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Post something you like about SWTOR


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i can be a murderous BAMF, and do it with a smile. Khem Val (who I call Val Kilmer) loves me. I like the graphics. Voice acting is cool and some of the player responses are cool (though I think Dragon Age 2 has funnier responses).
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I've been thinking about this for a week now, and the more I noticed, the more complicated the response to this appeal seemed to become. Naturally, something will be left out.


1. What's amazed me are the NPC's facial expressions (including subtle eye movements) and gestures. Include in this the occassional sarcastic remarks, and jokes.


2. The combat animation. Remarkably well done.


3. The various storylines. I'm running eight toons, so I'm following most of them. Very well written and thought out. Very engaging.


4. The immersion. I'm in the world, and it's fabulous. I get so absorbed in it, even my dog is feeling a bit left out.


5. Datacrons are beginning to be one of my favorite objects. A game within a game. Unique, and well-executed by the devs. Five stars for this.


6. The layers of movements you have to make to transverse from world to world. I like this because, though it only takes minutes, it does lend a sense of dimension. The neighboring world isn't just a walk up the lane. It does take some doing to get there.


7. Flashpoints are challenging, rewarding and engaging. Five stars for this, too. And, no, I don't need a dungeon finder. People wanting dungeon finders should try one of the half dozen games out there that use them. I like to travel to get there. There...it isn't a constant "here."


8. Geography, geology and landscape. I love it. Nar Shaddaa is stunning. Whoever designed that visually is my hero. Unbelievable. That's what I show my friends when they want to take a look at the game. It's truly a jawdropper.


9. The companion affection system. It's especially challenging when your companion doesn't agree with you. You can't please everybody, so just please yourself? We'll see how that works out. This innovation was very creative, and energizing to see.


10. Modifiable armor and weapons. Lots of games have tried. Lots of games have failed. This one promises to be a winner.


I'll leave the list at ten. Not to say, there aren't more. tl;dr is epidemic in our culture these days. Also, it's wise to take into consideration the devs will be refining all of these features and more as the months turn to years....did I mention crafting??? Don't get me started.




Good post. :)

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The negativity on this forum has began to get with me, what with people not knowing how to not like things without forcing there opinion on everyone else. So, my question to you is: What is one great feature you love so far about SWTOR


Mine, personally, are the story driven instances. I feel much more motivated to do an instance when I know what im killing and why im killing it/not killing it.


^^^ This ^^^^


Plus shooting lightning out of my fingers

Plus turning ******** into my "apprentice".... ;). (edited to avoid possible spoiler)


There's a lot of other stuff I like, but it basically just boils down to I am enjoying the game and look forward to the time i have available to play

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I like the combat of the Bounty Hunter. It's not all Instant or channeled attacks. My rockets take a sec to fire off, and another sec to hit. The animation of Electro Darts stun effect is unique (i think). Death From Above has a cool animation. The triple heatseeker missles is kinda cool as well.


It's different than the button smashing, everything kinda just looks the same combat of some other games I played. SWG was just plain, smash all the buttons and collect 8 rows of buffs. WoW was like, glowy magic shoots out of my hands, or swing a melee weapon in a generic animation.

Edited by Kourage
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