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Please fix the Marauder combat animations!


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All of my combat animations stagger and stutter and reset - ALL THE TIME!




I just want that when I press an ability, it works. Not start to work, chicken dance, and then not go, or maybe go off eventually.



It makes me rage like a true Sith. If that was your underlying intent developers while playing the Marauder, you nailed it.




Please fix this ASAP.

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I play a Sorcerer/Vanguard in addition to my Sentinel and the ability delay seems to affect Marauders/Sentinels far more than any other class, most likely because of how many instant casts we utilize (especially as Watchman/Annihilation). It's gotten to the point where I'm surprised when a skill actually doesn't get delayed. Edited by Exertim
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I play a Sorcerer/Vanguard in addition to my Sentinel and the ability delay seems to affect Marauders/Sentinels far more than any other class, most likely because of how many instant casts we utilize (especially as Watchman/Annihilation). It's gotten to the point where I'm surprised when a skill actually doesn't get delayed.


Yeah ive found aswell sometimes abilities dont fire at all. No reason for it no error message or anything, the anim just starts... then stops, no rage used/gained. Press the button again and... rinse repeat. Though running around or if its a melee mob away from it seems to cure it. may be a map glitch

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Tips for ravage animation bugs:


1. do not spam ravage in midair while force charging


2. if ravage animation is bugging, use another ability


Other points, the game is extremely animation dependent right now. It does not work like WoW does with instants, cast bars and the global cooldown. Supposedly marauder and sentinel animations are being looked into so that our AC can be smoother.

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I completly agree the combat animations are horrible, and it effects marauder much more the any other class, to the point where it is basicly our biggest handicap, we lose SOOO much dps to having to activate skills twice, or animation taking twice the time it should, or ravage bugging out, or the ability resetting and activating Global cooldown.


This does need to be fixed, and asap, they said they were rolling out fixes that would effect this greatly, but i've yet to see any diffrence.. 1.1 better make a diffrence...

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