. Priorities are quite lacking.

Edited by ShadoWhite
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Lets talk about $$$



Here is what you all know. Bioware released an unfinished game, and gave you a free month.



So now its come time to actually pay for that new subscription.



Based on bioware's handling of pvp so far, do you think its worth the $15?.




So your saying for the price of an average lunch I can play this game for up to 724 hours each month?

Edited by Wiggletphyre
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WoW wasn't NEARLY as bugged or unfinished as this, don't even try to act like it was.


Funny part is, WoW was so unbalanced only half the classes were ever really viable for anything other than regular dungeon runs. WoW added battlegrounds around 5-6 months in and had even more game breaking exploits and glitches than ToR does now (wall climbing/jumping any one? Or one shotting ?)

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Yes, I do think it's worth it.


I've played a lot of MMOs over the years, and this is one of the most polished. It has it's flaws, but even with those flaws, it's still better than anything else around right now as far as MMO goes.

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Ok let me ask you this.


So far, the biggest issues in pve and pvp have not been resolved, instead only minor issues have.


What makes you think that they will be?


or better yet:


Why pay, when you can just wait till they fix them?


buddy if you paid any attention to forms you would of read that the bigger the problem the longer there going to take fixing it, so dont complain just know it takes time and be patient.

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Shouldn't you already be 50 if you've been playing for a month? or damn near... especially if you actually leveled instead of pvping. And if you're already lvl 50 and complaining about a lvl 50 bracket obviously warzones just aren't for you. Next you'll say there should be a valor rank 50+ bracket since those people all have full sets of pvp gear and the grind to battlemaster is too hard for casuals.


I'm not saying that the warzones are fine. they have their issues but I'll take quick queues at all levels, low and high, over separate brackets and doubling or tripling my queue times at lvl 50.


Maybe they can separate them in a couple months or when cross server/rated WZs come along but doing so before then just makes it harder to pvp at max level.

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WoW wasn't NEARLY as bugged or unfinished as this, don't even try to act like it was.


Wow on release had so many issues and not nearly as much content. MC was bugged to all hell. There were no pvp objectives what so ever. DR wasn't working and mages could CC you for hours on end if they wanted to. There were so many problems with bugged quests and spawns along with over powered classes (rogues then warriors anyone?).


This game is 10x more polished than WoW on release.

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Worst pvp i have ever played, and i play over 7 MMOs in 12 Years


Its like a Beta to me. You cant have a Balance in a Game when a Level 20 Charakter with Green Gear Kills a Level 50 Charakter


The Story part is great but after that its just boring.

So to summarize you're bad and get ganked by level 20s in green gear so you're cancelling subscription.


Am I getting this right?

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Don't pay the money, stop playing and check back in a couple of months to see if it's any better. If the answer is no then don't play, don't pay. Nobody is forcing you to pay or to play..


I really don't understand a lot of people claiming that "they are stealing your money". (not neccesarily talkign about any of you) Last time i checked a Bioware employee wasnt standing behind you with a gun to your head saying "PAY IT NOW!"


If you think it's NOT worth the investment then you should not be playing, crying about the money isnt helping anyone. Its not like they will take away the p2p a month after the release.


When i don't like a game (WoW) I stop playing said game. I don't go on the forums whining about the measly 15 bucks ive been paying every month.. Now im sorry if you live in some country where your pay is horrid, but dang, other then that i really dont think this is helping Bioware improve the game in any way. Looks like a simple troll thread tbh.


Edit: Oh and if im not mistaken isnt the free month ending the 20th? And the 50 bracket is coming out the 17th so :) You get 3 days with the 50 bracket :D



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